Chronicles of Nolenor Play Report #16 - Damned Ghouls!

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Chronicles of Nolenor Play Report #16 - Damned Ghouls!

Post by merias »

Original post here: ... ned-ghouls

Real date: 7/7/18 In-game date: October 24th, EY632


Ambrose (Hero – Fighter L4)
Zort (Vicar – Cleric L4)
Roger (Wanderer – Warden L3)


Vol (porter)
Sundarr (porter)
Kell (meatshield) - RIP


Kilmox (Veteran – Fighter L1 – Zort’s retainer) - RIP

Upon returning to Frostmark, Ambrose and Zort made a visit to the Temple of Soldra with Imric's body in tow. Father Sunamel was only too happy to assist, for a suitably large donation. 1,200gp later, Imric was revived but was feeling under the weather, so he decided to stay in town and rest for a few weeks while his companions readied themselves for the next adventure. After some discussion they decided to head back to the Chaotic Caves, so Ambrose, Roger and Zort procured seven light horses, a mule, and six javelins (those last to be handed out to the hirelings). Ambrose paid Ajax a visit and convinced a warrior named Kell to join the expedition.

A few days later the party headed out to the caves. The two-day journey north and west was uneventful, if a bit cold. After scouting the caves they decided to investigate an open area to the south, where they could see a raised stone patio, leading through large archway and then into the depths of the hill. The party cautiously approached, led by Roger. They climbed onto the patio and could see scattered broken rock and bones. Vol and Sundarr lit torches, and they cautiously entered what they could now see was a long, pillared hall. The floor here was also littered with bones, some human.

Almost immediately the party was beset upon by a horde of undead - a dozen skeletons and 3 ghouls, who emerged from alcoves in the walls. Roger fired his bow and fled back to the group, and Zort stepped forward, presenting his holy symbol. Two ghouls fled from the power of Odin away into the darkness, and five skeletons crumbled to dust. The one remaining ghoul clawed at Zort, who felt his limbs stiffen as he toppled over, helplessly paralyzed! Seven skeletons advanced on the rest of the party, and in the ensuing battle all seven were destroyed, but the price was high. Kilmox, Zell and Roger were run through by skeleton swords - the hirelings were dead, and Roger barely clung to life (Ref. note - Roger went to -4 HP and made his CON save versus death). Ambrose saved Zort from certain death as the one remaining ghoul tried to feast on Zort's paralyzed form. Only the two porters, who had hung back from the melee, were unscathed. With two dead and three wounded, the party decided it was best to return to town. They placed the hirelings' bodies on the mule and headed back to Frostmark, with not a single gold coin to show for their trouble.

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