Wickersham, Chapter 1

Jcftao's Whitebox Campaign
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Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by jcftao »


Two years after God Fall and people are just starting to dig themselves out of the rubble. Long, difficult winters have passed, but this year's crop has finally come in, better than the last. Every village and town has had to fend for themselves during this time of survival. If starvation and cold hasn't done many in, the evil lurking in the night has.

This is a time for heroes. Most of the old heroes have fallen fighting the evil that came out of the darkness during the first days of God Fall. You are all that is left to stand between the darkness and humanity. Others may stand with you, many races, even some that at one time might have been your enemy. These are difficult times indeed.
May the gods be merciful.

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Re: Wickersham

Post by jcftao »

Wickersham, 14th of February, 2nd year after God Fall

The crumbling outer city walls of the once large town of Wickersham stand solemn in the early February morning light. A handful of shepherds lead a small flock of sheep out beyond the walls to the graze in the pasture. No guards garrison the city towers or patrol the curtain. Gaps run along the walls telling of the great force that rocked the land. Little sign of repair is evident. The winters have been harsh--brutal cold, starvation, disease, wolves, and far greater evils have all preyed upon the town. What once was a thriving town is now barely clinging to life.

Sir Miles Wickersham has called the town leaders to the great hall of the keep to discuss affairs of the town. Since the night of God Fall, Sir Miles has defended the town with every ounce of his being. Like many of the citizens, he lost much of his family. His father, Sir Hugh, was crushed during the great quakes that followed. The struggle continues even now. Daily survival is the struggle with which all of us toil.

Today is Sunday, February 14th, what will you do today?

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Fredrick heads for the nearest tavern/inn.

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by jcftao »

The young monk Fredrick, realizes that since God Fall, things are certainly different. Wickersham no longer has an inn since no one travels to the town any more. The tavern is more of a re-purposed meeting hall where the townsfolk can gather to exchange information and share a meal.

Fredrick weaves his way through the outer gates of the city. The walls are collapsed in many places and the buildings within are in no better shape. He walks through a few desolate city streets, passing the open green space that once held the market. Sheep are kept here at night time.

The inner wall that surrounds the keep has been repaired and provides a better fortification.

At the gate of the inner wall, Fredrick meets a middle aged man. It is Worley, the tanner.
Good morning, young brother! I guess you had heard that Sir Miles will be meeting with some of the townsfolk today? I don't know what to think of it, but it bodes ill to me. Nothing has been for good since Pallandria was struck down.

i'm heading to the meeting hall, care to walk with me?

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Fredrick says "Yes I'll walk with you, but tell me what you think Sir Miles will be discussing with the townsfolk." Fredrick is also curios as to if he will be able to bring his spear in the hall with him.

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by jcftao »


Worley the Tanner walks with the young monk. He chuckles, Why certainly, you may bring your spear into the meeting hall. Even within these town walls we need to be prepared to defend ourselves. Don't you remember how that wolf made his den in the rubble of one of the towers? He thought he had the pick of all the young lambs...that is until Martin killed him with his longbow.

I think that our young lord, Sir Miles, will discuss the town defenses. But to me, the biggest problem is this...we have too few townsfolk! Our fields lie fallow for lack of enough farmhands. Our town walls need repair, and the land surrounding our town needs to be patrolled. Last count, we had about 300 townsfolk, not counting the young ones. This town was more than three thousand before God Fall!

The man walks along in silent thought for a little while and you pass through the inner gate and enter a section of the town near the keep. The walls in this area have been patched and rebuilt, not a good job, but sufficient to keep out unorganized threats.

Ah! Here we are! The town hall. I know it is not supper time, but do you suppose Erlene will have some herb tea brewing?

You see the town hall before you. It is a stone building with a thatched roof. Several townsfolk are filling into it, removing their hats as they enter. You hear the talk of men from inside. The voices sound calm...for the moment. What will you do?

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by greyarea »

Milton the Rana toddles into Wickersham. He overhears the directions and heads to the town hall.

He enters the building and doffs his tricorn, If I may be so bold, if the problem is too few people, perhaps we need to find more to fill this fine town. I kid of course.

I once heard of a town not unlike this one that was beset by marauders who hired seven adventurers to defend her. Five of the seven fell but the defenses were stout and the town survived. They did this by rethinking the defense of the town -- bringing in those who were too far afield and forcing those who would invade to specific choke points. Perhaps we need to rethink this town in its entirety if it is to survive.

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by jcftao »


Sir Miles Wickersham looks up at Milton the Rana and grins, You think it is a jest you make, my friend. But you are correct in what you say! We do need more able bodied men in this town. We've been lucky so far, but the defense of these town walls is too great a task for our small numbers. My father built this castle and was killed during the time of God Fall. This town will never fall while I have the strength to raise my sword arm!

Sir MIles looks towards the other men in the hall,

The days have been dark indeed, but we that survived, have banded together. All of you have made great sacrifices. Our fields are finally growing again. We have the crops, but we need more manpower to harvest when the time comes. Wickersham will grow strong again if we can rally round it!

I have consulted with the town elders and Erlander, our trusted wizard and with their consul, I have decided to send a company of men to the four winds. Each group will be led by volunteers from our town, men that have proven their valor and loyalty to Wickersham.

That is why I have called this meeting...who among you will represent Wickersham?

Outside the meeting hall, a light rain begins to fall.

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Fredrick steps forward
How many men would you send Sir Miles? With such small numbers we should not leave this town defenseless. I am not a resident of Wickersham but I will be honored to help its people.

Fredrick looks around the room to see how many people actually appear to be capable of this task... and how many look ready to join.

Also is the tea ready?

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Re: Wickersham, Chapter 1

Post by greyarea »

Milton raises his webbed hand and says, I shall represent you too!

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