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Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:03 am
by jcftao
Otis and Erwin rush the door and see a lone hobgoblin guard stading in a long room. The room is divided by an iron gate. Fungo can be seen lying in the straw beyond the bars.

The guard holds up his hands, "Whoa! Hold on's your chum...he's been treated fair, take the key."

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:18 am
by greyarea
Fungo tries his level best to present himself such as to show how he hasn’t been treated fair enough. He’d augment that verbally but he’s got a sock in it, to phrase a coin.

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:10 pm
by merias
jcftao wrote:
Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:03 am
Otis and Erwin rush the door and see a lone hobgoblin guard stading in a long room. The room is divided by an iron gate. Fungo can be seen lying in the straw beyond the bars.

The guard holds up his hands, "Whoa! Hold on's your chum...he's been treated fair, take the key."
Erwin gives the guard a scowl, pointing his spear in the guard's direction. "This is how it's going to work. You unlock the door, free our friend, and hand him the key and your weapon, with an apology. Then step into the jail cell."

If Erwin sees any indication the guard is reaching for his weapon, he'll skewer him.

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:55 pm
by badams30
Otis - Fighter

Otis looks for something to tie up the guard with, plus a gag so he can't shout. Otis gives him the stink eye and says "I'm gonna let you live so long as you don't try nothin'." Once we can secure and gag this guard, Otis will bring the dead guard down here as well so he's out of the way. If there's no way to gag him, Otis will bean him on the head and knock him out with no advance warning.

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:12 pm
by jcftao
The jailor moves to open the cell door with his key, "I'm obliged that you aren't going to murder me like poor ol' Gil. Me missus will be happy to see me come home after my watch is over."

Fungo sees Carondolet enter the cell. He takes the gag and shackles off the hobbit, stands him up and pats him on the head, "There, there, little fellow. See? He ain't harmed at all. You go on now to your friends. I'm sure all that business about trying to murder the king and queen was all some misunderstanding..."

Carondolet hands the key to the hobbit and starts putting the shackles on his arms.


Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:52 am
by greyarea
Fungo is surprised, asking, Is it death day already? Time flies... until he sees that he is being freed.

A smile creeps across his battered face, his crusty lip re-splitting from the movement. The blood trickles down his chin as he trades places with the jailor. He takes the keys and says, Ah, Carrot-dolt, you should have taken my friendship when it was offered. No matter, I am a hobbit of forgiveness and offer only friendship... he locks the shackles... and as friend to you I hope that you are not too badly abused by the monarchy of this place on finding their entertainment for the morning gone like a thief in the night... he spins the keys around his finger after the lock is set... and to that end I will graciously give you a gift of a beating not unlike that which you gifted me, so that they do not discover your cowardliness in giving me up without a fight... he picks up the baton that the guard so ruthlessly used on him... so... any requests before I get to work?

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:07 am
by jcftao
The hobgoblin accepts his fate, "Perhaps just a light trouncing about the head and shoulders? Turnabouts fair play, I suppose...oh and maybe a black eye and a kick in the ribs for good measure, aye?"

"I'll try not to cry out...but you never can tell. That gag may be necessary, but seems like time may be of the essence with your friends and all and trying to get away...but what do I know? I'm just Carondolet, the jailor. Very well, then, little hobbit, do what needs doing."

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:23 am
by greyarea
The hobbit gags the hobgoblin and sets to work. He hasn't much experience with this, certainly not as much as his jailor. It is obvious in his work: his blow to the ribs is low, and both eyes are left blackened, but he ends the pummeling with a, ...and because we're friends, I will avoid the truly debilitating stuff. Just remember me should we meet again, I was the one who showed kindness. And then whacks him hard to knock out the hobgoblin if he can muster the strength.

When he is finished, he turns to the his rescuers and says, Thanks for the rescue. And for waiting so patiently for me to conclude my business here. As my Uncle Zappo used to say, "Do unto others as they just done unto you, so's they don't do that no more and you can go back to being nice." Now, where to?

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:16 am
by badams30
Otis - Fighter

Otis shrugs his shoulders and says quietly to Erwin "While he's uh... tending to that guy, I'm going to bring the other guard down here too. We need to be movin' along, I'm afraid we're gonna git caught."

Otis will quietly as possible bring the other guard down and stow him out of sight (if possible) in the cell, or prop him up in a chair or something. Then he'll make sure the surviving guard is gagged before we depart. Then he intends to make for Katherine, covering her up and making tracks out of here as fast as possible.

Re: Chapter7 ~ Escape from the Keep

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:29 am
by herself
Ooc: you lot are doing a bang-up job rescuing yourselves!! By the time we outdoor folk get ourselves organised I suspect you’ll be free!