Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by connivingsumo »

Oh, and I've heaped countless 'bones' on you over the years, so please - please - feel free to toss me a skellie-meme if I'm lagging behind! :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen:

I don't want to be the bottleneck. :?

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by badams30 »

connivingsumo wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:31 am
Oh, and I've heaped countless 'bones' on you over the years, so please - please - feel free to toss me a skellie-meme if I'm lagging behind! :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen:

I don't want to be the bottleneck. :?
I'm just messing with you. I'm the absolute worst and stalling and falling...

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by badams30 »

Sigfried nods in approval. "Thank you. It's been a while since these men obtained the orb, so it's quite possible that they aren't even at the ruins, but it's the only thing we have to go on. I've sketched a little map for you, Theo is familiar with the woods, but not so much to the east, but his navigation skills are second to none, so he can get you there." The wizard places a hastily scribbled map on the table in front of you.


Pointing at the little house "Moosburg. If you head generally east, through the fields and grassland, you'll run into the low hills adjacent to the Grunewald (he points to the large forest to the east) about one day out, if you skirt the edge of the hills and the Grunewald, you'll find the old logging camp, it's a good place to stop, and should be empty." (Points to the first triangle in the middle of the map.)

He taps the X at the upper right corner of the map, and briefly at the small triangle just beneath it. "Here's the temple. Or whatever is left of it. And just south of the temple is the old Rammelsburg mine. It's been closed for a long time, and I was there probably 20 years ago, and the mine is in the side of a hill, with the old mining village long gone and overgrown. You might be able to camp there and should be able to safely observe the ruins if you are discreet."

He rolls up the map and hands it to Albrecht. "I don't know who or what you'll run into out there, I think it's quite likely these men have moved along. But as you get closer to the ruins and away from the forest, exercise caution, as the lands just beyond are quite wild and seldom travelled, so there could be anything there.

Sigfried motions to his assistant, who brings a scroll tube, handing it to Zapolas, and an armful of 4 folded thick green cloaks, which he hands to each party member.

To Zapolas "I don't keep many scrolls on hand, just don't have a need for them. But you'll find in here a scroll with some invisibility spells on it, enough for each of you, and a web spell, I had this handy and thought if you get in a pinch it might be useful. If you don't use these, I'd like them back, please." And motioning to the cloaks, "Theo is familiar with these, but they are Jagermantle, hunting cloaks. They aren't magical, but these are quite valuable and only found around here. Put these on and they are very good at blending in with the local vegetation if you remain still. I've borrowed these from some of the locals, who were happy to help. Please return them when you come back."

Unless you have anything else to attend to, you are free to depart whenever. Sigfried can also answer questions as needed.

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by connivingsumo »

Zapolas thanks Sigfried for the scrolls and the cloak, then - with a large grin - eagerly adorns himself in the cloak!

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by kipper »

Kane grunts and snatches the proffered cloak, grumbling something half-unintelligible about a cheap bastard paying in rags instead of gold.

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by tumblingdice »

Albrecht accepts the map and the cloak, then tries it on for size, and to see how he looks. Or doesn't look, rather.

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by badams30 »

Sigfried chuckles at Zapolas and Kane's respective antics, and nods at Albrecht. You find the cloaks to be quite comfy, and well-constructed. Once you try these outside, you are amazed at how well the blend in with the local fauna, and when you are totally still, it would be very hard to spot the wearer from more than a few feet away.

Theo nods in approval and says "My folks have made some bread and given me a sack of some salted cured meat, once we get near this place we'll probably want to keep a cold camp until we learn if anyone is present. I've got a large tarp that will be useful to keep us both concealed and to keep dry underneath as well. I've only been that far East on a couple occasions, and never in that particular area, but I do know there are more than enough trees, shrubs and rocks to give us more than adequate concealment. If we depart today we should be able to make the old logging camp by dusk."

Sigfried rises and says "Good luck! And do be careful. We're not sure who or what we're dealing with here."

If you have anything else to attend to you can, if I don't see any posts by tonight I'll keep moving this along (and if we need to retroactively obtain some stuff, we can do that, no problem.)

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by connivingsumo »

Other than preparing for the journey, Zapolas has no other business to attend to prior to departure.

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by tumblingdice »

Albrech will return to the town chapel (I believe it was non-denominational) to offer a few prayers before departing.

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Re: Chapter 2: On the trail of orbs, bad guys and adventure

Post by kipper »

Kane is ready to depart.

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