Campaign Info, Background

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Campaign Info, Background

Post by badams30 »

A very brief history of Southwest Argyrion:

The Southwest region of Argyrion was once a lynchpin of power in a war that has since fallen into legend. Mighty forces from across the sea made their landings off the coast and intended to fortify and strike at the lands and countries beyond. They believed if they managed to gain a foothold and stage their massive armies, they would be unstoppable. An alliance was formed with kingdoms all over Argyrion and in a conflict that lasted nearly a decade, they were able to prevent the full-scale invasion and push the invading forces back across the sea from whence they came.

With the war over 200 years in the past, it's been relegated to tales, legends and song. But the war changed the region and one doesn't have to look far (or dig deep) to find evidence of the conflict or the brighter past of the area.

Prior to the war, the region was booming with trade and commerce, with ships and caravans coming and going, carrying expensive cargos abroad and bringing riches and exotic goods back. While the war cemented the hardy will and attitude of the populace, the devastation and changes brought about by the war drastically altered the area. The kingdoms of most of Argyrion splintered into smaller allied territories governed by wealthy friends of the king, and in some cases - less savory sorts who struck backroom deals with the king long ago for support during the war. The wide-reaching commerce is all but gone from the area, although there are plenty of goods flowing out of the area, it's a trickle compared to the past.

But while the area is a shadow of its former glory, the population are by and large good, honest folk, and between the ruins of the war and the remnants of the past glory of Argyrion remain hidden, ripe for exploration and plunder. And where there are riches, there are sure to by monsters, bad guys and would-be despots looking to take advantage of the relative power vacuum. While this region isn't a lawless area overrun with monsters and other vermin, it has its share of isolated conflict of the good vs evil sort. Nothing serious enough to draw attention of the King or others, but perhaps that's part of a bigger plan?

The region as it stands doesn't have a central power figure aside from the King. Each village, town and city manages their own affairs and have their own type of government, although most of these are petty in nature, and always fall in line to the king and his emissaries when the time comes. Most people generally resent the King for his lack of attention to the area, but they also grudgingly admit that this lack of oversight tends to leave them with a bit more coin in their purses and more autonomy than their fellow citizens closer to the capital. So goes life in Argyrion.

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Re: Campaign Info, Background

Post by badams30 »

The Moosburg Barony and Area: Your Starting Point Several days west of Dorale, to the far left edge of the map

Your party has journeyed many miles from the civilized part of the kingdom in search of adventure and opportunity without the greedy hands of the king's tax collectors watching your every move. You've heard of the riches of the old kingdom and the unfound spoils of the war, and the treasures and tombs of important heroes of old, just waiting for you.

It seems you've walked for weeks, finally making it to the picturesque Moosburg Barony (actually it's no longer officially a barony, with the baron being deceased for almost 100 years, but the name sticks, and people still call it the barony.). The area is hilly, mountainous, heavily forested, rich with wildlife, and teeming with minerals and timber. (Think of the Obersalzberg area of Germany/Austria). It's a beautiful area that has all the seasons of the year, with the summers being quite mild and brief.

Being just far enough from most of the cities of West Argyrion proper, Moosburg is a sleepy area by all standards, and because of this its population has shrunk quite precipitously since the war. Spared from the destruction of the conflict, the area did lose many of its young men, and in never really recovered from this loss. Numerous abandoned houses and farm homesteads dot the countryside, and despite the beauty, the area has a sad, lonely undertone to it. But you've been told by many others that this is a great place to start your search for adventure and wealth, after all, in an area so peaceful and beautiful, what could possibly happen?

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Re: Campaign Info, Background

Post by badams30 »

Starting information:

Your group has been in Moosburg for a day. It's a beautiful town in the shadow of huge forests and imposing snow covered mountains, bisected by a narrow by fast moving river teeming with trout. It's a small town (MAP TO FOLLOW) with a couple dozen timber framed houses, mostly single story. There are only a couple notable structures in town. They are:

Gasthaus Moosburg: A very fortified looking inn with a perimeter wall, stable and a two story structure with only a few windows and an odd 3 story tower jutting from the left side. The proprietor, Rudi (a barrel chested middle aged man with greying hair and a close cropped beard) is friendly and helpful, but exudes a "don't try me" vibe. The inn is tended to by his son and two daughters, all blond, blue eyed and very friendly but hard working.

The Burgomeister's Manor: A modest two story stone and timber home that is just slightly nicer than the surrounding homes. A hand carved sign at the front gate says in gilded letters "Burgomeister Hohenstauffen; Visitors by appointment ONLY"

Ruined Temple: About a quarter mile outside the main town center and at the edge of the woods is a ruined temple. At one time it was clearly the biggest and most impressive structure in the town, but it is crumbling, with two side walls partially collapsed and the upper stories a jumble of wreckage of timbers, stones and roof tiles. Despite the sorry state of the building, the large double doors at the front are in good repair and have a large chain through the pulls with a keyed lock and a faded sign that says "KEEP OUT BY ORDER OF THE BURGOMEISTER. NO EXCEPTIONS".

Outfitter/General Store: A large timber framed two story warehouse looking structure with a simple sign that has a painted mountain on it, surrounded by forests (clearly mimicking the area around) with the words "Zedernwald Outfitters and Trade Goods" beneath.

Other buildings: A tailor/tanner; a butcher; a small mill with a proportionally small waterwheel at the edge of town by the swiftly moving river; and a small barn and kiosk blacksmith shop.

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