B1.1 - Beginnings

Exploring the elder, esoteric Lands and Environs of the D&D Wilderness. When we have time.

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by greyarea »

Tor sips his ale. What’s the problem out in the orchards? Just a bad year? Something else?

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by badams30 »

Bert - Priest

Bert listens intently to Tor's conversation with the barkeep. He spends a few moments saying a brief blessing over the food and drink, and then he quickly slurps down a mug full of ale before rapidly refilling it. He lets out a satisfied "AHHHHHHHH" as he polishes off the first mug.

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by tumblingdice »

Just a blight, is all, mutters the barkeep in reply to Tor's question. Happens sometimes. Some years are better than others.

One of the men in the tavern, his skin hard and tan from years of hard labor, snorts. You're wrong, Bennet, he rasps, and you know it. This ain't no blight. It's Cassia's Curse, I tell you! She's come to take what's hers, all our starving souls be damned!

Trebbelos' eyes go wide with wonder at the mention of Cassia's Curse, and he stops his chores to listen. Bennet quickly takes him to task. Back to the kitchen with you, boy! he hollers. He then turns on the old man. You be uttering that name in here again, he hisses, and I'll throw you out of my tavern for good! There ain't no such thing as...that curse. Just a load of superstitious nonsense.

Bennet takes his place behind the bar once again, and appears to be wiping down tankards that are already dry. The tavern patrons resume their indistinct chatter.


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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by greyarea »

Tor grabs an empty flagon and fills it from the pitcher at the party’s table. He then bring it (and his own cup) to the old man. He sits down across from him, offering the drink and whispers, What of this curse with no name?

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by badams30 »

Bert - Priest, Ale Sipping Good Guy

At the mention of the word "curse" Bert perks up. Shifting his gaze across his companions he says "This sounds serious." He clutches his holy symbol and says "The Allfather compels me to see what this is about and to help these suffering souls... uh, after a couple more mugs of this fine, fine ale, that is."

Seeing Tor heading over to the man's table he tops off his mug and quickly rises to join Tor, casting a questioning glance toward his companions and saying in a low voice "I don't know if it's wise to hold this conversation in here, lest we irritate our host..." Nonetheless he joins Tor and quickly says to the man, quietly: "Blessings to you, good sir. I am Father Bert, I too am interested in this curse you speak of, if you don't mind filling me in, that is."

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by connivingsumo »

tumblingdice wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:52 pm
He then turns on the old man. You be uttering that name in here again, he hisses, and I'll throw you out of my tavern for good! There ain't no such thing as...that curse. Just a load of superstitious nonsense.
Slip leans over slightly toward Fauk and whispers very quietly, "This mate is a bit of a wanker." her mouth hidden behind her lifted mug of ale that she then sips slowly.
badams30 wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:20 pm
Bert - Priest, Ale Sipping Good Guy
"I don't know if it's wise to hold this conversation in here, lest we irritate our host..."
Before Bert leaves the table, "Agreed, perhaps there's a temple here we can invite the old man to for more information? A safe place for a conversation, at least."

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by jcftao »

Fauk shrugs and replies to Slip, "Seems he's a bit sensitive about mentioning 'curses"!"

"Tis probably a witch that needs her head off. That usually restores peace and harmony among the village folk. Maybe our friends can talk him into handing over some coin to settle things down around here?"

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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by tumblingdice »

The old man receives Tor and Bert at his table, along with the ale put in front of him. In a low voice, he begins:

Name's Ulfius. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. The...curse which we don't name...goes back to the days of Brendan the Bold, the first proper king of Yarrik. For centuries we were under the thumb of the Atruscans, that blasted infernal empire to the south, and their consul Tiberion.

The old man takes a pull from his tankard, then continues. Brendan was a proper Galunden, same as you and me, but his lover, Cas--, well, let's just call her his lover, she was something different entirely. A faerie. A spirit of nature. An elf. But it was their union that helped unite our country, the lands of elves and men. For a time.

But of course other creatures roam these lands, as well, Ulfius concedes. Some call them orcs. Some call them goblins or hobgoblins. Beastmen, in any case. Enemies of man, but still native to our country. With us to this day, still, curse their furry hides. The old man spits on the floor at the mention of the beastmen. Bennet looks up from behind the bar and scowls, but says nothing.

Now, if you think back to your history, the Atruscan empire fell from within. Its people got soft and lazy, their leaders corrupt and wicked, their high priests in league with demons and devils. One by one the people of the lands they had conquered rose up in revolt. As did we, under the banner of Brendan the Bold. Between the men of Yarrik and the elves of Cas--er, his lover, they fielded an army almost big enough to drive out Tiberion and the Atruscan forces once and for all. Almost.

Brendan realized that without the strength of the beastmen, he couldn't hope to defeat the Atruscans. So he made a pact with them. If they would fight alongside him, then men would forever let them live here in our lands in peace. It was a strange bargain. But so wicked were the Atruscans, men though they were, that Brendan thought it better to side with beasts than to live another day under Pax Etruscana.

Uflius motions for Tor to refill his tankard, as Bennet disappears into the kitchen. Trebbelos, giving up all pretense of work, pulls up a chair and sits down at the table to listen to the old man's tale. And it worked. Brendan's men, alongside the elves, and the beastmen of the wilds, in uneasy union, defeated Tiberion and drove out the Atruscans. But the celebrations were short lived. Soon after, a quarrel broke out between the elves and the orcs. Cassia's niece Orva was slain. Cassia was furious, and she blamed Brendan. How foolish she had been to put her trust in men, to fall in love with a...human, one who would make such a foolish bargain with the beastmen, one that went against the natural order of things.

As the elves retreated into their forests, never to deal with the likes of men again, Cassia looked to the night sky. Whenever the moon, the stars, the heavens, appeared as they did in that moment, she vowed, she would bring down a curse upon the men of Yarrik. The fruits of their lands, the labors of their hands, and the beasts they tended, would wither, die, and rot. And men would suffer and starve.

The old man gives a wry smile, then raises his tankard of ale. To the stars, gentlemen. It appears they've come around again. The old man takes a pull, then sets down his drink. Did you know that Orva means apple in the elven tongue? This, I'm afraid, is just the beginning.

Uflius, asks, his tone oddly nonchalant. Enough of all that. What brings you to town?


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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by tumblingdice »

As Ulfius' story sinks in, Trebbelos the serving boy takes advantage of his master's absence. Glancing around to see if anyone is watching, he lifts his hand, palm inward toward the heart, four fingers extended with the ring finger bent to the palm held by the thumb. The Compass Customary Hand Gesture!


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Re: B1.1 - Beginnings

Post by connivingsumo »

tumblingdice wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:05 pm
As Ulfius' story sinks in, Trebbelos the serving boy takes advantage of his master's absence. Glancing around to see if anyone is watching, he lifts his hand, palm inward toward the heart, four fingers extended with the ring finger bent to the palm held by the thumb. The Compass Customary Hand Gesture!
At first, Slip doesn't notice, but then her brain catches up to her eyes and she does a double-take! Glancing around to see if anyone else noticed, she responds with the appropriate hand gesture. "Serving Boy, bring me another ale and sit here while I ask questions about the locale, would you?"

Scout, Tinkerer, and Cartographer
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Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
When possible, Slip will always try to retrieve previously fired arrows.

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