Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by Magremore »

While the conversation goes on, Dahl searches the other three acolytes. Briefly looking up during the course of his rummaging, he chimes in, “I say we take this Van on as one of our company. Having someone who swears a life-debt to us can’t be all bad. He seems an honorable enough sort—though perhaps my thought is colored by the guilt I feel for having attacked these fellows without true provocation.”

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

“I say we take this Van on as one of our company. Having someone who swears a life-debt to us can’t be all bad. He seems an honorable enough sort—though perhaps my thought is colored by the guilt I feel for having attacked these fellows without true provocation.”
Van replies "Don't trouble your mind over attacking them. They had it coming. As I said, I owe you my life. I am angry over their falsehoods and I suspect they are up to no good. I will follow you if you will let me. If not, I will depart and wish you luck."
Van turns his head and spits on the ground.

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by jcftao »

Memphisto looks warily at the newcomer. "Prove your loyalty to our group and you will be considered a friend and given a share of the treasure...prove otherwise and know I have more spells readily at hand."

"My first question to you, good sir, is what would you do with our captives?"

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

Van shrugs.
"Tie them up and leave them here. Now that I've calmed down a bit, these poor bastards may have just been mislead like me. Maybe they'll wake up and realize what idiots they've been. I'm interested in the head, the one who started all this mischief."

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by kwll »

"Yes that's the kind of things I want to hear, warrior!" approves Lisglen. "You will have to stop spitting that way, though, if you want your company to be agreeable to us."
Lisglen lvl 2 Human Cleric HP 7/10 XP 2860/3000

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

"You will have to stop spitting that way, though, if you want your company to be agreeable to us."
Van smirks and says, Sorry, friend, but life's left a foul taste in my mouth and I keep trying to get it out. I'll be more discreet about it since it troubles your sensitivities."

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by jcftao »

Memphisto looks at the sleeping cultists. "Perhaps, we should speak with the other cultists as well to see if they've had a 'change of heart' ?"

"Regardless, binding them makes sense until we finish exploring this complex. Then we can take them back to town for their just rewards."

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by Wouter »

Holger makes sure that Finnur did a good job on binding the acolytes: he gently yet thoroughly tugs on the ropes and checks whether all knots are tight and secure. He stands up satisfied, places his foot against the shoulder of the cultist that was wounded before, nods at Memphisto and gives him a firm push: ”Wake up, zealot. Tell us your name and your intentions!”

The cultist is rudely jolted awake. He blinks with his eyes, disoriented for a moment, then realizes he is tied up and when his eyes flash back and forth a couple of times between the other bound cultists, the party and Van it doesn’t take him long to figure out what’s going on...

”So that’s how it is, traitor..!” he hisses, ignoring Holger’s questions and directly addressing Van. ”I always knew you weren’t a true follower of the Overlord of the Flaming Eye! Wait until Father Faskull has freed the Xul and learns of your betrayal, he’ll have you hanged for this!” He twists and turns, trying to wriggle himself loose, eventually gives up and spits in Van’s direction, then grinning at the party: ”The Xul will be vengeful, you sinners!”

I disregarded Dahl's intention to search the acolytes as Lisglen already searched them and found nothing of interest.

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

Van frowns at the squirming cultist and says "No, I never believed. I just wanted food and shelter. You, Father Faskull, and the whole lot of you are damned crazy. This Xul is a doom to us all. If you can't see that, then there's no hope for you."

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Re: Chapter 2: Into the Dungeon

Post by Wouter »

The cultist has nothing more to say to either Van or the rest. He lays on his side, facing the statuette on the altar, and softly starts chanting again: "...The King of the Lost Cosmos slumbers... He who waits behind the wall..."

Having unraveled part of the mystery of the Xul, let's move onto the next chapter: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab.
