Party Status

Merias' White Box game
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Party Status

Post by merias »

I'll keep this updated as we go along.

Code: Select all

|    |Name     |Class/Lvl|XP   |HP     |AC    |Missile    |Melee      |Spells   |Light? |Misc  |
|    |         |         |     |       |      |Weapon     |Weapon     |         |       |      |
|    |         |         |     |       |      |           |           |         |       |      |
|1   |Dolgrim  |FM 3     |4084 |12/12  |16/14 |Sling      |Silver Hand|         |       |      |
|    |         |         |     |       |      |           |axe/blessed|         |       |      |
|2   |Fenwick  |MU 2     |4112 |7/7    |11/11 |Dagger     |Dagger     |<2 L1>   |       |      |
|    |         |         |     |       |      |           |           |         |       |      |
|3   |Finnr    |FM 1     |800  |7/7    |14/14 |Spear      |+1 Short   |         |       |      |
|    |         |         |     |       |      |           |sword      |         |       |      |
|4   |Grimma   |NPC      |     |10/10  |16/16 |Short bow  |Sword      |         |Lantern|      |
|5   |Guntram  |CL 3     |3092 |11/11  |15/14 |Sling      |Mace +1    |<2 L1>   |       |      |
|6   |Oberon   |FM 3     |4175 |12/12  |17/16 |Long bow   |Sword +1/+2|         |       |      |

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Re: Party Status

Post by merias »

Marching Order:

Here is what I have based on what you all said in the main thread, let me know if there are any issues:

Grimma - Oberon
Finnr - Dolgrim
Fenwick - Bart

For single-file, those on the right just fall back behind the person to their left.

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