Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by mythictom »

"My friends, if this works I must go into the tree to find the right limb. I must do it alone, and it may take some time..."

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by mythictom »

After some discussion with the spider, Moonglimmer tells the party to stay put at the base of the hill. She explains that Attercop shall help her up to the tree. Before the pair start the climb, the elf asks Roger if she can borrow his axe to cut the proper limb.

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by jcftao »

Roger is happy to loan his herring axe to the elf maiden.

Moonglimmer climbs carefully up to where Attercop is perched. She continues moving upwards holding onto one of the spider's legs on occasion, until they are both at the top.

From your position below, you see the elf climb into the rowan tree and the spider leap carefree into the upper branches, hopping about like an excited pup.

Moonglimmer settles down in the bough of the tree and contemplates her surroundings, looking at each limb and following the flow of the rowan tree's branches. In about twenty minutes or so, the party
can hear several sharp cuts of the handaxe. A few moments later the elf and her spider friend descend the hill.

Moonglimmer extends the silvery colored branch for all to see and is thankful for Silvanus' favor in this quest.


OOC--You have it! If you make it safely out of the forest, Moonglimmer may begin to carve the limb into a proper elven bow!
I will tally up XP for this part of the adventure and record it on your Char sheets soon.

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by mythictom »

jcftao wrote: Moonglimmer extends the silvery colored branch for all to see and is thankful for Silvanus' favor in this quest.

OOC--You have it! If you make it safely out of the forest, Moonglimmer may begin to carve the limb into a proper elven bow!

"This part of the quest is done! Let us away from these dangerous wilds and hurry back to Aethelwine."

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by greyarea »

Fungo watches and muses,I could use a bow...

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by badams30 »

Otis - Fighter

Otis breathes a sigh of relief when Moonglimmer is back down. He says"DId you see anything interesting around us while you was up there?" He starts quietly whistling a tune and waits for everyone to start moving again.

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by jcftao »

Moonglimmer and the party move southwards to pick up the trail that leads back to Aethelwine's grove. After an hour or so, they come upon the ground were the knight had fallen. There are no Knights of Nye in the area now and thankfully no Bandersnatch nor Jabberwocky. Moving quickly, the party manages to find the original trail and arrive at Aethelwine's grove as the shadows grow long and the night falls.

Aethelwine is in his garden patch near the long hut, tending to some rhubarb. When he spies the party, he smiles with relief, "Well, nothing made a meal of you on your little adventure. Come, rest for the evening. The night brings out animals looking for a meal. I suppose I can spare a little bread and leek soup for you."

"Sir knight, you may quarter your steed in the barn. There's fresh hay and the spring is but a few paces north of the barn. Erwin, that bird won't be coming into my home. She's eaten her share of my persimmons for one day, thank you."

The night is spent in jovial company. Aethelwine is quite an entertaining fellow once you get to know him. As the evening grows later, persimmon wine is passed around and he grows quiet and contemplative.

He pulls a stick from the fire and with the burnt end, draws a map on the floor of the hut.

You are in the Forest of Nye. This is god's country. Silvanus has blessed this realm and the evils of mankind have not left its mark here. This is not the case elsewhere. To the east and south lie Eyre. The kingdom that you all know and most of you hail from. It is ruled by a sensible king, King Armander and his beloved queen, Catherine. The serve the god, Eos. I respect this god, but his domain is that of men. Silvanus, the Green Man, rules in the wilderness of Nye and he suits me fine.

To the west, past the bordertown known as Milltown, lies an arid and rocky land. The men there are the same as the land. They do no favor nor expect none. Ask your friend, Bizenghast. Hide it as she might, she has the mark of slavery upon her. Cruel men and their masters, the halfbird women called the Harridans, hold much of the area to the east in a cruel grip of misery. Tread carefully in the east if you do go there. Beyond the Harridlands, the trade road turns to the southwest to the city of Mathos. It is here that wizards test their mettle and learn at the feet of some of the greatest practitioners of the arcane arts. In my youth, I traveled as far as Mathos, but did not stay long.

In the morning, whither you go, I shall ask the Green Man to bestow his blessings upon all of you. I thank you for treating my forest with respect."

Aethelwine sits, staring at the fire and sipping his wine. He looks as contented as a man can be.

OOC--If you have any other questions for Aethelwine, now is as good a time as any to ask. Otherwise, the party will be on the move at daybreak.


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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by jcftao »

Aethelwine takes Erwin aside before the party leaves.

"You've got something about you, lad. The Green Man walks by your side. I am but a simple servant, but can offer you some guidance. Take these meditations. The scrolls are the Writ of Silvanus and will provide you with wisdom. You will hear the call of the Green Man when the time is right. Study the scrolls, contemplate their meaning, and walk the path of the Green Man. He will aid you when you ask."

Congratulate, Erwin Dirtnap, for he has advanced to 2nd level!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Re: Chapter 2 ~ Into the Forest of Nye

Post by merias »

jcftao wrote:Aethelwine takes Erwin aside before the party leaves.

"You've got something about you, lad. The Green Man walks by your side. I am but a simple servant, but can offer you some guidance. Take these meditations. The scrolls are the Writ of Silvanus and will provide you with wisdom. You will hear the call of the Green Man when the time is right. Study the scrolls, contemplate their meaning, and walk the path of the Green Man. He will aid you when you ask."

Congratulate, Erwin Dirtnap, for he has advanced to 2nd level!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
"My thanks, Master Aethelwine," Erwin says. Something is indeed different - he can feel the power within him to call upon Silvanus. Erwin studies the scrolls before bed, and again at first light before setting out.

Where to now? Continue on to Deliverance in search of Rindel? Somewhere else?

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