Part One - The Spotted Dragon

Mythictom's WB FMAG Game
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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

Miles listens eagerly to Alphonse's story, "I'd be willin' to look around up there with you! If we meet the wizard, we can tell him that you were wanting to see if he needed a new apprentice."

"But listen to that hobbit over there, he's talkin' about this Elbereth Alley? Do you know what's going on there?"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by badams30 »

jcftao wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 4:56 pm
Miles listens eagerly to Alphonse's story, "I'd be willin' to look around up there with you! If we meet the wizard, we can tell him that you were wanting to see if he needed a new apprentice."

"But listen to that hobbit over there, he's talkin' about this Elbereth Alley? Do you know what's going on there?"
Alphonse shakes his head. “Afraid not. This is the first I’ve heard of this.”

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

Miles calls over to Freddy, hoping to wake him, "Hello? Freddy is it? Come sit at our table while you eat your lunch. I'll buy you another ale or coffee, whichever you'll be needing..."

If he comes over, Miles will quesiton him about these "creepy kids" and the mansion. Also, he'll ask him if he knows anything about Old Blight.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

"Whuh? Huh?" Freddy mumbles as he perks up.

"Dangitall! Hey, kid, did you offer me a drink? No more beer, but you can pay for the coffee!" the blurry-eyed hobbit hobbles over.

"If you ain't seen those creepy kids, count yasself lucky!" he says as he climbs into a chair. "Once they get a lock on your eyes, they follow you around all day!"

The halfling retells of today's encounters, noting this has happened perhaps ten times in the past year. Freddy does not usually run errands, except when his sister doesn't show up for work. He notes she never gets followed by the kids though.

As that conversation ends, Roger comes out with three pork pies (one for each of you) and a mug of coffee for Freddy. Barnabas comes over with two ales for the humans and then goes to attend the other tables.

Freddy attacks his pie like a man possessed! You've never seen a hobbit so hungry! After devouring the pastie, he wipes grease and flaked pastry from his mouth and leans back contentedly.

"You asked about the Old Blight?" he finally says, while sipping coffee. "You figure out why it's called that, right? Look'it the light outside. You'd think it was suppertime with the gathering shadows, not lunchtime. The whole neighborhood gets dark early in winter. It also stays cool in the summer, though! In the olden days, that mattered more, when the city was smaller."

Freddy swallows the last of his coffee and continues. "Lots of folks also think it's cursed. Ruins of an old castle up there. Mysterious lights. Rumors of disappearances when folks went up to look around. They say a wizard lived there and tried to dig underground for the secrets of the ancients. (Saying that last part with a dramatic flourish.)

"It's all malarkey. The only interesting thing to happen up there was when the new guy in the robes showed up and built a new tower. Haven't heard a peep from him since! He pops into the bakery once a week, buys some bread, maybe the occasional doughnut, and goes on his way."

With that Freddy the hobbit jumps to his feet and says, "Thanks for the drink, fellas. Barney will put my pie on my tab.". And with that, he bounds to the door, opens it, peeks out warily, and openly sighs. He looks back at you and says, "No creeps," as he closes the door and runs by the window.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

badams30 wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 4:09 pm

Alhonse wracks his brain, trying to remember if his mentor had jotted anything about specifics of Blight or the staircase in his memoirs....
(Almost missed my DM prompt!!!!)

Would Alphonse like to consult the manuscript to look for information? I'll rule it will take about thirty minutes to either find something or give up.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by badams30 »

Yes! He’ll see if he can locate anything in the manuscript

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

OOC--let me know what to deduct for my meal and drinks for Alphonse and Freddy

Miles talks a bit softer to Alphonse, "The sun is out, it looks to be a fine day, plenty of daylight left. Why don't we take a walk over to Old Blight? Not to go in or start exploring, but maybe to scout the location a bit. Maybe we'll catch a glimpse of that wizard?"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

jcftao wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 9:51 pm
OOC--let me know what to deduct for my meal and drinks for Alphonse and Freddy

Miles talks a bit softer to Alphonse, "The sun is out, it looks to be a fine day, plenty of daylight left. Why don't we take a walk over to Old Blight? Not to go in or start exploring, but maybe to scout the location a bit. Maybe we'll catch a glimpse of that wizard?"
Let's say you're running a tab at the inn. You prepaid for a week, business is steady, and the owners like you both.

Here's the question for Alphonse - book or Miles' suggestion?

If you want to consult the book first, I can roll another rumor to keep Miles busy! :o

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by badams30 »

Alphonse - Wizard

Alphonse says "If you want to take a stroll up that way, we can, but I'd like to thumb through my master's old manuscript, see if I can find any notes he might have kept about that place before we go up there. Might be something in his book, might not, but can't hurt to look. We could go up fresh in the morning."

OOC: Alphonse will take some time to pour through the manuscript, seeing what he can turn up (if anything) about the hill or ruins. He'll share what he finds with Miles.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

After about half an hour, the taproom thins out as the lunch crowd goes back to business.

In that time, Alphonse thumbs through the jumbled manucript and stumbles upon an odd passage that sounds appropriate.

There is a long, rambling paragraph where Merrick writes about his "lost legacy.". None of seems clear, but the page before it has this odd poem:

"In aeons past, down caverns deep,
The Army of Chaos was sent to sleep.

Undisturbed in the dark
With no friends but dust,
Their beauty was stark
Yet ne'er discussed,
Forgotten and lost
Till he came to accost.

Down far he dug,
That magus bizarre,
Uncovering the jug
In the lake of black tar.

Awoke them, he did,
By breaking the cup,
Cracking the lid,
They were freed to sup."

Maybe they are connected?
