Pits & Perils

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Pits & Perils

Post by merias »

Note: splitting out this thread from viewtopic.php?f=7&t=604
William wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:07 am
Yeah it's easy to spend a load of money on gaming stuff, especially when it's nice new hardbacks! Sooner or later you've got more of a collection than what you can possibly use.
badams30 wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:45 pm
Pits & Perils
This looks really quite good. I've checked it out online and it looks sort of like a cross between White Box style gaming and B/X.
Have you seen the hardback deluxe edition at all? It's available on Lulu and I've been thinking about investing in it. Is it fully comprehensive i.e. it includes all the rules including the Referee's Companion? There's a description on Lulu but it's a little bit vague as to what is actually included in it.

I have the deluxe edition, and have played and ran P&P - it's a great game. I wrote a review here:

https://smolderingwizard.wordpress.com/ ... ts-perils/

The one problem with the deluxe printing is that while it contains all of the core rules + the two supplements, they are not combined logically - it is just the three books put together one after another. So for example, each supplement has lists of extra spells, but there is no combined list of spells, you have to look in three separate lists. That said, someone did combine the spells from the supplements into a PDF, and there are lots of other great play aids available for free for P&P, so despite this drawback with the deluxe printing, I'd still recommend it.

Also, our very own @jcftao did a solo P&P campaign that is great reading. The posts are tagged so you can read them in order:

and a P&P game he ran for our gaming group:

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Re: Pits & Perils

Post by William »

I've bought a copy of the main rule book in PDF from drivethrurpg, and if I like it I may buy some physical copies from Lulu. I've skimmed it so far and I am quite impressed. There's definitely some D&D in its DNA, but it also looks like its gone and done its own thing which is nice. I probably won't bother with the deluxe edition as it will bug me that they didn't do a reorganisation of the books into a cohesive whole.

One of the things that attracted me to it was the fact that it has adventure material set in historic Saxon England. I don't know whether I could get away with using it though, as one of the players in my new group has a degree from Cambridge in Anglo-Saxon history, and I really don't fancy him scrutinising the historical details. It's a nice idea though. The vibe that I get from the game is that it has a folklore feel possibly inspired by English folklore (maybe other British folklore too?), though I may be wrong about that as I have only skimmed it so far. Necrotic Gnome has a product which uses English (possibly British?) folklore to spice up its setting called "Dolmenwood", though I have never played it or even read it.

I don't know if I will end up playing it, but it may get mined for ideas. I will take a look at jcftao's campaign posts.

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Re: Pits & Perils

Post by badams30 »

Oh man, I LOVE P&P! Such a cool, crunchy little system. I've ran a couple one-shots using it, but I'd love to play in a campaign or PbP of it. I bought the rules compendium, can't say enough about it. COOLNESS.

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