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Re: What level?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:34 pm
by jcftao
I agree. I wouldn't let level dictate when a PC could begin building a small fort at least. History is full of inexperienced people that have somehow garnered power, either by wealth, or circumstance.

In my campaign world, I consider squires as 1st level fighters and knights 2nd and higher level.

It would be interesting to run a game of levels 3-5, where one of the PCs has been tasked with clearing a part of wilderness for the king.

Why wait to 9th level to have a go at it?

Re: What level?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:54 pm
by AmpleFramework
I'm also a big fan of rewarding characters of any level with something like a small base in the form of a house or reclaimed fort, or even rent-free stays at the local inn after some deed of local heroism. That engenders a sense of accomplishment and relief because you're not always wondering where you can find a safe place to sleep and hide your stuff, or afford a room at the inn. That way, the big fancy castle later on is more of an upgrade than the first actual home you have.

Re: What level?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:19 am
by jcftao
It is a running joke in our Roll20 group, how I'm always looking to buy drapes for one house or another. I guess the symbolism is the idea of making a mark on the game world. If a player can do this, it makes stronger connections in the game world and for me, a greater experience.

That's neat that you do that.