Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Jcftao's Whitebox Campaign
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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by jcftao »



Aldarren, Alexander, Milton, and Frederick are ushered into the castle. The company moves through a dimly lit great hall, up a stone staircase and into a meeting room. The door is flanked by two castle guards.

A cheery fire burns in the hall. You see Lord Wickersham and the castle wizard, Erlander.

"Gentlemen, I've spoken with our young monk, Fredrick about your forays."

"Your other companions, Cedric and Tamerlane have also provided details of your account with the hill giant. i commend all of you on your bravery in the protection of the children. We will need more men such as you in the coming days."

"Tamerlane and Cedric have volunteered to travel north toward to meet with the dwarves. Little is known of their fate since God Fall. They would make formidable allies in rebuilding New Wickersham. Their company is led by the castle weapons master, Ulim. He is a trusted ally of New Wickersham, and a hill dwarf from the north. Their mission is perilous, but I trust Ulim to lead them."

"Now, tell me more about this village and also this man named Dunley and his men. Before God Fall, there was local lord in the area. His name was Gavin and he was an ally of my father and the king. This Dunley must have usurp Lord Gavin and now holds the peasantry in slavery."

"Tell me of what you know."


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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by Wouter »

Alexander bows his head: "I'm afraid there is not much we know about Lord Gavin's well-being, my Lord... All we know is that Lord Dunley has taken up residence in Lord Gavin's manor after God Fall, taking over his holdings." Alexander looks up at Lord Wickersham: "You are right about Lord Dunley holding the peasantry in slavery. We met with a farmer family after we barely escaped some of Dunley's men in one of the farmhouses. They told us how Lord Dunley and his men only thieve and kill, pillaging the village, exploiting its inhabitants and their resources."

He stops and thinks for a moment, then says with a belligerent look in his eyes: "Our own forces may be outnumbered by Dunley's, but with the help of Ulim the castle weapon master his dwarven army we may stand a fair chance against this plunderer!"

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by greyarea »

Aye, and Dunley's men are vicious brutes, Milton says while holding his head. Kindness isn't a trait they look for in recruitment, and they may well be souls damned from conception.

We promised the poor farmer that we would do what we can. Perhaps with your help we can make that a reality, Lord Wickersham. If Erlander the mage would rain down fires from the heavens, it would serve them right.

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by jcftao »

Lord Wickersham sighs, "If only it were that simple."

"Yes, that is so. Had I my sight restored, then I would be of use...instead of sitting here like an old fool," replies the wizard.

"All things in time, my friend. Let us hope for the best but make do with what we have at the present. Erlander, your council has always been valued by my father and now myself."

Lord Wickersham unrolls a map at the meeting table, "It is doubtful that Dunley would garrison more than a handful of men at the village of Harkbone."

The nobleman looks at all of you with a gleam in his eye, "How many men would you need in order to return to Harkbone and retrieve the villagers therein? With a large force, his garrison would flee before you, but the defense of New Wickersham has to be considered."

"I can spare a small contingent, but you would need make haste...."

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by Wouter »

Alexander thinks back to how many of Lord Dunley's men they saw back in the farm house and reckons there might be twice that many in the village altogether. "I'm thinking thirty men should be enough to overrun Dunley's men and safely lead the villagers of Harkbone back to New Wickersham..."

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by jcftao »

Sir Miles Wickersham rubs his temples, "thirty men will stretch us too thin here. With Sir Langley leading our scouting force to the south and Ulim leading a small group north to the dwarves, we have at most 40 able men-at-arms to guard the town. I will send a contingent of 15 men in ring mail, light crossbow, and sword. We have an ample amount of armor and weaponry, just not enough bodies to fill them."

"Regardless, you will need to move with all haste. If New Wickersham is overrun, all is for naught."

"Rest yourselves and re-equip if you need to do so. The villagers of Harkbone shall be freed from Dunley's tyranny with all haste!"

"Fredrick and Milton, seek the healing care of Claire at the hospital tonight. It will do you both good to rest in her care."

"Good day, gentlemen. I shall meet with you before the sun rises for final instructions."

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by Wouter »

Alexander nods at Lord Wickersham: "Thank you, my Lord... Till tomorrow, then." He returns to Claire's hospital for spiritual guidance and a bed for the night. "Fifteen men... Will it be enough..?" he pensively murmurs to himself as he walks back to the temple.

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by greyarea »

Milton rubs his noggin and nods at Alexander's words. Yes, thank you.

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by kjc »

Aldarren - Ranger

"Lord Wickersham, may I have a word with you? Assuming Wickersham agrees, "Is there anyone within New Wickersham that has visited Gavin's manor? With the floor plan and a small force I would avoid a direct confrontation, but rather strike at Dunley directly. Decapitate the snake in his lair, avoiding it's coils..."

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Re: Chapter 3 --- Journey to Harkbone

Post by jcftao »

kjc wrote:Image
Aldarren - Ranger

"Lord Wickersham, may I have a word with you? Assuming Wickersham agrees, "Is there anyone within New Wickersham that has visited Gavin's manor? With the floor plan and a small force I would avoid a direct confrontation, but rather strike at Dunley directly. Decapitate the snake in his lair, avoiding it's coils..."
Lord MIles considers the suggestion, "Nay, Aldarren. I have been to Lord Gavin's manor and it is fortified for certain. Let us take care in our first forays against this man, at least until we get eyes upon his troop strength at the manor. It would seem odd that his men would be greater in number in protecting a small village than in the nest of the viper itself."

"if you and the company are successful with bringing the villagers of Harkbone to us, then we shall consider further action."

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