White Box Rules Update/Re-design

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Re: White Box Rules Update/Re-design

Post by merias »

Charlie here are a few errata from the April 2017 second printing, for if you plan on publishing a new edition. I think the only real one is the treasure table, the others could be seen as just a re-interpretation of the rules for legal reasons. But they make sense as compared to the original rules.

p. 62: Sleep spell - the text says that the spell affects from 1-6 creatures of 3 to 4+1 HD, but the table is missing a row - it should affect 1-6 creatures of 3 HD and 1 creature of 4 or 4+1 HD. At least that more closely matches the description from OD&D.
p. 97: Iron golem - Should do more damage than the stone golem, maybe 3d6 is good? These are from the Greyhawk supplement, so the damage used there doesn't translate well (stone golems do 3d8 and iron golems 4d10 damage in that supplement).
p. 105: Ogre/Ogre mage - Ogres do 1d6+2 damage in OD&D (instead of the 1d6+1 listed).
pp. 116-117: Treasure tables - Anywhere it says 'roll 1d6 on the X table' or 'roll 1d6+something on the X table' the die used should be 1d8 instead, since the roll is to a d20 table and the max roll of 1d6+12 only goes up to 18. But even at 1d6+0, a 1d8+0 makes more sense on those tables (kenmeister first noticed this in the WB 3rd printing here: http://odd74.proboards.com/thread/9699/whitebox-errata).

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The Wanderer
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Re: White Box Rules Update/Re-design

Post by The Wanderer »

Thank you for these Merias. I have thought about a 3rd update/printing but I’m not sure if I’ll do it. Because unfortunately I had the layout done professionally for the 2nd print, which was done with Indesign (which I don’t own) so I would have to hire someone again for updates and I’m not making money on the books anymore so hiring someone is not possible.

The other option would for me to try to do a new layout, with software I own, so I can always update it myself but I’m reluctant to do that at this point. I have thought about doing a version that is closer to OD&D and maybe that would be a good time for new layout but that might need to be its own thing not WB:FMAG. I’m undecided right now on how I’ll handle it going forward.
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Re: White Box Rules Update/Re-design

Post by merias »

Argh! That is too bad, I did not know you had the layout done professionally, but I completely understand in that case. I don't have indesign or I would do it for you.

However, just a thought - since I am a Linux/Open source/Free software guy - if you can get the person who did it for you to export the book as an EPS file (or if you already have it), you can use Scribus, which is free and runs on windows, mac and linux. It will import EPS files exported from indesign.


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Re: White Box Rules Update/Re-design

Post by The Wanderer »

Hey, I didn't know that!

I reached out to the person who did the layout to see if he'll export it as an EPS for me. If not, perhaps I'll put a call out on G+ and see if anyone would do it for me. Because fortunately I have the Indesign file, I just can't do anything with it.
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Re: White Box Rules Update/Re-design

Post by Yajin »

The Whitebox FMAG will be used for my weeklong beach game this August for all the “kids” in my family. Your hard work is much appreciated. I find it more appealing than Core, Complete, or Light, for a number of reasons. I hope you know there are fans who appreciate and buy Whitebox FMAG to this very day.

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