Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

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Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

You set sail from the south nearly 3 weeks ago for what you thought would be a relaxing sail in the usually calm waters of the Deepsea. 5 days out of port, a sudden squall turned into nearly 2 straight weeks of foul, unpredictable stormy weather. Two days ago during the worst of the storms the cargo shifted and some of the boat's seams started to work in the waves - letting first a trickle, then a torrent of water into the boat. For two straight sleepless days and nights you've joined the rest of the crew and passengers in helping bail the water and/or plug leaks. A day ago the water level continued to rise, and all but the most pious on board resigned themselves to a watery end. Then just like that, the skies cleared, and as the sun rose you found yourselves in sight of land! Once the captain got his bearings, you learned that you were only a couple hours from port, and with luck - some warm, dry clothing and food and drink.

As you wearily gather your soggy belongings, you hear the clang of the ships bell, and hear the cheers of the crew - "LAND HO!" By the time you make your way back up on deck, you see a series of long wharves jutting out into the water, and behind them, a small seaside village of mostly single story buildings, and roughly a dozen tall structures resembling warehouses. The boat ties up across from a pair of small schooners that are being loaded with freshly cut timbers, provisions and other cargo items. As the boat creaks against its mooring lines, many of the crew start opening hatches and going about the business of unloading. As the gangplank is run ashore, the handful of other passengers rapidly disembark, clearly anxious to be far away from the boat and the sea. As you make your way toward the dock, the captain approaches you and some of the other more hardy passengers from this voyage - adventurers, like yourself. The captain manages a tired smile and says "Thanks for lending a hand during that blow. We'd be resting on the bottom now if it weren't for your help. By the looks of ya, I'm assuming you are looking for some gainful employ? You make your way to Snug Harbor - it's the biggest warehouse toward the end of town on the waterfront. You'll know it when you see it. It's a place for sailors to rest and clean up when ashore. You find the host, Martha, and you tell her that Captain Stitch said to put you up for a couple days and get you on your feet, okay? She can help you get on your way. Good luck to ya! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get this boat fixed up and out of here, we're behind already!"

As you step off the boat and onto the busy pier, you take in the sights and smells of this seaside working town, and you catch a glimpse of a large building at the end of the dock area at the edge of town. It's an old warehouse that looks like it's seen better days, and with faded yellow wooden letters spelling out "_NUG HARBOR". Only a faded area on the sign where a letter S used to be.

You see a wide cobblestone street leading from the wharf to the warehouses (to the right) or you can proceed straight ahead into the town proper. You see a small town square with a cluster of wagons in it, all laden with timbers destined for the docks. You also see a lone two story structure near the center of town with a brightly painted sign showing a dolphin with a frothing tankard held in each flipper and the words "The Drunken Dolphin" boldly painted below the image. While a small town, the shops and small homes are crowded side by side, and all sorts of people are rushing about, heading to and from the docks.

You've all seen each other on the boat, but aside from your shared agony of the voyage, you don't know much about each other, aside from the obvious - that you're adventurers. Standing about and looking around, your eyes all meet - and you realize you're all tired, hungry, and thankful to be ashore.


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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »


The only dry things Xyla has are her rations and chainmail armor, both of which were tightly wrapped in multiple layers. She felt very uncomfortable wearing heavy armor on a boat! Among the passengers standing around on the comfortably dry dock, she just about finishes donning her armor when she spots Quisby, Delth, and Remy.

Hoisting her giant sword up over her shoulder, she looks at the three of them drying off and getting their bearings, "So... what's first: Ale, or dry storage?" Her eyes go from tavern to _nug Harbor, back to the tavern. Pointing at the Dolphin sign, "I like that lil'guy - he can join my crew any day!" she says with a chuckle.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by tumblingdice »

Remy - Voyageur par excellence

Remy stretches his limbs and readjusts to standing on dry land. He laughs heartily at Xyla's dilemma. I was just wondering the same thing, he replies jovially. And I like the way you think. Turning to face the reluctant adventurer, he says, Brother Quisby, perhaps we could have a round of, er, thanksgiving here at the Drunken Dolphin for reaching our destination. We would be honored for you to offer the benediction. With that he offers Delf a conspiratorial wink.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Delth - Halfling Thief

As Delth walks with the others he still feels a bit unsteady on his feet. Did I mention I hate boats, and also where are we? I suppose it doesn't matter much, as long as we get a decent meal in our bellies. He points at the Dolphin sign. That is a good a place as any. Shall we? We can go see this Martha once we get a proper feeding.

Delth absent-mindedly feels his coin purse. Far too light, he thinks. He eyes the passers-by carefully.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

Delth absent-mindedly feels his coin purse. Far too light, he thinks. He eyes the passers-by carefully.

The hustle-bustle near the docks and area by the inn are people heading to or from the docks, mostly workers and common folks. Dealth does see a man dressed in nicer attire carrying a large ledger and several rolled scrolls, he's walking toward the docks like he's on a mission. Delth's eyes are drawn to two bulging pouches on the man's belt.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

badams30 wrote:
Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:41 pm
The hustle-bustle near the docks and area by the inn are people heading to or from the docks, mostly workers and common folks. Dealth does see a man dressed in nicer attire carrying a large ledger and several rolled scrolls, he's walking toward the docks like he's on a mission. Delth's eyes are drawn to two bulging pouches on the man's belt.
Delth non-nonchalantly walks towards the man, from behind. He tucks his dagger in his sleeve so the blade is concealed along his palm, and waits until the man is walking through a crowd of people. When he gets close enough he'll cut one of the purse strings and, assuming he is successful liberating the purse from its owner's belt, tuck it under his leather cuirass.

If he is noticed he'll feign clumsiness and profusely apologize for falling into the man, hopefully tripping him up and distracting onlookers.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

With a saunter and nonchalant air Delth plots an intercept course with the ledger carrying fellow and cones alongside…

The others watch as Delth very smoothly removes one of the man’s pouches, so smoothly in fact he doesn’t even flinch or cast a glance at the halfling. The busy man walks briskly toward the docks.

Delth quickly takes stock of his new pouch and is quite pleased to find it stuffed with 25 shiny new gold pieces!

(A near perfect roll, a good way to start!)

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

And that is how it's done, Delth thinks to himself. He heads back towards the inn.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby checks the meager possessions that he has brough ashore.

"Remy, my good man, I will share in your partaking of a draught or two! But we'll split it, no? I'll say the benediction and you buy the drinks!"

Quisby laughs out loud, just a little too long, then blows his nose and waits expectantly for Remy to agree to these terms.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

The group enters the inn through a set of well-worn double doors. The plain utilitarian exterior of the inn is a stark contrast to the inside - 3 of the 4 walls are covered entirely by an endless mural of ocean. Topless mermaids, frolicking dolphins, breaching whales, and an odd group of laughing pelicans adorn the eccentric but well-done mural. A long bar runs half the length of the west wall, and a large archway leads to a kitchen. The smell of food drifts out toward you. The opposite wall has a large fireplace that has a small fire in it at the moment, and at the rear of the building is a wide stairway that leads upstairs to a balcony that overlooks the ground floor. The balcony does a half circle around the perimeter and you can count about 8 doors, presumably rooms, at the top.

There are about a dozen 4-6 seat round tables scattered about the ground floor, and two large rectangular tables toward the fireplace. To your immediate left is a young boy of about 10 who is mopping the floor, he glances at you and smiles, then returns to his work. Behind the bar is a tall and lean human woman who appears to be about 50 years old. She has waist length curly blonde hair, and has a gold necklace that has charms of various sea creatures on it. She's quite beautiful, and she pauses for a moment to take in the site of your diverse group as you enter. She smiles and says "Hello there, come on in, take a seat, I'll be with you in a minute."

It's about 11AM, and the inn isn't very busy. There are two tables of some grungy looking fishermen minding their own business, and in a corner sits two men in leather armor, short swords on their belts, two spears leaning against the wall, and both men wearing a tunic with symbol of a mailed fist holding a golden trident on it. With them is a short, chubby fellow wearing an identical tunic, but unarmed. He takes particular notice when you all enter, and he leans in to whisper at the two men with him, who turn briefly to look at you before returning to their meals. The short man nods and continues talking to the men seated with him, still glancing at your party every few seconds.

The blond woman comes out and motions toward the empty tables and says "Sit where you like! What can I get you all?"

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