Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

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Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Most people are born to labor from sunrise to sunset and then die. All of this within a three mile radius of their homeplace. One in ten may do something more exciting. Perhaps they have served as a soldier, a castle guard, or a merchant. They may have travelled a little farther from home. One in a hundred have a wanderlust and long for adventure. These people want to know what lies over the next hill and the mountains beyond that. These are adventurers, people with the determination to go on when everyone else stays put. You are that kind of person. In your chest beats an adventurer's heart! The only problem you face is that you are poor. You have no sword or shield, no armor or horse. Adventure lies ripe for the taking.

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Re: Introduction to Beyond the Borderlands

Post by jcftao »


Rumpstone is a small village of 100 souls more or less. This village is in the middle of a green country known as Eyre (pronounced "Air"). The day begins like any other, only the change in seasons mark the passing of time. Work is hard, toiling in the fields or cutting wood in the forest. When the day is done, you sit down to a meager supper of leeks and barley maybe with a braised rabbit or pigeon if fortune shines on you. You spend the holy day in prayer, sometimes even led by a traveling priest, and then rest.

Your education is limited to your station in life. No books, no schooling other than what the Church has instructed you. There is plenty of work and no time to study. In the evening, when the fire is low, stories are passed among your people, stories that sound too fantastic to be true. These stories have sparked your imagination, but your reality is far different. Night begins and your people huddle in their huts, saying a prayer to Eos for protection from the night.

This is your lot in life. You are neither a slave nor indentured servant, yet you are shackled to the land. There are no other options other than to put yourself in harm's way. Risking it all to gain it all. The next morning, you say goodbye to your people and set forth on a new adventure. You don't know what lies over the next hill or beyond the woods, but you will find out.

Question...what is your name and what career path do you take?

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

One of the meager souls in Rumpstone, Erwin Dirtnap comes from a long line of carpenters. He spends most of his free time, however, wandering the nearby wooded paths and getting to know the local flora and fauna. He has carved a stout oaken walking staff that he likes to carry with him on his hikes.

Just to get us started - do we know more of the stories - where they take place? Are there nearby towns, roads or rivers and do we know where they lead?

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

merias wrote:One of the meager souls in Rumpstone, Erwin Dirtnap comes from a long line of carpenters. He spends most of his free time, however, wandering the nearby wooded paths and getting to know the local flora and fauna. He has carved a stout oaken walking staff that he likes to carry with him on his hikes.

Just to get us started - do we know more of the stories - where they take place? Are there nearby towns, roads or rivers and do we know where they lead?
This is excellent! I want you all to keep your backstory very brief, just like this one.

And as far as all the other as the character will learn this by asking questions of NPCs and exploring. Realize that depending on whom you ask, you may get better information or just plain wrong information!

So it will be a blank canvas and your characters will fill in the puzzle as you go. I thought this would be much more fun than just dumping a bunch of boring history, etc. on you all at once.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Erwin Dirtnap knows the fields, woods, and streams around Rumpstone well. His wandering through the countryside has given him time to reflect on the natural world around him. One spring morning, Erwin feels a presence with him as he rests beside a tall oak tree. The woods are alive! The trees, birds, and the plants around him are all filled from this source. He has a spiritual awakening. The Green Man has walked with him. He will never be alone in the forest. It is a comforting feeling and Erwin has heard his calling.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by Tamerlaine »

From Rumpstone's sole smithy came the ringing peal of metal against metal as Sigga hammered a glowing hot bar of iron against the anvil's horn, working a curve in what would later be a horseshoe. She was tall and stout for a dwarf, more so among females of her race. She had a rag tied about her head to keep both the sweat and damp hair out of her eyes while thick defined arms and shoulders glistened with the effort of her labors. Covered with a dirty leather apron, Sigga tossed the semi-formed piece of iron into the glowing coals of the forge and took a brief respite to wipe her plain bearded face with a cloth.

Hailing from the mountain range of the Five Kingdoms, the dwarf who had left a future life of farming mushrooms for one of adventure did not think much of Rumpstone. Living a life deep under the mountains, Sigga bore the typical disdain and prejudices of her kind toward those who lived on the surface and it caused no end of friction with the tall folk. She was plain spoken and could come across as rude and intemperate.

Coming down from the mountains, she traveled with only the clothes on her back and a skill learned from her uncle. As Sigga traveled from village and hamlet, she would trade her labor at the forge for a meal, a drink or two, and a place to lay her head. When no forge was available, the dwarf would provide muscle and strong back instead. But no matter where she arrived, Sigga and her abrasive personality would soon wear out her welcome and she would move on down the road.

She wondered how long it would be till she felt the need to move on. Maybe she should turn 'round and head back for home.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

The village of Rumpstone was glad to see the young dwarf light the long cold forge. The last time the forge was lit was five years ago, when William the smith last worked it. His hut sat empty since then, gathering cobwebs and possums. Sigga was a hard working dwarf. Had it not been for her skill at the forge, she would have been turned away, for her personality was quite cantankerous for a dwarf so young (50 years or so.)

As it stands, she is welcome to work the forge and trade her labor for food and a spare silver piece here and there.

Sigga, though eager to work, was looking for something else. She wanted to roam over the hills and under the mountains. If it meant traveling with lowlanders, so be it. She knew that adventuring was in her blood.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Roger the Shrubber makes his way back into the village of Rumpstone, stumbling a bit due to a recently aquired knot on the back of his head which he received from a gang of self proclaimed knights while on a sales trip to one of the nearby villages.
They stole his horse, cart, and supplies leaving him with only the knot on his head and two halves of a coconut which is a rarity in this part of the world.

Roger has always called Rumpstone home but knows his entrepreneurial spirit will have him on the road again. He knows he'll be welcomed back with open arms by his mentor and slightly effeminate cousin Dennis until the time comes for him to leave again.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Son_of_Sod wrote: They stole his horse, cart, and supplies leaving him with only the knot on his head and two halves of a coconut

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by mythictom »

How long ago did the Elf-maid calling herself Moonglimmer appear in the village of Rumpstone? Was it a month ago? Two? A year? Few seem to recall for sure, but most remember their first meeting. Some villagers remember the rarefied fey woman walking down the road to the village, smiling kindly and waving a hello as she passed by.

The elf quickly made friends in the village with men besotted with her beauty and charm and women enamored by her kindness and gratitude. Eventually surnamed Honeysuckle as a welcome joke referencing her uncanny ability to befriend nearly anyone, Moonglimmer found work (and a bed) at the local public house where she works as a serving girl. It is here she has become known to be enthralled by the villagers' songs and musical performances. She always stops and listens intently to any new chord or lyric, lost in the rapture of the experience. Sadly, any attempt to join in the passion she feels has led to good-natured ribbing because the beauteous elf cannot sing a single note for she is tone-deaf!

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