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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 12:32 pm
by greyarea
Fungo nods excitedly. He listens to where the hunters are coming from and leads the run away from that din.

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:40 pm
by mythictom
" A consensus seem to have formed. We run! "

Moonglimmer follows alongside Fungo, leading the party away from the hounds and horns.

"One last word before I recommend silence. Eat nothing and drink nothing here in Faerie. Use only our own rations and water for now."

Moonglimmer rushes ahead toward the trees.

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:44 pm
by connivingsumo
Bizenghast: Sorceress

The Sorceress begins to run, but is unsure who to follow, "Are we staying together? We'll be easier to track as a group!"

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:30 pm
by badams30
Otis - Fighter

Otis, scared but slightly excited by the prospect of running, says "My daddy used to say that if you was ever being chased by somethin', you should find some high ground that you can hold up in, or some water so critters can't get your scent. Then maybe we kin see what we're up against...."

OOC: Otis is pretty adamant in his opinion that we all need to stay together. But for now, he's happy to use his running skill for best effect.

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:14 pm
by herself
Susanna tucks her weapons away and runs, following Moonglimmer & Fungo. She’s not sure about splitting up but is worried about getting lost herself. She’ll nod to Bizenghast encouragingly. (Not sure what about, hehe, but she wants everyone to be happy.)

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:39 pm
by merias
badams30 wrote:Otis - Fighter

Otis, scared but slightly excited by the prospect of running, says "My daddy used to say that if you was ever being chased by somethin', you should find some high ground that you can hold up in, or some water so critters can't get your scent. Then maybe we kin see what we're up against...."

OOC: Otis is pretty adamant in his opinion that we all need to stay together. But for now, he's happy to use his running skill for best effect.
"Yes, let's be sure to run into any streams we come across and follow them for a bit before crossing," Erwin says. "Hopefully that will fool those dogs."

Assuming they are shallow enough :lol:

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:57 pm
by mythictom
OOC: How close does the landscape here map to where we came from? Like, same trees? Hills where they were before? Etc. I know we're moving quickly, but I would hope big differences might be obvious (like the missing ring fort).

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:52 am
by jcftao
mythictom wrote:
Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:57 pm
OOC: How close does the landscape here map to where we came from? Like, same trees? Hills where they were before? Etc. I know we're moving quickly, but I would hope big differences might be obvious (like the missing ring fort).
Moonglimmer makes a quick assessment of the terrain. What she can tell is that the trees are different...birch vs oak, the land is gently sloping to the east. Before in the Garwood Forest, the land was hilly and forested. Obviously the ring fort is missing, but there are no signs of any ruins or buildings nearby. Even the constellations look foreign to the wood elf.

Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:08 am
by jcftao
The baying is growing louder and seems to be coming from the west.

Fungo the hobbit and Moonglimmer dash off into the woods. But even with the wood elf's keen eyesight and woodland skill, she falls behind Otis. The fighter, even clad in armor and gear, dashes past her and the hobbit, head held high and legs pumping at an amazing pace.

Bizenghast moves along quickly, following the elf and hobbit best she can in the dim light. Erwin and Susanna bring up the rear.

Minutes of frantic sprinting finds the party at the edge of the forest. The baying is still behind them and the horn sounds again. Another sound, closer by now, can be heard even over the panting of the runners.

It is the sound of something, one or more, following behind the party at a fast clip. The sound of footfalls in dried leaves quickly approaching.

To the east, as the forest clears, you can see the lights of a small town. A river meanders next to it and a stone bridge is illuminated by lanterns. The buildings of the town are whitewashed with dark timbers crossing along the walls (Swiss style?). There are a dozen lanterns hanging among the buildings and a haze of wood smoke can be seen drifting in the air.

The town is about a quarter mile or so away and behind you something fast approaches.


Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:37 am
by mythictom
"A faerie town?" Moonglimmer asks herself more than the party.

"Head for that bridge!" Moonglimmer yells as she points toward the lights.

Moonglimmer then chitters to Attercop, "Can you quickly weave some webs here at our exit from the trees to slow persuers? Then follow us, as fast as your legs will take you!"