Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

If the others are on board with it, the Forest of Nye sounds like a worthy quest. Also, before our feast tonight, Erwin would like to gather some healing herbs from the forest.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Erwin has no difficulties finding a variety of healing herbs in the nearby woods. He finds plenty of Yarrow, used for stopping bleeding. St. John's Wort, good for burns and snakebite. Also Erwin found a goodly portion of moss and some willow bark. Moss for covering wounds and willow bark for relieving pain.

Erwin is no healer, but like many in his village, he knew the rudiments of first aid and medicinal plants.

Roger accompanies Erwin into the woods. Roger is looking for a couple nice shrubs to plant along the mayor's path. He does indeed find a pair of very nice laurel bushes and with Erwin's help, manages to bring them back and plant them at Mayor Hammond's residence. The mayor's wife watches them work with a careful eye. She is greatly impressed with Roger's work and makes an apple pie for the men.

Later that evening at the meeting hall...

Mayor Hammond, his wife, and many of the prominent folk of the town are present to honor the party. The mayor addresses the assembled folk, "We thank the gentlemen and ladies who have done our village a great service by keeping our flock safe! They have come into the village of Dubbston as strangers and will be known hence as friends! Let us toast their good fortune and celebrate with a feast!"

Outside the hall, a large charcoal fire has been burning much of the day. The smell of roast lamb makes everyone's mouth water. Ale and hard cider flow freely and several of the visitors bring instruments...a flute, fiddle, and drum...and play some lively tunes.

Moonglimmer can't help but sing and dance (even though she sings off key).

Near the end of the evening, the mayor presents the party with a small sack of silver, "Here, my friends. Take this and use it to help you on your journeys. It is not much, but our town is grateful for your help."

Counting the coins later, you find 50 silver pieces. [Note--I am using the silver standard in our campaign and also in the process of adjusting the price list to reflect this. A good rule of thumb is that 1 copper piece = $1, 1 silver piece = $10, and 1 gold piece = $100. So your reward of 50sp is about $500. Not bad for a night's work.]

The Mayor also commends Roger for his work on the shrubberies and hands him 2sp.


Party Status
Erwin Dirtnap C1, AC 10, HP 6, staff
Moonglimmer Honeysuckle E1, AC 11, HP 4/7, wooden spear
Roger the Shrubber F1, AC 10, HP 6/7, rock
Sigga Grimstone F1, AC 10, HP 8, war hammer
Attercop, Giant Spider, full health

Treasure: 50sp

Time: Middle of first week of late spring

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

50sp! And another 55sp for the pelts! That is more silver than Erwin has seen in one place in his lifetime. Adventuring does pay, he thinks, as long as one can stay alive. After the feast Erwin realizes he was up all night the previous night, and heads to bed early (hopefully Truman's barn was open for us to use again). He chats with the others the next morning over a light breakfast. "Well, what do you think, Moonglimmer wants a bow, and the Forest of Nye is on our way to Deliverance. I say we head to the forest first. It might also be worth our while to get some leather armor and maybe some arrows for Moonglimmer with our spoils."

Is there any place in town to get leather armor, or do we need a bigger town for that?

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Truman gladly hosts the party in his barn for another night. He even provides a simple but filling breakfast of bread and butter, porridge, and baked apples. The children are wide eyed at the tales of fighting the wolves.

Truman tells Erwin that merchants travel through Dubbston every day or so, and that someone will most likely be carrying weapons and armor. Much of it may be used, but serviceable. The local merchants and the travelling merchants all gather on the open green in Dubbston.

Erwin (and the others) walk over to the marketplace. One of the travelling merchants pulls a couple suits of leather from the back of his wagon. One of the suits is damaged but could be repaired. "A bandit once wore this. It didn't go so well for him. I could let you have it for could have a leatherworker patch it up for a couple silver pieces in town here."
The merchant also pulls out another piece, "This piece here, is surplus from a order by Duke Elston for the castle guard. It is new and very sturdy! I'll let it go for 35sp...that is a better price than you will find anywhere else. What say you?"

"Also, I have a nice heavy warhammer for 5sp and I could sell you a sturdy dagger or a good handaxe for 3sp each. I have arrows for sale. 5cp each arrow."

Interested in buying?

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by mythictom »

Moonglimmer will buy a dagger. She'll hold off on arrows until she actually has a bow.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Roger looks at the handaxes for sale.
My these might come in handy, you know as a Shrubber I mostly worked with digging utensils but there were times when I was allowed to swing the ole axe. If the group can spare it I'd like to get two handaxes.
He says looking at his companions for their approval.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

The merchant pulls out a handaxe and the dagger for the party to inspect. He then scratches his head a moment and looks around in his wagon for a bit. "Ah! Here's one! He pulls another handaxe out of the wagon, "It had fallen under the bench. It needs a little work on the stone and a new handle, but it'll be fine in no time!"

The axe has a layer of rust on it and the handle is split.

"I'll make a good bargain with you. Buy one of the suits of leather armor, axe, and dagger, and I'll throw this axe in, no charge."

[So that would amount to 26sp total if you take the used leather armor or 41sp total if you take the new leather armor]

What say you?

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

Erwin would like the used leather armor.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Erwin counts out 26 silver coins. The money purse is growing lighter, but the party has some better armor and more weapons.

Erwin gets some slightly used leather armor. Roger gets two hand axes. Moonglimmer gets a dagger.

Erwin knows that he must take the leather armor to a leatherworker to repair the gash. One can easily be found in Dubbston.

The weapons need a little attention with a whet stone. Roger needs to work a bit harder to clean up one handaxe, also it will need a new handle.

OOC--I will add the items to your character sheets and make adjustments.


Party Status
Erwin Dirtnap C1, AC 12, HP 6, staff
Moonglimmer Honeysuckle E1, AC 11, HP 5/7, wooden spear, dagger
Roger the Shrubber F1, AC 10, HP 7/7, rock, handaxes
Sigga Grimstone F1, AC 10, HP 8, war hammer
Attercop, Giant Spider, full health

Treasure: 24sp

Time: Middle of first week of late spring

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

"Let's get these things fixed up in town, and plan to head out at first light tomorrow," Erwin says.

Off to the Forest of Nye?

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