Retired/Inactive Characters

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Re: Characters

Post by Tamerlaine »

.~-= Sigga Grimstone =-~.


Sigga Grimstone.............AC 10......HP 8
1st Level Dwarven Fighter (Lawful)...........Move 50

Str 15 +1 to hit and damage............Saving Throw 14 (+2 vs death and poison, +4 vs magic)
Int 5 cannot read or write
Wis 8
Dex 13
Con 15 +1 to hp
Chr 8 max of 3 hirelings, -1 loyalty

Base attack bonus +0
Melee weapon: war hammer 1d6
Missile weapon:

XP 612 (need 1900 w/ 5% bonus figured in)

Dwarven Abilities: Infravision 30' (spoiled by torches) Spot traps, slanting passages, and construction, while underground 4-in-6 while searching, 2-in-6 while just passing by.
Giants, ogres, trolls, and other giant-kin do half damage to dwarves. 6th level maximum as fighter.

Fighter Abilities: (combat fury) gain one attack per level vs 1 HD foes.
Can speak gnome, goblin, orc, and kobold.

Sigga is really good working a forge (smithing).
She is really bad at cooking.

Equipment: war hammer (forged by Sigga)

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Re: Characters

Post by Son_of_Sod »

.~-=Roger the Shrubber=-~.

Roger the Shrubber.............AC 11......HP 7
1st Level Human Fighter (Neutral)...........Move 50

Str 14.........Saving Throw 14 (+2 vs death and poison)
Int 14 (4 additional languages)
Wis 8
Dex 15 +1 to hit w/ missiles, +1 to AC
Con 11
Chr 13 Max hirelings is 5, loyalty +1

Base attack bonus +0
Melee weapon: Handaxe 1d6, Rock 1d6-1, +1 to hit with the Herring Axe
Missile weapon: Handaxe 1d6, Rock 1d6-1

XP 612 (need 2000)

Fighter Abilities: (combat fury) gain one attack per level vs 1 HD foes.

Naturally good at:
Knowing the current socioeconomic and political state of affairs that may lead to class based and age based discrimination by traditional elitists or ruffians. As well as selling said traditional elitists and ruffians shrubberies.

Naturally bad at:
Refraining from commenting on the oppressive nature of people who hold political and other forms of power.

Equipment: Handaxes (2), Rock, digging tools for working on shrubbery
Special Items: One of his handaxes is a Herring Axe, a fine quality weapon, non magical but still +1 to hit.

Treasure: 2sp (from gardening job in Dubbston)

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Retired/Inactive Characters

Post by jcftao »

Here's where I'll put any PCs that have retired.

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Re: Retired/Inactive Characters

Post by jcftao »



Sir Hedwig of Savenna

1st Level Fighter (Lawful)
HP: 7
AC: 16, 17 with shield

STR: 15 (+1 to hit & dmg)
INT: 10
WIS: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 14
CHR: 13 (5 hirelings, +1 loyalty)

Armor: Old Plate (repaired at Beamish Hall), Helm, and Shield

Base attack bonus: +1 (STR)

Melee Weapon: Longsword (1d6)
Missile Weapon: None

XP: 4 (need 10 for 2nd level)

Free attack when an opponent drops w/in 5'
Combat Fury: Against foes of 1HD or less, get one attack per level each combat round.
+2 bonus on saves vs. death/poison

Treasure/Wealth: 6 sp

Story: Born into a noble house, Hedwig had everything a man of his station could want. When his beautiful wife Iselda died, Hedwig took it hard and the manor house and lands went to ruin as he lost himself reading chivalric romance stories. Over time this eventually led to his delusion that he himself is a knight errant, a wandering knight in search of chivalric adventures.

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Re: Retired/Inactive Characters

Post by connivingsumo »

.~-= Bizenghast the Sorceress =-~.
Theme music:

Race : Human
Class : Magic User
Alignment :
Level : 2
Experience Points : 10 but needs to complete milestone to gain 3rd level
Hit Dice : 1+1
Hit Points : 7
Armor Class : 11
Base To Hit Bonus : +0
Saving Throw : 14..................Sanity Die d8

STR : 8
INT : 15 +1 spell effectiveness
WIS : 10
DEX : 14
CON : 12
CHA : 13

Alignment, Ancient Empirian, Common, Goblin, Harpy, and Hiver.

Special Abilities
+ Magic-users receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. spells—including those cast from wands and staves.
+ May cast two 1st level spells per day.
Spells Known:
(cantrips) Smoke (tea cup size/volume)
(L1) Read Magic
(L1) Detect Magic
(L1) Sleep (x2)
(L1) Read Languages

+ Walking Stick
+ Silver Dagger
+ Regular Daggers, 3

+ Quill and ink

Magic Items:
+ Spellbook
+ Spell Scroll: Detect Magic
+ Spell Scroll: Read Languages

Exceptionally good at: Singing ~ her voice is all but enchanting - near a siren as can be - melodic, seductive, and haunting.
Exceptionally bad at: Navigation ~ thinking she was heading North East she went South and all but walked into a murder of Harridan, thus becoming enslaved.



From the free towns of the North, she got too close to the Desert of Cos. There, right along the border between lush and the land of the great yellow sand, she was taken. Escaping the Harrid Lands she floated down the river and was free once again. With only her training, she will try to survive and make a place for herself. She misses the wise teaching and magical strength of her counselor, the Master Wizard, Quexel Mitrix.

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Re: Retired/Inactive Characters

Post by jcftao »

.~-=Moonglimmer Honeysuckle=-~.

theme music -

Moonglimmer ............AC 8 [11]......HP 10
2nd Level Lost Song Wood Elf (Lawful)...........Move 50

Str 11.........Saving Throw 13
Int 12 (Bugbear, Spider + Orc, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Gnoll)
Wis 13
Dex 17 +1 to hit w/ missiles, +1 to AC
Con 13
Chr 17 Max hirelings is 6, +2 loyalty

Base attack bonus +1 (+4 w/ Rowan Longbow, +3 w/ Quickblade)
Melee weapon: Quickblade d6+1, dagger 1d6-1
Missile weapon: Rowan Longbow d6+1 (x2), dagger 1d6-1

Blessed Visionary
- cannot use armor
- Cast AUGURY 1x/day/3 levels
- Cast CURE LIGHT WOUNDS 1x/day/level

XP 13....needs 15 to gain 3rd level

Wood Elf Abilities/Restrictions:
- Leather or chain only and shield. (None allowed.)
- Preferred weapons are elven scimitar, shortbow, spear. May not use heavy two-handed weapons.
- Moonglimmer gains a +1 to hit when using an elven bow.
- Can spot secret and hidden doors 4-in-6 when searching or 2-in-6 when just passing by.
- Can speak with gnolls, goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins.
- Elves gain +1 to hit and damage when fighting goblins, orcs, intelligent undead, and lycanthropes.
-Elves are immune to paralysis caused by undead such as ghouls.
-Surprised only on 1-in-6. This applies to any group that an elf is accompanying.
- Elves gain +1 to individual initiative. When in a group, an elf will get to act before anyone else during a tie to initiative.
- Forest travel does not slow an elf down.
- While in a wooded environment, wood elves are nearly invisible (5-in-6 chance) if they remain still.
- Lost Song Elves have lost the ability to cast spells.
- Elves cannot see in the dark, but have sharper vision than many other creatures.

Naturally good at getting people to help her. Not just men, but especially men. And not in a manipulative way. People just like her.

Naturally bad at music...she loves music, but has no capacity for learning it. Tone deaf. Crackly singing voice. Almost obsessed with listening to musicians.

Equipment: Quickblade, Rowan Tree Longbow, 12 arrows, 2 quivers of bronze-tipped arrows, dagger, leather belt pouch, backpack

- Quickblade (+2 short sword, allows first strike) - made of a bronze alloy

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Re: Retired/Inactive Characters

Post by jcftao »

.~-= Bengar =-~.


Race : Dwarf
Class : Thief
Alignment : Neutral

Level : 2
Experience Points : 0.....need 10 to gain 3rd level
Hit Dice : 2
Hit Points : 14
Armor Class : AC 6 [13]

Saving Throw : 13

STR : 12
INT : 15 (+5 languages)
WIS : 7
DEX : 15 (+1 missile attack, -1 AC?)
CON : 15 (+1 HP per hit die)
CHA : 8 (max hirelings 3, loyalty -1)

Common, Neutral, gnome, goblin, orc, kobold + 5 more? Wow!

Racial abilities:
half damage from giants, ogres, and trolls

spotting traps, slanting passages, and construction while
underground (1-4 on a d6 when searching, 1-2 on a d6 if just passing by)
+4 bonus on saving throws vs. magic

Class abilities:
Thievery: 2 in 6
subclass: scout, +1 initiative, +1 hear noise

Weapons spear, dagger, crossbow w/19 bolts

Gear thieves' tools
leather armor
flint and steel
6 Torches
50' hemp rope
7 days trail rations

Magic Items none

Wealth 83 sp

Hirelings: none

really good at: holding his liquor
really bad at: telling the truth without embellishing it

I am a scout from the dwarven kingdom of Irendall. I discovered a hidden pass in the mountains and found a standing stone. I remember a brilliant flash of purple light and then I was standing in a forest. It wasn't long before the sound of a huntsman's horn arrived. I was chased by the fairies and shot with arrows. I awoke in this cage, beard singed and hungry.

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