Trouble at Brandonsford!

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by jcftao »

Willig makes sure that he can fire off a sleep spell if needed. He then finds somewhere safe for cover. He doesn't want anything jumping his head.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

Mort stands up when the word "frogman" is mentioned. "Frogman you say? Hmmm, I've never seen one, but I've heard of them. They're around these parts, I don't know where they live. From what I've heard they keep to themselves. Don't think they're a bad sort, if you know what I mean. I think they just like peace and quiet. I've heard they are no friends of the gobs and orcs, that much I do know. I don't think it means us harm, probably just watching us. I'll start cooking something then." And Mort sets out to cooking, donkey snorting and munching grass. Willig clears some dried brush and leaves from a corner of the ruined foundation that's under the covered area. it seems like a sturdy place to stay with a solid wall that breaks the path of the wind.

You don't see or hear anything else from the direction of the apparent frogman. If you want to try to follow the creature, you can, or we can move along to dinner.

Assuming you don't' follow: Aside from the frog excitement, it's quiet with a slight breeze, and after about 30 minutes the smell of a vegetable soup concoction comes from Mort's bubbling pot.

If you follow - I'll amend the post....

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

I says we follow that frogger and see what he’s up to, says Hugi.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by jcftao »

Willig thinks about Hugi's suggestion, "Well, seems like a rash thing to do. He might be leading us into a trap. I guess we'll never know if we sit here."

"Come on, Hugi! I'll follow you. First sign of trouble and we'll turn tail and run back to the camp!"

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »


Not want to split the group up: I'll follow as well, never seen a frogman...

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

(I'm assuming Dewplo will follow as well)

Mort seems unfazed and says "Be careful, don't be gone too long, I'll keep this soup nice and warm!" And donkey seems to be trying to doze off.

It's been about 15 minutes since the frog was first seen, and you all take off through the tall grass, back to where Dewplo saw the frog. You find a small area relatively clear, from where the creature was first seen. After a couple moments of searching Dewplo finds some disturbed grass and evidence of passage heading west toward the edge of the grass and a small stand of oak trees.

You carefully navigate through the grass as quietly as possible and after about 10 minutes of slow deliberate walking you come to the edge, which transitions almost immediately to a gradually thickening area of trees with lush grass under the canopy. You also see that you've walked westward, gradually coming to within about 1000 ft of the tradeway, which is barely visible through the trees.

About 500 feet ahead of you and under the canopy you see a small crackling fire giving off a faint wisp of smoke. Situated around the fire are 4 creatures that look like large treefrogs. All are facing away from the edge of the tall grass, and two are standing. They appear to be about roughly 4 feet tall, they dont have clothing but do wear belts, and carry a combination of stone tipped spears and crude metal short swords. Each seems to have a necklace of trinkets and colorful baubles, the frog to the far right having a much larger necklace and slightly larger build. He croaks quietly to the other frogs.

Two of the frogs are busily carving up two very large dead black beetles. Around the group are several woven net sling bags filled with parts of other beetles, and a couple bags filled with some gourds and large red berries. They appear to be unaware of your presence, and the larger frog continues to croak and click at the others, making gestures with his hands.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by connivingsumo »

Dewplo "the brave" Buttonberry

The Halfling looks at his group, motioning to the Frogmen, and shrugs, "Now wut?" he whispers. "Ar ya wantin me ta go make frenz?" he offers, hoping others will say 'no,' but surveys the area for possible tactics.

Master Sneaker
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
+ Arrows = 20
+ HP: 7
+ AC: 13
+ Super sneaky (Near Invisibility (1-5/d6))
+ To Hit: +3 with missiles (+1 melee), or +5 if Hidden (+3 melee).
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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by jcftao »

Willig suggest to Dewplo, "Maybe you could announce yourself to them in a friendly manner? If things go bad, I give my solemn oath, that I will weave a mighty spell of enchantment. They will all be fast asleep before you know it!"

Willig smiles at the hobbit and refrains from patting him on the head.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Hugi raises his eyebrows but also smiles at the interaction.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »


Looks to be a small clan... they probably know a lot more about the goings on around here than anyone. I'll back you up Dewplo if any are missed by Willig's majiks, should something nefarious happen of course.

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