Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by badams30 »

So it sounds like the consensus is to put the bodies in the dining room/kitchen area. You make your way there, everyone pitching in to drag the bodies. Theo carefully opens the door and steps in, then motions for everyone to hand him the bodies.

As you start passing the bodies in, Theo makes a startled gasp, and peeking in, you see two very large beetles poke their heads from behind the half wall, staring at you curiously. They don't approach though.

Theo quickly tosses the bodies in, pauses for a moment, then closes the door behind him. "They were just sitting there. I don't think they mean us harm, maybe those goblins will be a good meal for them."

You then go back through the secret door and shut it behind you. Theo starts clearing debris in a large area to make a place to rest. He looks about and says "There's plenty of old furniture in here, and with that fresh air coming from who knows where, I think we could safely start a fire to keep us warm. If that's okay with you all?"

If no one cares, Theo tasks himself with building a fire and gathering a huge pile of wood to fuel it through your time here. His new halfling comrade helps him.

As you all make yourselves as comfy as possible, your new companion Hopwood says "Thank you for helping me. But what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Were you looking for this place? And what IS this place?" He seems genuinely confused.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by kipper »

Kane crawls through the rubble and props himself against the doorway. His intent is to sleep here so that nothing can sneak up on us from that direction.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by tumblingdice »

Albrecht explains the group's mission to Hopwood. (Sorry, busy here at work. No time to go through everything in character). The cleric also volunteers to take first watch.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by connivingsumo »


Zapolas observes Kane's keen idea to sleep against the door, nods at Albrecht's retelling of our mission, and also offers to take a watch.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by badams30 »

Hopwood listens intently to your tale. He thanks each of you for your timely deliverance. "I'm lucky to have stumbled upon you all. It's weird though, I've seen a few goblins and their like in my days, but they've generally kept to themselves. But over the past few months the nastier creatures around here seem to be more active than in the past. They've tended to avoid confrontation, but more often now I've heard of incidents here and there. The sheriff doesn't pay much mind to it all, he thinks I'm being too nervous, but I didn't get this old from being stupid."

Theo shares a large portion of his rations with the halfling, who eagerly devours them. Once everyone has eaten, you settle in to sleep, taking watches through the night. Theo says he can take whatever shifts aren't covered, and even Hopwood volunteers to take a shift. It's cool underground, and Theo starts a small fire, and seeing the smoke slowly pulled from the room by the unknown draft, he is satisfied that it's safe to have a fire. "We'll keep this really small, just enough to keep us warm, and the small bit of smoke should filter out without giving us away."

Once he gets the fire going, Theo pulls a couple spikes and his hammer from his pack and drives a couple spikes in the gap between the two doors in the room. "That should keep anyone out unless they really bash on the door."

With that, everyone beds down for a well-deserved rest.

About midway through the night, Kane is awakened by a very light, almost imperceptible scratching at the door near the rubble. It doesn't sound like whatever it is is trying to get in, but seems to be milling about the door. As he starts to quietly rise to tell the others, the scratching slowly moves away, and he hears it no longer.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by kipper »

Kane grunts to himself in satisfaction, he has no desire to chase down whatever caused the sound. He takes a swig from from his 'wineskin' and goes back to sleep.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by tumblingdice »

Albrecht continues to sleep soundly, though he may perhaps dream of rats or mice...

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by badams30 »

The quick and minor interruption seems to be the only thing happening during the night. You all get a very restful sleep, although it is a bit chilly down here. Theo keeps the small fire going and it proves to be warm enough to keep any serious chill away.

Everyone awakens rested and refreshed, and your new pal Hopwood is smiling and seems to have a new lease on life. Theo shares some of his extra rations with him, and he eagerly devours them.

Although it's difficult to determine time down here, your rough guess is that it's mid morning.


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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by connivingsumo »


The Elf's compact size stretches as tall as he can and let's out a large sigh, "Welp ~ We survived the night! Do you think if we leave now we can make it back to our employer by dusk?"

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by kipper »

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Kane admonishes. "First we have to get out of here. Who knows what might have arrived overnight."

OOC: Let's leave, but slowly and cautiously, on the alert!

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