Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by connivingsumo »

Zapolas is intrigued by the closed and forbidden, ruined temple, but would like to get paid before checking it out.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by tumblingdice »

Albrecht, having cleared his mind and said his prayers in the small chapel, is most interested in learning more about the temple. He intends to ask Sigfried about it when the party visits him later.

Don't worry, Kane. By later I mean soon.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by badams30 »

After everyone has cleaned up, filled their bellies, and prayed, you all feel quite refreshed and ready to go meet the wizard for your payment.

Taking the stroll toward Sigfried's house, you get the typical greeting waves from the villagers who eye you with curiosity.

Almost on cue, as you approach the door to his house, the mage bursts out and says "Ah, good to see you all. COME IN, COME IN!" He motions you in, and points toward his large table, which is set with large mugs for each of you. A young girls nods politely and starts pouring a very good smelling coffee in each mug, followed by a large tray of delicious looking pastries.

As you sit down, Sigfried plops down in his chair and drops a large stack of papers on the table. You recognize these as the notes from the workbench that you gathered and Theo was carrying.

"I know I sent you to retrieve a tome, but did you happen to see some kind of stone while you were there? You wouldn't have been able to miss it, it is rough but round, glows with a pulsating blue hue, and has religious sigils all over it." He nods at Albrecht and says "You would most certainly recognize them as being from your order." He shuffles through the papers and says "What I'm talking about is a glowing rock, it should have been in a silvered magical box. Anora had many notes about the orb, and apparently she had come into its possession and was experimenting on it. Clearly she had no clue what she was in possession of, and had gravely underestimated the capabilities of it. Did you see anything like this?"

Sigfried has a clearly concerned look on his face.

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by connivingsumo »


"In addition to the tome, we did find this note." Zapolas shows the note-scroll regarding the stone he's speaking of. Looking to Sigfried, "Who do you think wrote it, and what do they want with it?!"

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Re: Chapter 1: We're off to see the wizard

Post by tumblingdice »

We also ran into a skeleton, or half-skeleton, rather, who kept going on and on about the stone Albrecht adds. I said a prayer to put him to rest.

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