Barrel Creek Brigade

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Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

After a disastrous Monsters Monsters! Game, I decided to share a relaxing S&W campaign. I’ll be using Complete rules, Boons for S&W & non-human player codex. I recently picked up Goldenrod’s Guide to Combat, so I’ll be using that at some point. Mune is the engine. Village Generator & Wilderness Point Crawl by Atelier Clandestin will flesh out the area. I’ll use their dungeon point crawl generator if I have to head underground. I’m holding psionics in reserve as the current party are too thick (or demi-human) to use it.

Right, time to meet the goons!

Belle Ore, dwarf fighter (f) – exceptionally strong, thick as a plank. Easy on the eye. Charming.
Gorfus, human fighter (m) – Only stat above 10 is his con. Int & Str are 5. Born under a bad sign. -5% xp
Felinda, human cleric (f) – IQ 8, Wis 13, all other stats average.
Tobin Tea – gnome magic user (m), IQ 15, forest gnome (Non human codex) so gets a bonus druid spell (purify water). Also knows Protection from Evil & Magic Missile (& has a scroll of MM).

The village of Barrel Brook is 100% more interesting than any of our potential corpses. Built near a ravine, run by a knight, famous for its beer (and surprising wealth), the place has a goblin problem. It also has a couple of dark secrets, but they’ll (hopefully) show up later (before the goons die).

Because Barrel Brook is such a weird place, our family-pack of zombie chow is part of the guard/militia/whatever on patrol to keep an eye out for goblins.

Right then, let’s get started!

“Did we have to bring the goon?” Belle grunts, jabbing a thumb over her shoulder at the oblivious Gorfus.

“Captain Shane believes a spot of patrol duty will help … bring him out of his shell,” the cleric replies, her kindly eyes dewy with emotion.

“Shouldn’t he have been issued a proper weapon?”

“It appears the poor unfortunate can’t keep his feet without the bill, so that’s what he carries.”

The dwarf grunts, adjusts her shield.

“Well he can stay in the back with Tobin. At least that way I won’t have to watch when he lops off my head.”

Other than Goofus’ constant humming, the quartet span Gallatin's Bridge in silence. They march for four hours. Belle’s traversed the bridge so many times she neither peers over at the endless drop below nor wonders from what beast the bones were harvested. When Far Cliff looms at the span’s terminus, she clears her throat and raises a fist.

“Alright you lot, we’ll take a break at the other end. Dry rations only. No grog. Keep your eyes out for goblins.”

A cloying stink of rot fills Belle’s throat as leave the bridge. She’s never understood how a swamp can stay on the top of the cliff, but she knows she’s built for killing, not thinking.

They find a dry spot. Belle sits with Tobin on a large log. The humans chew on dried meat and hard tack while standing.

Wandering monster. 1/d6. Yes.

A crushing wave smashes the camp. Thrashing, ink-black tentacles surf the tide.

Surprise. 1/d6. Yes.

12, 14 vs AC16. Miss.

Toothed suckers lash at Belle’s mail. She swats them aside with the edge of her shield.

16,18 vs AC12. Hit. Dam 1+1 vs 5hp.

Tendrils whip Gorfus’ limbs and body. Jawed pads rake his skin. Blood blossoms on his face and neck.

19,10,13 vs AC 14. 1 hit. Dam 1 vs 5HP

Felinda ducks, raising her shield above her head. Hammer-blows rock the wooden barrier. A rubbery tentacle flicks up from the water, opening a cut on her chin.

2 vs AC 10, miss.

Tobin Tea yelps, jumping over a thrashing flesh-vine.

Initiative lost 1:5.

13, 15 vs AC 12, 2 hits. 2 (total) dam vs 3hp

Clutching his bill hook, Gorfus cowers from the lashing assault. Tears mist his eyes as thick strips of flesh and stripped from his back.

11, 6, 7 vs AC 14, miss.

Sliding her mace from its place on her hip, Felinda squats low behind her shield. A barrage of blows strikes its surface but barely manage to numb her wrist.

15,23 vs AC 10. 2 hits. Dam 3 (total) vs 2hp.

Lashing tentacles seize the leaping gnome’s ankles. The little man screams as his legs are dragged apart. Flesh and bone snap and tear. Blood gouts from his sundered hips. Whipping tentacles send his corpse back over the bridge.

Belle: 12 vs 12, hit. Dam 6 vs 13hp

“Tobin!” the dwarf woman screams, lashing out with her mace. Spikes shred rubbery tentacles.

Felinda 15 vs 12, hit. 3 dam vs 7hp

“Saints give me strength!” Felinda roars, driving forward with her shield, mace slamming left-to-right, hammering tentacles and clearing a path to the creatures bloated-sack body.

Gorfus 17 vs 12, hit, 5 damage vs 4hp

“Coming through!” Gorfus yells.

Billhook jutting from his hands like a lance, the village idiot charges Falinda. A clear foot from the crouching priestess, he throws himself into the air. He plants a foot against her shoulders, leaps again and drives his billhook into the squishy flesh-sack.

Thick black ink stains the water. Tentacles drop and twitch in the mire.

“Tobin!” Belle shrieks.

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by badams30 »

Cool. And as a side note, I can relate to Gorfus.

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

badams30 wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:09 am
Cool. And as a side note, I can relate to Gorfus.
You defeted a giant octopus in single combat? Man, that's a tale I have to hear! :lol:

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

Belle runs to the bridge, grabs bleached, fossilising railings with both hands. She stares into the watery abyss below, tears tracking through the dirt on her cheeks.

“Belle?” Felinda calls, shuffling through her pack.

Yarrow and pot marigold staining the breeze, Felinda unfurls a bandage. She moves over to Gorfus, offers him a smile as she helps him out of his armour. She winds the herbal dressing around his body, wincing at the shredded flesh hanging from his body.

(1d4-1. 2 points healed, putting Gorfus back up to 3hp).

“You did a good job there, Gorfus. Using me as a step to skewer it was a touch of genius.”

The Unfortunate chuckles, the sound breaking into a choked sob.

“I didn’t mean to, your Holiness, I just kind of tripped over my own feet.”

“Well the saints must have been watching, because you did the right thing at the perfect time. Here,” she pulls a handful of candied berries from her bag and pats him on the shoulder.

“Everything okay,” she says, fixing a smile and approaching the dwarf.

“Not really. I lost a trooper on my first patrol as Lance Primus. Tobin was a good soldier, a good friend.”

Belle slumps against the bone bridge, chin touching her chest and eyes closed. Felinda approaches, drapes a hand on the dwarf’s shoulder.

“I know you have little time for Them, and it will bring scant comfort at this time, but the Elemental Saints bring us to this world and takes us away just as quickly. Some orders insist they have a plan, others that their wishes are as chaotic as a raging fire. My sect believes that the Saints give us life with a purpose in mind and when we have achieved it, we return to Earth to be reborn with a different form in a different place, possibly on a different plane.”

Smiling still, she squeezed Belle’s shoulder.

“Did that help?”

The dwarf looks up, squeezes Felinda’s fingers and returned the smile.

“Not one bit,” she laughed, pawing tears from her eyes, “but my brain hurts so much I need to focus on something to help it stop aching.”

Bell moved away from the bridge, heading back toward the swamp.

“What have you got there, Gorfus?”

The gangly lad stood at the bridge’s end, a leather pack clutched to his chest. The billhook jutted out from beneath his elbow, its gore-blackened blade inches from his face.

“Tobin’s stuff, ma’am. He took his pack off to eat. Should I give it back to him?”

“Definitely not. Strap it on your back lad. No scratch that command.”

Belle crossed to him, pulled a blade from a sheath tied onto one of the shoulder straps. It glitters in the early morning sunlight. Pale etchings run across its length.

“Silver,” she says, turning the weapon in her hand before tucking it into her boot, “it might come in handy. Gorf, check for anything useful in their then put it on.”

“Aye, ma’am,” the boy says, almost falling as he attempts a salute.

“Right, let’s move out.”

They continue their patrol. Belle leads with Felinda by her side. Gorfus follows, his tuneless hum in constant competition with the birds and reptiles that inhabit the area.

(Wandering monster 1/d6. No).

The penetrate deep into the stinking terrain. Large lizards and raptors lurk in the twisted roots and high branches.

Notice check 6/4/1/d6 – Gorfus the goon has a keen eye.

“What’s that, ma’am?”

Belle swing her attention to follow the lad’s extended billhook. To the east large trees lie felled in a circle, their roots displayed to the world as if toppled by a howling gale. A depression in the soil sits beneath the felled behemoths, its depths too much for the swamp water to fill.

“Not a clue,” Belle says, taking hold of her mace and walking toward the pits, “but I’d bet goblins have something to do with it.”

Keeping formation as best they can in the sodden terrain, they move to inspect the strange location.

“Oh no,” Felinda gasps, face suddenly ashen, “oh, that’s bad.”

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

Toppled trunks and sundered roots reveal a passage into the earth. Belle scans across the strange stone. An outsider, she can’t point to any local culture that would employ such masonry. A particular stone takes her attention. A circular depression above twin stone doors glows with an eerie black luminescence.

“All I can tell you is it’s old. But that glowing rock doesn’t look good.”

“Good? That’s the mark of Eshra, the void saint,” Felinda gasps, fingers straying to the amulet at her throat.

Gorfus straightens, hands clenched around his billhook.

“Bad mojo?”

“Very bad. The worst,” Falinda replied.

Mouth twisted in sneering rage, Gorfus lofts his billhook above his head. The pole-arm’s blade strikes sparks from stone. Dislodged, the plaque crashes to the swamp-moist steps. Thunder roars. A tidal wave of blackness breaks against the patrol.

Save: Belle: 17 (pass). Gorfus: 1 (ouch!). Felinda 16 (pass).

Felinda and Belle hunker down beneath their shields. Howling winds pummel the two shield-maidens. An obsidian tsunami crashes over them. A thousand indistinct voices scream in their ears.

The assault lessens then ceases. Felinda turns to the dwarf, receives a nod that is less than hearty. Her earth-sister’s eyes are wide with shock, her skin two shades lighter than moments before.

“Gorfus?” She rasps, her tongue thick and throat parched.

The fool sits on the stones, swamp water darkening his woollen britches.

“Weird,” he says, scratching his chin and climbing to his feet, “I thought I heard my ma. Look.”

Stone grates on stone. The idiot turns, billhook in hand, and points to the opening doors. A chill wind wafts from within. Waning light illuminates stone blocks carved in an identical style to those outside.

“Dark in there. Lucky Tobin brought his lantern.”

Gorfus unclips the lam from his borrowed pack, lights it with flint and steel.

“We going in then?”

The two women exhange a glance.

“We’ll take the front. Follow up with the lantern. If there’s anything in here, place the lantern down carefully before using your weapon.”

Gorfus snaps off a clumsy salute then stands aside as the women lead on into a large stone chamber. Crude depictions of warrior leading his retinue into battle line the walls. Time’s foul hand has eroded the carvings.

“Any idea who that might be, priestess?”

“No,” Felinda replies, “but I’d wager this is where they rest eternal.”

“Which way?” Belle asks, waving her mace at the portals in the west and south-west walls.

“Don’t be long, just go straight on. It’s what my pah used to say to me,” Gorfus chimes in.

Belle’s chain mail jingles. She crosses the room, stands silent beside a stone arch.

(2/d6. Success)

“Shields up, I hear something moving out there.”

Up on her feet, she slips back beside Felinda. Together the party move into the corridor. Shield locked with Felinda’s, Bell is as keenly aware of Gorfus’ billhook as she is the reeking stench of death.

(Surprise: 3&6/d6 – no surprise).

“Stand ready!”

(We’ve been here before. A lot.)

Rumbling groans echo in the tight space. Naked feet drag across wet stone. A quartet of stinking, shambling forms move into the radius of Gorfus’ lamp.

“Set the lamp down before you start swinging that bill!” Belle shouts.

Raking claws slash at her face before she finishes the sentence.

(party lose initiative 1:4)

(x2 zombies attack Felinda: 6, 21 vs AC14. 1 hit. Dam 5 vs 4hp)
(x1 zombie vs Belle. 18 vs AC 16. Hit. 8 vs 8hp)

Felinda drops first. A searching hand slips over her shield rim. Ripping gristle and an opened throat squelch loud before the zombie stuffs a fist-full of oesophagus between rotten teeth.

Belle falls next. Bone cracks against mail. Splinters rupture rotten flesh. The dwarf-woman grunts, collapses into a heap.

“No!” Gorfus yells, hacking wild with his bill.

(Gorfus: 16 vs AC 12. Hit. Dam: 3 vs 9hp)

The weapon’s curved beak opens flesh and reveals bone. The rotting abomination is not phased.

(Round 2)

(Zombies: 4,10,21 vs AC 12. 1 hit. Dam: 2 vs 3hp).

Purulent claws rake the last patrol man, shredding bandages and ripping open fresh wounds. Talons slash and rake, but the Fool plies his billhook well, weaving staff and blade to intercept their rotted strikes.

Tears welling in his eyes, Gorfus flees.

(Opportunity attacks)
(zombies: 1 (nat), 8, 11 vs AC 12. No hits)

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by badams30 »

Dang. My man Gorfus made it though.

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

badams30 wrote:
Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:11 pm
Dang. My man Gorfus made it though.
Yup. I'm plagued by bad intiative rolls!

Yup, lucky Gorf.

Maybe he's the next Festoonia. Could be the next Arn Coppertongue though.

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by badams30 »

If Gorfus has my luck he’s a goner.

Love your write ups, good stuff!

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

badams30 wrote:
Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:38 pm
If Gorfus has my luck he’s a goner.

Love your write ups, good stuff!
He's still holding on for the time beings :)

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Re: Barrel Creek Brigade

Post by JimboJimbo »

(wandering monsters: 2/d6 – no)

Captain Shane stands in his office. Maps and reports litter his desk. A fine suit of banded mail stands on a mannequin. Exotic weaponry hangs on the walls. Hands clasped at the small of his back, the officer stares in puzzlement at the man sprawled on his floor.

“I couldn’t save ‘em, Captain,” Gorfus snorts, dragging an arm across his face.

Shane turns to his desk, picks up a silver bell. Before its chime dies, the door creaks open.
A human woman in Barrel Creek livery pokes her head around the door.


“Yes, Mistral. We appear to have a problem.”

The mildly attractive woman cocks and eyebrow.

“More goblins, sir?”

“No. Could you see if that wandering avenger and his entourage are still looking for work?”

“At once sir.” Mistral pulls the door shut behind her.

Shane walks to the cowering soldier, guides him to his feet.

“I need you to do something for me, Gorfus,” the captain says, straightening Gorfus’ tunic and staring directly into his eyes.

“I need you to go back in there, find out what’s going on. We’re too pressed on all fronts to spare many men but I’ll procure some mercenaries to back you up. Will you go in again for me, son, go back into that place and fight for honour, for Barrel Brook and, most of all, for your fallen friends?”

Gorfus’ straightens. Shoulders squared, he pulls off the first perfect salute of his career.

“Yes sir, Captain Shane, sir!”

(Alright, enough of the self-indulgent bad prose. Time to get back underground.)

Barrel Creek Patrol #2

Gorfus, human fighter (m), level 1. Just unbelievably alive! Has a hand cart from character creation. I guess he’ll get to use it this time.
Brother Ned, human cleric (m), level 1, no spells from wisdom but Protection from Evil 1/day from boons. Plate armour & shield. Got lucky on the money rolls.

Jenny Crumpet, human fighter (f), level 1, sharp eyed. Also packing plate & shield. Charisma 8, Wisdom 6. Gorfus is probably going to fall in love.
Petunia Bong, gnome magic user (f), best attributes on the team. High IQ so has an extra spell. Race random rolled but fits with Barrel Creek’s human/gnome population.

Still no psykers, so no random Titans.

“This is where our last wizard died,” Gorfus says, emotion clogging his voice, “that thing done it just before I skewered it’s brain.”

The Fool gestures to the octopus, its lizard-shredded carcass spanning a large area of swampland.

“The others died in there,” he adds, pointing to the ancient tomb.

Armour creaking, Brother Ned strides to the open barrow. Prayer beads rattling against his metal greaves.

“By Solaris’ fiery wrath!” he spits, “I sense great evil within this cairn. Come, we must rid Barrel Creek of this blight!”

(Mune engine. Are Belle & Felinda’s corpses still there? 3, no but...).

Ned & Jenny take position in the front rank. Gorfus follows, billhook resting on his creaking handcart. Petunia rides in the cart, lantern in one hand. She keeps a trio of darts clutched in the other.

“Dead things up ahead,” Gorfus growls, jabbing a finger toward a stone archway.

“They shall burn in righteous flames,” Brother Ned swears.

Buckles creak and plates crank as the heavily-armoured duo race into the darkness. Gorfus follows, pushing his cart and whispering promises to his dead friends. His heart races. A desert forms in his mouth.

Ahead, shadows flicker in the lamplight. Growling moans fills the air. Stinking death washes over them, clogging throats and clawing tears from eyes.

(Initiative: draw 6:6. I’ll run it party,zombie,party…”

Lamplight bathing his armour in his Deity’s golden glow, Brother Ned reaches for the sundisk at his throat.

“Oh Lord Solaris,” he intones, voice powerful despite the danger, “bless your servant and burn away the foul creations of chaos!”

Turn undead: natural 20 vs TN: 13. 8 dice (all of them) zombies flee. Since it’s a critical success, they don’t get to attack and back straight off.

Solaris’ divine power rips through the darkened passage, burning away shadows and driving back the foul undeed.

(opportunity attacks)

(Jenny: 14 vs AC12, hit. Dam 6 vs 6hp)

The creatures turn in panic. Jenny Crumpet sees her opening, drives her spear upwards into the turning zombie’s armpit. Hammers steel rips through rotten cloth and flesh, drive out of the beast’s shoulder.

(Gorfus: 18 vs AC 12. Hit. 7 dam vs 10hp)

Heartened by the warrior-woman’s strike, Gorfus lashes out with his billhook. The curved blade bites deep, ripping flesh and severing tendon. The zombie staggers away, its chin lolling against its chest.

“We must give chase and destroy the abominations!” Brother Ned shouts, studded mace clutched in his armoured fist.

Guiding his cart one-handed, Gorfus charges after his new companions. The wagon bucks in his clumsy grip, almost slams into plated hams as the cleric screams to a halt.

“I’ll be blessed,” Brother Ned booms, “Our Lord Solaris truly does work in mysterious ways!”

Peering around armoured pauldrons, Gorfus stares down into a 10’ pit. The rotting horrors twitch and struggle against sharpened stone spikes protruding from the bottom.

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