Trouble at Brandonsford!

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by connivingsumo »

greyarea wrote:
Fri Oct 07, 2022 3:53 pm
Hugi holds his axe two handedly, rocking back and forth in his armor and getting ready to charge. He whispers what the goblins said in their own tongue to those near him.

When arrows are loosed he will run just as fast as he can in full plate.
Dewplo steps out from behind Hugi, bow drawn - arrow aimed at the big Gobbie (or available Gobbie target) - and holds for another* archer so as to "loose" simultaneously.

*is Dewplo the only archer?

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

So it looks like actions are:
Mort: standing by
Hugi: Axe at the ready, will charge once arrows are loosed
Eerik: Mace at the ready, will charge once arrows are loosed (wants to try and take a prisoner)
Jocasta: Throw spear and charge
Dewplo: (to answer your question, yes, you are the only archer. Since Valdus left I didn't address it, but I'm leaving his character in town, if he does rejoin us in the future he can pick him up. But with him not being here, you are the only archer.). Dewplo will be a sharpshooter, shooting arrows from the treeline.

So to summarize (if no objection by say later tonight, I'll take this as actions:)
Dewplo will shoot an arrow, Jocasta will hurl a spear then charge, and Hugi and Eerik will charge to melee range.

If no changes, that's what I'll go with.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Let’s do it

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »

greyarea wrote:
Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:39 pm
Let’s do it

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by kipper »


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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

The goblins argue amongst themselves and with a shrug, Dewplo lets loose an arrow, striking one of the goblins in the back right between the shoulder blades. The goblin sighs and crumples to the ground. One down.

Jocasta lets out a hearty and piratical WHOOP and throws her pike as she charges. It narrowly misses the (apparent) leader goblin.

Hugi, Sythandra and Eerik charge waving their weapons as the advance! Terwilliger advances just behind the others charging, keeping a watchful eye on the back and flanks of the party.

The goblins were surprised, and didn't have weapons out, so they're taking this round to draw weapons and prepare to attack next round. Since everything has went according to plan, I'll keep going with the attack.

Dewplo, feeling quite proud of his shot fires another arrow at the leading goblin, his luck is with him today and he hits him as well, but he's only lightly wounded with the arrow sticking in his leg. He howls in pain though, gritting his teeth.

Hugi charges within range and swings his battle axe, striking an uninjured goblin, he cuts him deeply, and the goblin looks quite badly injured, but remains standing - barely.

Eerik charges up and swings his mace at the injured goblin, missing him by inches.

Sythandra deftly stabs at the large goblin, and although it's a glancing wound, it's enough to drop him to the ground dead.

Terwilliger keeps watch, as the battle seems to be going well.

Seeing their two companions on the ground dead, the two remaining goblins lose the will to continue the fight, and they drop their weapons before even using them. One says in poor common "We give up! We give up! Don't hurt us! You can have all our stuff!"

The group gathers around the defeated goblins, and Mort brings donkey nearby. The goblins look terrified and cower before you. A cursory inspection of the cart and the goblins possessions reveal: 2 short swords and 2 spears (the goblins weapons) in poor condition but serviceable. The goblins collectively had 6 gold and 20 silver. The large goblin had an agate that is pretty crudely cut, but worth about 30 gold. The cart contains the partially consumed wheel of cheese, a handful of bolts of cloth (scorched, basically worthless) an undamaged short bow and quiver with 10 arrows, the equivalent of 5 days standard rations, 50 foot of rope, and several empty barrels, in good condition despite being empty.

There are remnants of at least 4 tents and wagons scattered around, the tent scraps could be cobbled together to make one decent shelter, but the wagons are beyond repair. The goblins cart is also junky and held together by some old twine and rusty nails.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Hugi raises his axe and then decides the better of it.

Give me answers and I’ll let you attend to your friend here. You might be able to save him, he says pointing to the one he gravely wounded with his axe.

What happened to the dwarves encamped here? Who did this? You saw our might: we could have killed you all. We want answers or our mercy might be over with.

That went well


It takes the clearly petrified goblin a moment to reply and he says at a squeak "the dwarves live that-a way" (pointing vaguely northeast) "all we know is the dragon did this yesterday and then king told us to go see if we could find any stuff left over. Honest. it's been trouble since that dragon came around, the whole place is messed up. Please don't kill us."

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »


Slings his mace for the moment and watches their perimeter to make sure no reinforcements catch them off guard.

OCC: well indeed.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by tumblingdice »

OC: Thanks for NPCing Sythandra. That did go well.

Sythandra lowers her sword. Wasted a perfectly good wheel of cheese, she mutters with a curse, even if it was made by dwarves.

The elf watches with resentment as the other goblin is allowed to attend to his companion's injuries, but makes no move to stop him.

OC: How did Paul know what the goblins were going to say? :)

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

I do believe that my post was hijacked!

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