My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

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Re: My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

Post by ratmanof »

I have updated my booklet to 2.0 and will keep it at that (unless serious typos are found). Perhaps one day I will add some more artwork.

I have streamlined some rules (Grappling for instance), added small enhancements to some spells (Aid for instance). Corrected a lot of typos. Some prices for services and equipment were added. And couple of magic items, most suitable for optional classes. Feel free to use what You like and rewrite what You don´t.

Any feedback is much appreciated :)

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Re: My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

Post by cbarchuk »

I really like your house rules. I had a question about monster HD and damage just to make sure I'm understanding it.

A monster that is tiny would roll a d4 per HD and do only a d4 of damage with attacks. Is that right? I assume this would apply to multiple attacks as well if any?

An average sized monster would roll a d6 per HD and do a d6 for damage. Correct?

Assuming I'm understanding right I like it. The size part may end up being a bit abstract at times. Is there anyway to adjust the chart to be according to HD instead of size? For example:

1 HD monsters = d4 for HD and damage
2-3 HD monsters = d6 for HD and damage

I dunno. That may not work. I just think it makes things more concrete. But overall great job!

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Re: My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

Post by ratmanof »

Hey :)

Thanks for great feedback.

In my original rules I tied the dice size with HD, but then I thought that size is more of an equivalent for both counting how much damage a creature usually does and how much it can absorb before death.

For example: Tiny creatures use d4. Both Kobolds and Cockatrices are tiny creatures, but one is more tougher than the other (Cockatrice would have 5d4 for HPs). Although 5 HD creature, cockatrice can take much less damage than 5 head hydra.

So in my rules all following are 5HD creatures but their sizes make difference:

Tiny Cocatrice (5d4 for HPs and does 1d4 for damage)
Human size mummy (5d6+1 for HPs and does 1d6 for damage if he attacks with ancient blade in hand)
Huge 5 headed Hydra (5d8 for HPs and does 5d8 for damage, due to multiple heads)

For me this system seemed elegant and easy to adopt enough :) Plus the Referee can change the monsters a bit by adding "giant" or "midget" versions very easily.

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Re: My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

Post by ratmanof »

I tinkered with some house rules for Holmes Basic D&D and tried to convert my optional classes for that system as well. In doing so I came to conclusion, that Paladin as a sub-class of Cleric would be easier to adopt and use. Basically a cleric that can use all weapons and armors just as fighter (even the magic ones), but in doing so starts casting cleric spells one level later. I think I will use the same option when I refresh these rules one day :)

Meanwhile I am trying to build additional super simple rules for high level play in S&W Whitebox - including mass combat, domain management, etc.

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Re: My greyhawkish house rules SnW Whitebox

Post by merias »

ratmanof wrote:
Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:54 pm
I tinkered with some house rules for Holmes Basic D&D and tried to convert my optional classes for that system as well. In doing so I came to conclusion, that Paladin as a sub-class of Cleric would be easier to adopt and use. Basically a cleric that can use all weapons and armors just as fighter (even the magic ones), but in doing so starts casting cleric spells one level later. I think I will use the same option when I refresh these rules one day :)

Meanwhile I am trying to build additional super simple rules for high level play in S&W Whitebox - including mass combat, domain management, etc.
That seems like a reasonable compromise for the Paladin. Kind of like a Templar class.

Domain play always seems like it would be fun, but I have never really gotten into it in play, at least as presented in the original OD&D rules. In my gaming group we usually allow players to buy and build property as soon as they have the coin to do so, they just don't have the automatic followers they would get at higher level. They have to purchase them, which keeps the retinue small. I don't think I have ever had a PC above 5th level in any game (outside of the monty haul games of my youth :lol: ).

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