Character Creation

Gazòta Saà Zòba's Whitebox Game
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Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

This forum topic is for the creation of characters for my game. Below is what I wrote for the forum topic for looking for players:

The game is set in a world I've already developed, though not all of the kingdoms I've created are developed with cities made, etc. It takes place on the island of Bolomor, which is an island close to the Crow Kingdoms of the Great Continent. The Crow Kingdoms are the remnants of the Crow or Garoman Empire, to the west of the Great Continent. To the east there is the Píchìng Empire, and to the south there is Aegyptus, in the middle of all three areas there is the Indus Kingdom.

All the characters in this adventure have to be good. There aren't any house rules - I'm sticking to the rules for my first game! However, for flavor's sake, I should say that the elves are more like the fairy from fairy tales or Celtic Legends and Myths, the dwarves are also more like the fairy in fairy tales and in Celtic Myths and Legends. Instead of living in mountain halls, dwarves live in the Hollow Hills like the other Fairy. Halflings are very much like Tolkien's Hobbits, instead of the D&D interpretation of them, and they live in Shires, etc. I'll also let people choose the Gnome race, which has the same stats as Halflings do except, instead of having Deadly Accuracy With Missiles and Near Invisibility, they can create a small item that does a small action anywhere due to the materials Gnomes carry around with them in their pockets, and the skills they have with creating machines, once before one day of rest. For example, a Gnome could create a dagger, or a small clockwork machine that can move between the cracks of a door, or a poison potion that when drunk deals one damage. Small items like that. The Gnomes are also like Fairy a little bit. Also, instead of only being able to level up to fourth level as a Fighter, Gnomes can only level up to fourth level as a magic-user. All other races than humans and halflings are also called "Fairy", and the gods of the world are also considered sort of like powerful Fairy.

I have gods for the Crow Kingdoms and Bolomor, and if your character comes from somewhere else (from the Indus Kingdom, Aegyptus, the Muluk Jungle, or Píchìng), you can either create a diety for your character that loosely follows the theme of that area (Indus Kingdom - India, Aegyptus - the Middle/Near East including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Muslim world, Píchìng - Chinese/Japanese), or choose a god from one of the pantheons of the real world equivalent of that area.

Note: I'm also adding in a new region in the world called the Muluk Jungle. It's a Mesoamerican influenced region, and it's a huge jungle! There's also some Indian influence when you get closer to the Indus Kingdom. I've also added a land called the Nihonjin Empire to the very east of the Píchìng Empire. Nihonjin is supposed to be influenced by Japan, and the Píchìng Empire is supposed to be influenced by China.

Below is the list of gods of the Crow Kingdoms, they take gods from all around the Great Continent, from the Píchìng Empire, the Nihonjin Empire to Aegyptus and the original gods of the Crow Kingdoms themselves!:

The Dagda, the wise man
The Morrigan, goddess of battle and fate
Nuada, god of battle
Oghma, god of knowledge and writing
Athena, goddess of wisdom and war
Artemis, goddess of the hunt
Bastet, goddess of cats and goodness
Bast, goddess of cats and evil
Thoth, god of knowledge
Set, god of darkness and evil
Odin, god of magic/war/wisdom/runes
Hel, goddess of the underworld
Loki, god of trickery
Thor, god of thunder and lightning
Frey, god of fertility/nature/etc.
Apollo, god of you know (so much to say!)
Artemis, goddess of the hunt
Silvanus, god of nature
Manannan Mac Lir, god of seafaring and the sea
Poseidon, god of the sea
Isis, goddess of magic
Osiris, lord of death
Ishtar/Inanna, goddess of love and war
Anubis, guardian of the dead/servant of Hel and Osiris
Ra, god of the sun
Indra, god of kings
Agni, god of fire
Brahma, the creator
Vishnu, the preserver
Shiva, the destroyer
Kali, goddess of killing and destroying
Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity
Krishna, god of kindness and love
Kronos, god of time
Nike, goddess of victory
Balor, god of giants
Tyr, god of battle
Ilmarinen, god of the winds and travelers
Tapio, King of the Forest
Mielikki, Queen of the Forest
Ahti, god of fishing
Untamo, god of dreams
The Shogoloth, the weird monstrosity
Daguns, god of sickness
Damathoin, god of secrets and treasure
Hercules, god of strength and warriors
Rudra, god of thieves
The Spider Queen
The Flood Survivor
Mother Mercy
Lord Pain
The Monkey Lord

To create a character for my game. You should first, create a character like normal (except from the Gnome race that I created), choose where you come from (it doesn't have to be from the Crow Kingdoms), and finally choose your god according to where you come from (each person follows one god on the Great Continent, even if you aren't a cleric or priest). Do not pick or choose languages or anything like that, my world has different languages to what is presented in normal fantasy rpgs, I'll tell you what languages you know after you post your character.

Note: character names are to be decided in the Names topic, as, though I don't want choose your names for you, my world has its own languages and the names should sound like the language of the place where you come from.

Sorry from writing so much on character creation, especially since the writing's so cluncky, but I needed to write this much!

Can't wait to see the characters!
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

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Re: Character Creation

Post by jcftao »

My character will be a cleric to the Dagda, the wise man.

Str 11
Int 5
Wis 13
Dex 8
Con 14
Chr 14

Based on my stats, my character is not quick witted. He's not stupid, but just takes time thinking things through.
His wisdom and charisma make up for the lack of smarts.

Let me know what names will be suitable...I want him to come from the Crow lands.

Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

jcftao wrote:My character will be a cleric to the Dagda, the wise man.

Str 11
Int 5
Wis 13
Dex 8
Con 14
Chr 14

Based on my stats, my character is not quick witted. He's not stupid, but just takes time thinking things through.
His wisdom and charisma make up for the lack of smarts.

Let me know what names will be suitable...I want him to come from the Crow lands.
To make things simple, I'll create a list of names, and post it up on the Names topic that people can choose from.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

"The book you hold in your hand contains a description of a new fantasy world, together with rules for conducting adventures therein." -The Empire of the Petal Throne.

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Re: Character Creation

Post by jcftao »

Naddar, cleric of Dagda the wise man. Naddar comes from the Crow Kingdom of Illyria.
AC 7
Hit Points 6
Saving Throw 15

Str 11
Int 5
Wis 13
Dex 8
Con 14
Chr 14

Naddar is on a spiritual journey. He is seeking enlightenment and trying to understand the world around him.
He is a healer and a mystic, preferring to seek peace first and fight if peace is not possible.
A quarterstaff and a simple tunic are his preferred traveling gear.

Wealth: 43gp (starting gold was 90, 47gp spent)

robes, sandals, belt
holy symbol, wooden
leather armor (15gp)
quarterstaff (1gp)
backpack (5gp) [1 wk trail rations (7gp), 6 torches (1gp), 3 flasks of oil (6gp), 50' silk rope (5gp), small knife (1gp)]
wineskin (1gp)
flint/steel (5gp)

Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

jcftao wrote:Naddar, cleric of Dagda the wise man. Naddar comes from the Crow Kingdom of Illyria.

Str 11
Int 5
Wis 13
Dex 8
Con 14
Chr 14

Naddar is on a spiritual journey. He is seeking enlightenment and trying to understand the world around him.
He is a healer and a mystic, preferring to seek peace first and fight if peace is not possible.
A quarterstaff and a simple tunic are his preferred traveling gear.
Good! One character made.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

"The book you hold in your hand contains a description of a new fantasy world, together with rules for conducting adventures therein." -The Empire of the Petal Throne.

Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

Just need the other character from Tarcisiolucashernand now.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

"The book you hold in your hand contains a description of a new fantasy world, together with rules for conducting adventures therein." -The Empire of the Petal Throne.

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Re: Character Creation

Post by jcftao »

Do you want me to roll for money and buy equipment or shall I wait?

Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

Sorry for not responding, I was busy for sometime!

Go ahead and roll for your money and achete your weapons!
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

"The book you hold in your hand contains a description of a new fantasy world, together with rules for conducting adventures therein." -The Empire of the Petal Throne.

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Re: Character Creation

Post by jcftao »

Items purchased and ready to go when you are.

Gazòta Saà Zòba
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Gazòta Saà Zòba »

"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." -The Hobbit

"The book you hold in your hand contains a description of a new fantasy world, together with rules for conducting adventures therein." -The Empire of the Petal Throne.

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