Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by merias »

Posted this too early before, same action for Erwin

Erwin watches as Otis moves to protect the Queen. He has heard of charm magic, and has an idea that if the Queen is killed, the spell will be broken. He looks at Fungo and says "If we can bring down the Queen, I think Otis will be free of her spell!"

Meanwhile, he whacks the faerie prince with his staff.

Erwin has not seen Susanna retreat with Bizenghast yet, so he keeps fighting.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by greyarea »

Fungo agrees, disengaging with his noble and charging the queen. He will attempt to gut her from belly to throat.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by badams30 »


Otis lowers his sword and starts walking toward Moonglimmer saying "Hey! Please don't try to hurt the King, the Queen doesn't like that."
OOC: Otis will calmly try to convince Moonglimmer to leave the King alone.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by tumblingdice »

Bengar dodges the faerie noble's blade. Ah-ha! You missed, he taunts, trying to land another punch.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by jcftao »

greyarea wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:16 pm
Fungo agrees, disengaging with his noble and charging the queen. He will attempt to gut her from belly to throat.
There are four fairie nobles standing in defense of the king and queen in addition to a large fellow named Otis....

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by greyarea »

jcftao wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:43 pm
greyarea wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:16 pm
Fungo agrees, disengaging with his noble and charging the queen. He will attempt to gut her from belly to throat.
There are four fairie nobles standing in defense of the king and queen in addition to a large fellow named Otis....
Isn't it true that... as a halfling, he is small and spry (and fat, but let's not go there) and can dodge between them to get to the queen and gut her before she can say, "Off with his head"?

If not, he will attempt no such foolishness and will instead attempt to disembowel the noble he is engaged with and pretend that it is her he is eviscerating.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by jcftao »

mythictom wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:46 am
Moonglimmer backsteps away from the faerie that stabbed her and then fires an arrow at point blank range!

OOC: In 3e parlance, she takes a five-foot step away from melee and then shoots.
I'll have to rule that since Moonglimmer is in melee, she can either use her bow as an improvised weapon (doing 1d3 dmg), switch to a melee weapon, or find a way to disengage from melee. If she steps back the hobgoblin may choose to follow and keep the melee going.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by mythictom »

jcftao wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:02 pm
mythictom wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:46 am
Moonglimmer backsteps away from the faerie that stabbed her and then fires an arrow at point blank range!

OOC: In 3e parlance, she takes a five-foot step away from melee and then shoots.
I'll have to rule that since Moonglimmer is in melee, she can either use her bow as an improvised weapon (doing 1d3 dmg), switch to a melee weapon, or find a way to disengage from melee. If she steps back the hobgoblin may choose to follow and keep the melee going.
Okay, is it a hobgoblin or a faerie noble attacking Moonglimmer? Or both?

Whichever, I am still having the elf turn and run, full tilt, off the right side of the map. If she survives, she will run until she reaches the nearest cottage, turn left, and follow along the backs of the cottages along the vilage square.

Again, running full speed, whatever that is in this game.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by jcftao »

Okay, is it a hobgoblin or a faerie noble attacking Moonglimmer? Or both?
The hobgoblin is currently chopping away at Attercop.
The fairie noble is busy stabbing Moonglimmer with his rapier.

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Re: Chapter 5 Into the Fey Realm

Post by jcftao »

Moonglimmer dances backwards and runs towards an alleyway. The noble makes a stab at her, but finds no mark! [5=miss!]
The elf runs into the alley and turns left, moving behind the market square. She can hear the footsteps of the fairie noble, chasing after her!

Attercop seeing his elf-friend retreat, tenses, making ready to jump, but the hobgoblin catches him with a vicious cut. [19=hit! 4 dmg] Injured, the spider jumps up the roof and climbs over the top out of sight.

Bengar swings his fist once again at the smug fairie noble. [19=hit! 2 dmg] He catches the lord in the side of the head, making him step back and shake his head.

Fungo makes a feint and then stabs at the noble. [9=miss!] The noble is too skilled in this kind of swordplay! He doesn't laugh anymore though. The hobbit has cut him once more than he'd prefer.

Erwin raises his cudgel and strikes again at the dancing figure of Prince Oriel....[17=hit! 2 dmg] "Ooof! You dog! I'll have your head on a pike for that blow!"

Bizenghast continues her retreat along an alleyway, away from the market square.

A hobgoblin makes a half hearted swipe at Susanna, but misses [8=miss]. Susanna breaks free from the melee and runs after Bizenghast.

Hadrian follows after Susanna, calling out to her.

Fairies Turn

Otis, seeing Bizenghast and Susanna retreat, decides to "talk" Erwin out of fighting the Queen's son! Otis tries to grab the cleric, but can't seem to get a hold on him yet.

Prince Oriel lunges at Otis, [4=miss!] but misses with his blade!

Lord Willow (a fairie noble) tries to skewer Bengar...[14=hit! 5 dmg] The fairie noble's rapier runs the dwarf through and through! The dwarf is gravely injured!

Lord Sassafras (another fairie noble) makes a quick thrust at the wary hobbit...but Fungo is too quick! [2=miss!]

Lord Whiteoak is trying to catch the fleet footed wood elf, Moonglimmer. [Rolling a contest of Dex...rolling under the character's Dex score...Whiteoak roll=7, Moonglimmer roll=17, they both made their Dex rolls, Moonglimmer has a 17 Dex. Since both succeed, the chase is at an change.]
Whiteoak doesn't gain on Moonglimmer, but he is keeping her in his sight.

Three hobgoblins move to cut off escape for Erwin, Fungo, and Bengar...

Both the Queen and King make motions to cast spells on their next turn.

Initiative...PCs=4, Fairies=6, Fairies go 1st...

The Queen and King cast spells at Fungo and Erwin...

A brief flash of light hits Erwin in the face, but vanishes instantly...[Erwin's save roll=20!]

Fungo unfortunately gets hit with a blast of light, he is blinded by the light (wrapped up like a deuce...) and can no longer see! [Fungo has a +4 to save vs magic, but he rolled a 6]

Lord Willow stabs at Bengar and misses! [roll=4]

Prince Oriel feints and lunges at Erwin.....[13=hit! 4 dmg] His rapier finds an opening...blood flows freely.] Erwin sinks to his knees, clutching his side...[I rolled an ability check vs Erwin's Con score of 8, roll=16 so Erwin failed. Then I rolled on the Table of Death, 2d6=6, result is that Erwin is wounded and will die unless given first aid. If he makes any strenous moves, he will bleed out and die.]

Prince Oriel laughs at the sight of the fallen cleric and wipes his rapier on Erwin's garments.

Otis torn between helping his Queen and killing Prince Oriel...opts to help his friend Erwin. He bends down and comforts the cleric, trying to staunch the blood loss...what a true friend.


Erwin hp 0/8
Bengar hp 2/7
Fungo hp 8/9
Attercop hp 6/13
Moonglimmer hp 5/7
Otis hp 11/11
Bizenghast hp 7/7
Susanna hp 7/7

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