Part One - The Spotted Dragon

Mythictom's WB FMAG Game
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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

jcftao wrote:
Thu May 13, 2021 8:24 pm
"We're not going to catch him. If his friend is in trouble, we'll just need to go sort it out. Now we've got a reason to find this so-called "wizard" and ask him about Pip."

Miles stares the other bar-flies down. If anyone else wants to call him names, he's in no mood to hear it.

"Alphones, let's go and see if this wizard is home. If he does have PIp, he'll wish this day never happened..."

Miles grabs his gear, what little there is and strides out the door.
Striding confidently and purposefully toward the Old Blight, the twosome pass through the bustling crowds gathered on the streets this dreary April morning. As a fine misty rain begins to fall, the men discover themselves suddenly stopped by a fallen crate in the road. Looking down the side road, they are surprised to see...


Startled, both men take a step back, and Alphonse feels a chill run down his spine. Miles pulls him away, but Alphonse is struck by how the children's eyes seemed to look deep inside of him.

After passing a few more streets, the pair reach the bottom of a trail leading up the northeastern side of the big hill. An old, decaying cemetery sits here, surrounded by a rusting iron fence. There is a large man examining some of the graves, which seem to be disturbed.

(OOC: Roikos is the dude in the cemetery. Let the roleplaying commence!)

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos Therapeftís

As the Cleric passes graves, some desecrated - some undisturbed, he offers prayers to all regardless of condition, his hand fiddling the prayer beads.

The Holy Man carefully examines the disturbed graves. Defiled broken ground emits a foul smell that assaults his senses. Just then he notices two men walking by, locks eyes with them, and "nods" as a greeting.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

"Priest," Miles nods, "we don't mean to intrude on your prayers."

"I am Miles and this is Alphonse. We are looking for a shabby fellow that claims he is a wizard. He may be accompanied by a child. We think he has evil designs on the child and wish to prevent that. Have you seen any such person?"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by connivingsumo »

jcftao wrote:
Sat May 15, 2021 5:06 am
"Priest," Miles nods, "we don't mean to intrude on your prayers."

"I am Miles and this is Alphonse. We are looking for a shabby fellow that claims he is a wizard. He may be accompanied by a child. We think he has evil designs on the child and wish to prevent that. Have you seen any such person?"
"Intrude on my prayers? Not at all, friends..." The Priest sincerely believes there's been no intrusion, but is then absconded by his immediate task... "You're not intruding; in fact, I'm hoping you would have a look here? Please tell me what you think. What do you see? What does your gut tell you? Obviously, I can see the disturbed graves and broken ground, then there's that stench, but maybe that's natural? I don't think so, but what do you perceive? Always good to have "fresh eyes" to maybe see something different, or different experience."

While the collective, himself included, hymns-and-haws, he ruminates on the comments of the man digesting what he said...
"Wait. What? Evil intentions upon a child?!" his conviction erupts to the surface, "This can wait. Tell me more about this child in danger?" Genuinely, the Cleric is invested in helping a child in peril.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

Miles looks at the graves and spits on the ground and makes a sign to ward off evil, "Grave robbers perhaps?"

"Let us find this wizard, this mystery will no doubt be entwined with him somehow. If you are ready, sir, let us proceed."

Miles strides off, keeping his hand on his sword hilt and watching the path ahead as cautiously as a veteran soldier may do so.

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by connivingsumo »

jcftao wrote:
Sat May 15, 2021 3:45 pm
Miles looks at the graves and spits on the ground and makes a sign to ward off evil, "Grave robbers perhaps?"

"Let us find this wizard, this mystery will no doubt be entwined with him somehow. If you are ready, sir, let us proceed."

Miles strides off, keeping his hand on his sword hilt and watching the path ahead as cautiously as a veteran soldier may do so.
Roikos Therapeftís

Roikos, lost in thought, wonders if it really could just be grave robbers? He makes a quick mental note of the names on the grave markers of the disturbed graves so he can research if they were wealthy.

His long legs take deep strides as he quickly catches up to Miles. "Miles, what's the child's name?"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by mythictom »

connivingsumo wrote:
Sat May 15, 2021 4:49 pm

Roikos, lost in thought, wonders if it really could just be grave robbers? He makes a quick mental note of the names on the grave markers of the disturbed graves so he can research if they were wealthy.
Excellent idea!

Roikos notes most of the grave markers are in deep disrepair,with most full names and epitaphs unrecognizable. The headstones and statues above most of the disrupted graves appear to have been smashed, making all words undecipherable.

One segment of one marker has two segments legible:

"--b-reth" and "-tars"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by jcftao »

Miles turns to the priest, "The missing boy's name is Pip and his friend is Connor. I'd given them a few coppers to keep watch for that wizard. One of the boys hasn't returned home."

"Alphonse, those two children back there...did they strike you as odd? I had a bad feeling about them. Those large staring me the creeps thinking about that. Do you know what's got into them?"

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by badams30 »

jcftao wrote:
Sat May 15, 2021 6:57 pm
Miles turns to the priest, "The missing boy's name is Pip and his friend is Connor. I'd given them a few coppers to keep watch for that wizard. One of the boys hasn't returned home."

"Alphonse, those two children back there...did they strike you as odd? I had a bad feeling about them. Those large staring me the creeps thinking about that. Do you know what's got into them?"
Alphonse shivers unconsciously and says "I don't know. Something about them gave me a bad feeling, but I can't place it. Bad feelings."

Alphonse nods a quiet greeting to Roikos and says "Good to meet you. We can use all the help we can get, I fear."

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Re: The Spotted Dragon

Post by connivingsumo »

badams30 wrote:
Sun May 16, 2021 12:37 am
Alphonse nods a quiet greeting to Roikos and says "Good to meet you. We can use all the help we can get, I fear."
"I am spirited to have companions with similar values, and am very grateful. Nice to meet you Mr. Alphonse."
