Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Basic Fantasy (BFRPG)
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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Delth is fine with leaving now and camping out tonight.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by tumblingdice »

Remy agrees we should leave today, as soon as he finds the latrine. We wouldn't want Brother Quisby's advisory skills to get rusty.

I should add that the reference to Brother Quisby's advisory skills are in relation to leaving sooner rather than later, not Remy's visiting of the latrine. Phew!

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby will leave tonight, but bringing some extra victuals along will be his primary concern.

He chats up the inn keeper and the constable, hoping to garner more comestibles.

OOC--I am ready when you are.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Hey everyone,
I'll be on vacations this weekend, so may not be near my keyboard until Tuesday or Wednesday.
thanks and have a great weekend,

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby looks about him, "So, where is this Albrus fellow? He is some wizard chap that is coming along on our adventure. Perhaps we should find him and then get moving."

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

Every has some time to eat, have a couple drinks and get acquainted, Brother Quisby tries on his armor and finds it to be lightly used but quite comfortable once adjusted for his fit. The shield is a small wooden shield that is in like new condition with lots of little nicks and dents in it, probably used for practice combat.

The constable bids you a safe journey and gives Brother Quisby a letter in a leather scroll case, it is a handwritten note from the constable to the caravan providing an introduction to your party and outlining why you are there and what you'll be doing to assist them. He tells you that he'll have your wagon to you shortly.

As you are preparing to wait outside for your transportation, a human male comes down the stairs, he is wearing dark blue robes, carrying a worn but simple staff, and a backpack. He's a lanky 6' tall, with shoulder length brown hair and a close cropped beard. He waves and says in a pleasant voice "Hello, I'm Albrus. It looks like we'll be going after some miscreants now, eh?" He smiles and offers a hand to shake and says "Glad to make your acquaintance. I'm new here, only about a week off the boat. I hope I can help, I'm a novice, but I've a few spells that may come in handy."

As you meet your new wizard traveling companion, a small uncovered wagon pulls up out front with a town guard driving it. "Here you go, from the constable. He says this should be adequate for your needs. Good luck to you!"

The wagon is about a quarter full of supplies covered by a canvas tarp. A quick inventory: two small casks of water, a crate with roughly a weeks worth of standard rations for about 8 people, bedrolls, a large tarp with some rope and stakes (a basic rain fly type tent with no sides, perfect for this time of year) two 50' lengths of rope, some firewood and a small hatchet, 12 torches, one small lantern with 6 flasks of oil.

Any last actions in town before you set out? With steady travel, you should be able to make about 8-10 miles before nightfall. I'll pause for any last actions/questions and then if nothing today, I'll follow up with an on-the-road post later.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »

badams30 wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:27 pm
He waves and says in a pleasant voice "Hello, I'm Albrus. It looks like we'll be going after some miscreants now, eh?" He smiles and offers a hand to shake and says "Glad to make your acquaintance. I'm new here, only about a week off the boat. I hope I can help, I'm a novice, but I've a few spells that may come in handy."
Xyla offers a slight bow, and shakes the hand offered. "Nice to meet you as well, Albrus."

Looks over all of the supplies in the open topped wagon, "This should do nicely. Thank you, Constable."

Two-Handed Sword Adventurer
+1 Initiative
+ HP: 10
+ AC: 4
+ To Hit: +4/+4 (w/Weapon Mastery- TwoHanded Sword).
+ Bolts = 20
Light Crossbow Range & "To Hit" Modifiers: S:60'(+2)|M:120'(+1)|L:180'(-1)
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
When possible, Xyla will always try to retrieve previously fired crossbow bolts/quarrels.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby shakes Albrus' hand and replies, "Wizard, aye? Well I think that'll do nicely...unless you are the kind of wizard that likes to summon demons and such. I'm open minded as clerics go, but I'll have no part of that. Well, welcome to you, Albrus!"

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

The wizard steps back a moment at Brother Quisby's words and says with a shocked look "Oh no, good sir. Certainly not. While my magics are novice in power, I hope to employ them for good. I understand you are all of the same mindset. I think we'll get along well. I'm ready to depart as you all are.

(since no actions otherwise were specified, I'm assuming you are all off.)

Even with the supplies, there is plenty of room in the wagon for all of you, and with a wave and a "Good luck!" from the guard who brought the wagon, you are off, heading quickly out of town and onto the smooth dirt trail, and crossing an ancient but sturdy looking bridge across the slow moving river as you put the town behind you.

The terrain is mainly tall grasses and small stands of trees here and there, with the occasional farm (or 2-3 grouped together) being found near the road. About 2 miles out of town the grassy fields morph into a combination of tall grasses and bushes, and scattered light forested areas, some only a couple acres in size to 1/2 to 1 mile in diameter. You see plenty of wildlife, deer, rabbits, birds and small rodents, and by the look of it, this route is well-traveled and fairly straight, only deviating from it's course to navigate around a gathering of trees or a stack of rocks.

You travel on as the sun gets lower in the sky, and you figure by reckoning that you've made about 10 miles today, well on track to get you to the campsite rendezvous before the caravan tomorrow. You find a good spot to pull off for the night, it's a cozy little clearing in a copse of trees about 200 feet off the road. The trees are very widely spaced, offering some nice shade and overhead cover, but not so thick as to provide concealment for you or others. You find an area with a firepit ringed with stones, and some neatly stacked thin lumber, apparently from some old crates. The horses can be tied to trees with enough room to eat the ample grass that fills the site.

You quickly set up camp, the tarp tent is up in about 10 minutes, and Albrus busies himself in starting a nice fire, and by the time the everyone has finished set up, the smell of food spreads across the campsite, with your new companion preparing a simple dinner with the provided rations. A large roast, some fresh vegetables and some cool water (along with a nondescript bottle of rum) sit on the back of the wagon for everyone to eat.

Any special sleeping order or actions for the night? You have a dry sleeping area in the tent, along with bedrolls and food, and there is no noise other than birds and the occasional breeze to disturb your campsite.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »


Xyla hits that non-descript bottle of Rum straight away. No sooner it's set on the back of the wagon it's in her hand.

With the tip of her sword in the dirt, she leans on the pummel with her right hand. In her left hand is the bottle of rum, swerving about - here and there - something of the likes of Captain Jack Sparrow! Talking with her rum-hand, "My eyes are only Human, so I should probably take first watch or the last watch... then again, I don't mind the dark so much, so I'll take whatever watch!"

She passes the bottle on to the next chap, draws a dagger, and skewers a chunk of roast - a slice of potato - and a trimming of bell pepper, and delivers it straight to her mouth. Through bulging cheeks, "Hey, Magic-Man! Not bad!!"

Two-Handed Sword Adventurer
+1 Initiative
+ HP: 10
+ AC: 4
+ To Hit: +4/+4 (w/Weapon Mastery- TwoHanded Sword).
+ Bolts = 20
Light Crossbow Range & "To Hit" Modifiers: S:60'(+2)|M:120'(+1)|L:180'(-1)
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
When possible, Xyla will always try to retrieve previously fired crossbow bolts/quarrels.

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