Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Basic Fantasy (BFRPG)
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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Delth does a reconnaissance loop within earshot of the camp, looking for recent man or animal signs or anything out of the ordinary. He'll then settle in to dinner, and volunteer for mid-watch, in the darkest hours of the night.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby will partake in the consumption of any victuals prepared. He will then settle down by the fire and finish off any bottles opened. "I'll take watch here by the fire..." he says before beginning to snore softly.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

Albrus smiles at Xyla's compliments on the meal. "Thanks. My father owns a tavern, so I learned to cook from him."

Delth does a 30 minute recon of the area, and finds nothing out of the ordinary aside from some relatively recent deer tracks through the campsite/clearing. He sees some rabbits in the woods as well. The area is a good campsite, but the relative openness makes it a poor ambush site. Delth sees nothing suspicious, and reckons that it would be nearly impossible to sneak up on this campsite unseen. He also realizes that it's fully visible from the road and surrounding area, but if someone were to approach, they'd be visible for some time before they arrived at the site.

Albrus cleans up and stows the cooking gear, and everyone is pretty tired from the long day, especially considering you were at sea less than 24 hours ago. Albrus offers to take the first two watches since he's rested (compared to you all) and has been in town for a few days. Since Brother Quisby has dozed off, I'll assume unless anyone has objections it'll be Albrus, Delth, Xyla and Remy (I'll NPC Remy for now)

After a filling dinner, everyone finds themselves suddenly tired, weary from their travels. Albrus makes himself comfy near the fire and says "Don't worry, if I hear anything you can be sure I'll holler for help. I'm not up for fisticuffs..."

You all drift off to a well-earned sleep. It's quiet, and you are lulled to sleep by a clear and starry sky, and the only noise is the popping and cracking of the campfire, and the occasional bird call from within the trees.

Albrus wakes Delth, and so on, and the watches are uneventful, without so much as a peep from the woods to disturb your rest. Remy lets everyone sleep in a little long, and Albrus takes the opportunity to make a fantastic breakfast for everyone, the pleasant smell being a great alarm clock for the group.

After a hearty breakfast, camp is broken quickly and you take to the trail again, reckoning that if you make normal time, you'll reach your destination by about 2 in the afternoon. Your morning and afternoon travel is uneventful, and the only thing out of the ordinary that you spot is the carcass of a large deer, mostly consumed by some carrion birds. About an hour later, the terrain changes from light forest to a more heavy forest, and a large boulder at a curve lets you know your destination is at hand. You round a gradual curve and find yourself at a large campsite (big enough for a couple dozen wagons and animals) immediately off the trade road. The campsite abuts a dense pine forest that appears to have several animal trails leading into the shady woods. You aren't alone here though.

7 covered wagons sit parked at the edge of the clearing, and about 20 horses are tied with long ropes to nearby trees, grazing peacefully on the ample grass. There are about 15 people here, most all engaged in setting up a campsite, and a lanky human in leather armor with a short bow and short sword sees your approach and he whistles, bringing the others in the party to a halt, and they cautiously watch your approach. From behind a wagon appears a tall stocky human with long grey hair in a ponytail, he scrutinizes you for a moment and then waves and shouts "Hello there!" He hobbles toward the road, assisted by a gnarled cane. He motions for the others to stand back and he shouts "How's the road ahead? What brings you all out this way?"

The group of men has about 5 able bodied types with weapons among them, the rest appearing to be common types. The men with weapons are all human, and appear to be lightly armed and armored, certainly not a quality fighting force, which probably explains their caution. While the group appears on guard, they don't seem to be threatening.


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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby will do his best to let them know that his group come in peace. "We are fellow travelers, brothers. Fear naught from our company. We come in peace. Have you had trouble on your journey? Where are you bound? And, why yes, if you have any strong drink, I'd be much obliged to partake..."

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Delth waits for a reply from the man, keeping out of sight, with an eye on the campsite.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

Okay - sorry for delay. Everyone still with me? Show of hands, who's still onboard? I'm ready to pick it up if you are still with me!

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Still here!

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »

badams30 wrote:
Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:41 pm
Okay - sorry for delay. Everyone still with me? Show of hands, who's still onboard? I'm ready to pick it up if you are still with me!
mememememememememe (to your dismay, perhaps :mrgreen: )

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

I am here!

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