Trouble at Brandonsford!

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

Eric the Reeve pulls up a chair and eases his girth into it with a sigh. He smiles a nervous smile at everyone, and his forced cheerful facade fades. The halfling brings Eric an overflowing tankard which he takes several large gulps of and exhales loudly. He smiles at the halfling and says "Thank you, Bentley. Always the best ale." He shifts his gaze across each of the party members and says "I didn't believe it when I first heard it. No one did. This place is peaceful, usually nothing more than a couple goblins poking about. But a few weeks ago strange things started happening. People going out foraging just disappeared, livestock came up missing, then we had a caravan get demolished heading north. More people disappearing, a couple farms destroyed, you get the picture. We're getting pinched. People are scared and won't leave the town walls unless they have to. I'm glad you all showed up, because we aren't a match for no dragon. A bunch of huntsmen - the toughest guys in town, they went looking for the dragon and it found THEM. Killed em all like they were ants. 'Cept for George. He barely made it out alive. He's the only one whose seen the beast and lived."

Eric takes a long drag from his tankard and sets it down heavily, his eyes meeting Bentley's with an unspoken refill request that the halfling immediately complies with. Seeing that you're still listening, he continues. "We're not a rich town, but I've taken what's in the coffers, and a small collection from the townsfolk, and I've got 1000 gold coins for the party who can kill this thing. I know it's not a lot, 'specially for seasoned types, but I'd venture to say the beast probably has some wealth of his own, and whoever can kill him sure is entitled to it." He says "I wish I had more information, but that's what it is. If you're interested in killing that thing, I'd go talk to George. When I told him I was going to find some heroes, he told me to not let anyone go out looking for that thing till he talked to them. He's shook up, still recovering, but you might find something useful out. My money is on that witch being behind this. I've never liked her. But some of the folks around here might know more."

Finishing off the last of his second tankard and surveys the group and finding stony expressions, he says "So what do you say? The people of Brandonsford would be grateful, and forever in your debt."

He meekly smiles and waits for your response...

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by tumblingdice »

Sythandra - Elf

Sythandra gives her full attention to Eric, her fingers gripping the table. Where do we find George? she inquires.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by kipper »

"Yarr, and who be this witch?" Jocasta adds.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Hugi drinks back his beer. Well, I’m in, I guess. A day as a drake’s lunch is still better than a day at the office.

Let’s go find George and see what we’re up against.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by connivingsumo »

Dewplo tries to match the Reeve's long draw and slam on the table, but it sounds pretty weak. "I think we should do it." He says, meekly looking at his party.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »


Washing bread down with a swig of ale: A chat with George followed by a visit to the witch seems in order....

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

As you contemplate your next move, Eric orders another round of ales for everyone and no sooner do the fresh ales arrive when the door to the tavern opens to two very different individuals. The most notable, a halfling with a sword and attired in a very snappy looking red cloak, he enters with a flourish, accompanied by a tall gangly human in outdoorsy clothing with a wild red beard and hair, and quite obviously missing his right arm, the stump wrapped in a large bandage. They glance around and their eyes settle on your band. Eric nods and says "Ah, they're here." With a grunt Eric rises from his chair and motions for the two to join you. "Ladies and gentlemen, this capable fellow in red here is Elrey, he's new to town like yourselves, and he's been itching to give the dragon a go as well. And this fellow here is George, our bravest townsman, to be sure."

George looks quite wild eyed, yet stone faced. One of the servers pulls a chair up and for George, which he gladly takes, along with an ale and small plate of food. After a sip of ale he says in a quiet, almost whispering voice: "If you're gonna go after the lizard, you need to know some things. Our spears and axes had no effect on em', except for Cletus' did manage to poke him in the mouth with his spear, made it howl something fierce. But his shiny black scales were like mithril. And he had a foul poison that dripped from his jaws, when he bit me I felt my strength wilting away, took a day or so to come back, but I had worse problems, as you can see. Unless you got some magics or some dragon killin' concoction, you better find a way to git him, or you'll end up like me and my friends."

He has a bite of food and some ale and continues "I'd check with Father William, he knows a lot about stuff, he might have an idea. Or Ingrid, she's an al-key-mist. Or Warwick the smith might have something, who knows. But if you go chargin' up there, that lizard'll make short work of you." He looks about, almost sadly at each of you then he lowers his gaze and concentrates on his food and ale.

Eric sighs and says "Thank you, George, that's very helpful." He smiles a weak smile and says "We'd be indebted if you could help us. Who knows when this thing will run out of prey in the wilderness and make his way here to finish us all? There may be some folks around here who can shed some light on your quest, and I'd check around. Personally, I think that witch is behind this, but others may have different ideas."

Eric sits down and continues to eat alongside George. If you've got questions or anything else, now's the time. It seems like the group is in agreement to go after the dragon.

Welcome Valdus!

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Hugi has no further questions, your honor. When the others leave he will seek out Father Williams.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by kipper »

"Tell me more about this scurvy wench, the witch." Jocasta says.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by connivingsumo »

Dewplo says, "I think we should visit the Father, Alchemist, and the Smithy."

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