Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Frick backs away from Roger. He points a dirty thumb over his shoulder, "He's in there..."

Several of the boys jump off of the porch and run off. Frick stands with his back to the wall, wincing in anticipation of the blow that Roger may land.


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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by mythictom »

Moonglimmer interjects, "Do you still have the coin paid for the stolen goods boy?"

"if so, hand it over quick. "

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

jcftao wrote:Erwin walks through the door of the Lion and Lamb tavern. I use the word tavern loosely here, for it is a dingy and dark, thatched roof shambles. A couple crude tables on one side and on the other some moldy looking barrels and kegs sit stacked haphazardly.

Erwin walks past two men he doesn't recognize. They stare at him and then return to looking out the windows. In the tavern are six more men, five of them Erwin recognizes as local villagers. The other man is dressed in leather armor. A black oaken club lies on the table among the clay cups.

The men are in various degrees of drunkeness and some snicker when Erwin walks in.

The man in leather armor looks at Erwin up and down with an appraising eye, "Well, well! Sit down, good sir! Barkeep! Get our friend a drink on me!" He kicks out a stool next to him and the others shift over to make some room.

Erwin greets the men and sits. "Well met, I am Erwin from Rumpstone, and my companions are outside, soon to join us, as soon as we clear up this misunderstanding about my friend's missing horse and cart." He sits so as to keep an eye on the two men looking out the window, and eyes the situation outside as well.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

mythictom wrote:Moonglimmer interjects, "Do you still have the coin paid for the stolen goods boy?"

"if so, hand it over quick. "
Frick shrugs and says, "Well, that might be a problem. You see, me and some of the fellers just got hired on as drivers. The feller inside took the horse and wagon to cover our travel expenses out west. I ain't got no coins, honest I don't." Frick shows his tunic belt. No coin purse hangs from it.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

"I'm sorry if your friend sold his wagon. I'll gladly sell it back to your friend when I return to Shorne. It may be a couple weeks, but I'll certainly be back...lovely country...just lovely."

"Better yet! Why don't you fellows join us? They need plenty of drivers and the pay's real good...double what you'd get as a soldier around here...and you get two days...I said, two days rest each week! Come with us and you not want to come back!"
"That is a tempting proposal, but I think our small friends have misguided you. They stole the horse and wagon from Roger, it was not theirs to sell. Perhaps the local constable or regent can clear this misunderstanding up for us? I shall consult with my friends," Erwin says as he stands and heads out the door. Once outside he'll tell his companions what transpired.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by Tamerlaine »

When Sigga hears Erwin’s words, her face grows red and she spits a dottle of phlegm to the ground. “Rust and tarnish! By me own beard, I’ll not suffer no more o’ this!” she bellows out loud. Brandishing her hammer, the dwarf stomps her way inside. She sees the man Erwin described a moment before and makers her way straight toward him.

“Skim the dross,* ye scurrilous worm! Give up the horse and wagon which was stolen now or I’ll gives ye the blunt end o’ this,” Sygga growls while lifting her hammer, letting the man know she was deadly serious.

* Skim the dross=cut the crap

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by mythictom »

Hearing Sigga bellow inside the shack, Moonglimmer winces and looks at Flick.

"Man-child, you have started a mess of trouble now."

she grips her spear and looks to her friends to take the lead.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by Son_of_Sod »

Roger turns his attention from Frick to see what kind of trouble his companions are in

He rushes to the door of the tavern, rock in hand ready to use it.

He is going to slowly enter the room so he can assess what is going on before he enters fully.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by merias »

"Well this is not at all what I had planned!" Erwin says. He runs in after Sigga, staff in hand.

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Re: Chapter 1 ~ A Journey Begins

Post by jcftao »

Sigga runs into the tavern and two men by the door try to grab hold of her. She manages to thump one of the men solidly with her club, knocking him out cold. The other man tries to grapple her and fails. The leader of the group stands up at the table and yells, "She's crazy! You men, grab her!"

[Outside the tavern, young Frick runs away!]

The other man near the door and two of the villagers manage to grapple the dwarf. Erwin comes running in and is cracked in the head by the leader's black oaken club.
Moonglimmer follows Erwin in and is jumped by two other villagers. They both punch her, but she is still standing!
Roger rushes in and is promptly punched in the eye by another villager!

Sigga tries to break free, but the three men hold on tightly.
Erwin strikes the leader a glancing blow with his staff.
Moonglimmer uses the butt of her spear and wallops a villager.
Roger hits one of the men with his rock, and knocks him out!

The man in leather armor holding Sigga lets go and tries to hit her with his club but Sigga struggles too much and he misses.
The other two villagers attempt to wrench her arms, but one man fails and the other loses his grip on her!
The leader strikes Erwin with his club, knocking Erwin out cold!
Moonglimmer is struck twice more by fists! She is staggering....

Sigga struggles against her lone grappler and breaks free! Somehow, she managed to hold onto her warhammer...she strikes the fellow hard and knocks him out!
Moonglimmer misses with her spear and Roger lightly taps one villager with a glancing blow.
Sigga strikes another man but it is a glancing blow. Erwin, Moonglimmer, and Roger all miss!

The men are overwhelmed! They turn to flee through the back door of the tavern.

Each of the party strikes once at their fleeing forms...all hit!
Sigga and Roger knock out one man each, but the leader, and two men rush through the back door!

The tavern owner crouches near the kegs in the corner, trembling.


Sigga HP 8/8
Erwin HP 0/6 KO'd
Moonglimmer 1/7
Roger 5/7
Initiative, PCs=6, Men in tavern=5
Two men near door try to grab Sigga as she comes in. Sigga will crack them with her club. 20! a critical hit...9 pts of damage. Rolled on Table of is knocked out for 7 rounds.
Other man tries to grab the dwarf. Roll=2 miss!
Rindel stands up and hollers, "She's crazy! You men, grab her!
Roll for morale of men around table...9=fight for advantage!
Frick runs away!
Initiative, PCs=4, Men in tavern=5
Man near door grabs Sigga and two villagers help him...rolls...14, 10, and 10...all hit! Sigga is grappled.
Rindel attacks Erwin with a club as Erwin comes in...rolls...10...hit! 4 points of subdual damage.
Two villagers try to punch Moonglimmer! 14 and 12...both hit! Total of 3 pts damage.
One villager tries to punch Roger! Roll=13...a hit! 2pts of damage.

Sigga tries to break free! Str check vs Str check of three men! All three men make their check and Sigga makes her check. I rule that she is still held!
Erwin strikes at Rindel with his staff...roll=19...a hit! but only does 1 point of damage!
Moonglimmer slashes at a man with her spear....10 a hit! 3points of damage.
Roger conks a villager on the noggin' with his rock! Roll=18...1 point of damage but it knocks him out for 8 rounds!

Initiative...PCs=2, Men in tavern=5
Man in leather armor lets loose of Sigga to hit her with his club...roll 2 (and +2 to hit her since she is struggling) and he misses!
Men holding her try to wrench her arms...5 and 1 miss! One man fumbles and lets loose of Sigga! She is only held by one man now!
Rindel tries to hit Erwin with club...10...a hit! 2 points of damage...Erwin is knocked out!
Two villagers punch Moonglimmer...12 and 16...both hit! 3 more points damage!

Sigga tries to free herself...str check succeeds and villagers str check succeeds but Sigga wins by larger margin. She is free!
She managed to hang on to her club and swings at one of the men...20! A critical...8 points of damage...the man is knocked out for 9 rounds.

Moonglimmer smacks at one of the villagers with the butt of her spear...4...a miss!

Roger attacks one of Moonglimmers assailants...14! His rock does 1 point of damage! I think he needs a bigger rock!

Initiative...PCs=6, Men in tavern=5
Sigga smacks one of the villagers with her warhammer...9 but +1 for Str, just barely hits! Only 2 points of damage (rolled a 1 and +1 for strength)
Moonglimmer barely misses...rolled a 9.
Roger misses...roll=3

Roll morale check and pandemonium erupts as the men all try to flee!
All PCs get one attack at +2 at one fleeing opponent.
All PCs hit! Sigga knocks out another villager, Moonglimmer does 1 point on a villager but he keeps running, and Roger KO's another villager!

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