Trouble at Brandonsford!

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by Valdus »

Elrey ruffles his nose, in preparation for the alchemist.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by tumblingdice »

Sythandra chuckles after examining the letters. Awww, she says. She sounds like she really likes you, Warwick. Cherish it!

The elf's countenance darkens as she thinks about the loss of her own love at the hands of the Blackscale orcs.

Off to the alchemist?
Last edited by tumblingdice on Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

Warwick waves as you depart "Be careful, good luck!" And you make your way to Ingrid's house on the opposite side of town (sounds like a journey, but literally a 2-3 minute stroll...)

Ingrid's house is a small cottage with purple shutters and stars painted randomly on them, and surrounded with countless flowering bushes that are teeming with butterflies, and the sweet smells of the flowers are pleasant to your noses. Nothing about this house screams "ALCHEMIST" but it's certainly an ecclectic yet comfy home. A small set of chimes hangs by the door with the word "Ring me" painted whimsically on it. a short twinkle of the chimes brings a quiet "MEOW" to your ears, and you see a small grey cat approaching, and unless rebuffed it snakes its way between your feet, rubbing up against each of you purring loudly as it does. As you are greeted by the cat, the door is opened by a tall and thin human female with long purple and silver hair, she's attired in a bright yellow dress and wears at least a dozen necklaces adorned with stars, moons, and shapes. She steps back reflexively and surveys the large gaggle on her front step and lets out a faint "Wow." The cat makes its way to her and jumps up into her arms, purring like a machine.

Her voice is very quiet, and she seems a bit sheepish by her body language. She pets the cat and says "Hello, can I help you with something?" visible just behind her is a large main room of her house, with shelves lining the walls and a large work table in the middle of the floor. The shelves are overflowing with books, bottles of colorful liquids and substances, and all sorts of apparatus and trinkets. It's cluttered, but organized and clean.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by kipper »

"Ahoy!" Jocasta says in greeting. "Me and me hearties be seeking to scupper the dragon, maybe ye can lend a hand?"

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by tumblingdice »

Sythandra stays quiet, in awe of Jacosta's economy of speech.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by spanningtree »



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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by greyarea »

Hugi the dwarf smiles to himself hearing the piratical woman. If she only had a beard she’d be perfect…

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by jcftao »

Willig will keep still and observe the workshop carefully, looking for the following...
1. Signs that this woman has actual magical knowledge...ability to make magic potions.
2. Any type of paper or samples of handwriting that match with the love notes found at the smithy's.

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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by connivingsumo »

Dewplo "the brave" Buttonberry
jcftao wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:57 pm
Willig will keep still and observe the workshop carefully, looking for the following...
1. Signs that this woman has actual magical knowledge...ability to make magic potions.
2. Any type of paper or samples of handwriting that match with the love notes found at the smithy's.
Dewplo smiles and offers a slight bow, but stays quiet. He observes Willig and mimics his "eye-searching," but Dewplo is looking for food and other snacky edibles.

greyarea wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:10 am
Hugi the dwarf smiles to himself hearing the piratical woman. If she only had a beard she’d be perfect…
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Master Sneaker
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
+ Arrows = 20
+ HP: 7
+ AC: 13
+ Super sneaky (Near Invisibility (1-5/d6))
+ To Hit: +3 with missiles (+1 melee), or +5 if Hidden (+3 melee).
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Re: Trouble at Brandonsford!

Post by badams30 »

Ingrid seems taken aback by the questions and inquisitive glances, but she smiles at Jocasta and says "You have some nice jewelry. And I love your parrot. He's quite smashing." She winks at the parrot and says to the buccaneer queen "Me? Go against a dragon? Oh my, I wouldn't be any help. I might have a potion or two that could assist, but I'd be a liability."

She waves back at Eerik and says "Hello there. Nice to meet you."

Willig glances around and notices, almost out of view to the far right inside the door on the long workbench there are some intricate apparatus with tubes, beakers and vials, all filled with interesting looking liquids, some that have faint glows to them. It appears that this is her workroom. And on cue, he does happen to notice a stack of papers on the corner of the table that (at least from a distance) appear to be of a sort similar to what you have from Warrick's place. As if to punctuate your discovery, you notice a handful of origami shapes on some of the shelves behind the workbench. You aren't able to see any writing from this distance, however.

Dewplo's highly trained food sensing nose detects the faint aroma of some pleasant edibles coming from within the home. Baking bread, perhaps? With a touch of rosemary and butter. He unconsciously salivates a bit.

Gauging your interest, she says "I'm Ingrid, I assume Eric or George sent you here. Like I said, I can't help in person with this dragon, but I may be able to help you with a couple potions or something. My knowledge of dragons and serpents is somewhat lacking though."

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