Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Wouter's White Box Game
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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by Wouter »

Memphisto closely examines the crystal: he determines it's a sapphire for sure. The gemstone fits snugly into the prongs that hold it into place, but Memphisto reckons he can pry it loose with not too much effort. He takes out his dagger and tries to get the tip under the sapphire and wriggle it such that it should lift up and out.

While Memphisto is focused working on the crystal, Holger and Finnur, still standing near the west door to the room, suddenly notice a scurrying sound coming from behind them: a mischief of twelve rats, the size of cats, rushes its way through the room with the broken glass and is just about to enter the hallway that leads to the statue room. One of the rats has a strange, eerie glow to its fur, slightly and rather slowly pulsating in intensity. "Great, more vermin..." grunts Holger, tightening the grip on his longsword, as Finnur alerts the rest of the party.

Please declare your actions for the surprise combat round...

Combat mechanics:
  • Suprise
    • Friends: rolling for surprise... 1d6 = 5 => NOT SURPRISED
    • Foes: rolling for surprise... 1d6 = 2 => SURPRISED


Code: Select all

Friends                                 Foes

#  Name               HP  Status         #  Monster    Dmg.  Status
--------------------------------        ----------------------------
1  Dahl Kolla        7/7                 1  Giant rat
2  Memphisto         6/6                 2  Giant rat
3  Lisglen the Sage  6/6                 3  Giant rat        Glowing
4  Van Illundra      7/7                 4  Giant rat
5  Holger            7/7                 5  Giant rat
6  Albin             7/7                 6  Giant rat
7  Finnur            7/7                 7  Giant rat
                                         8  Giant rat
                                         9  Giant rat
                                        10  Giant rat
                                        11  Giant rat
                                        12  Giant rat
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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by kwll »

Lisglen immediately takes a combat stance. He will not attack first, but will fiercely fight back if attacked. He raises an eyebrow at the glowing rat.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by jcftao »

Memphisto will climb onto the statue and ready his quarterstaff to defend against any rat that may attack.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

Van will attack.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by Wouter »

”Close that door!” Dahl shouts, readying his spear. Finnur quickly grabs the door handle and pulls the door shut as fast as possible. Nonetheless, six giant rats - including the phosphorescent one - manage to slip into the room before the door is fully closed and Finnur slashes at them with his short sword. His blade glances one rat, wounding but not killing it.

Van dashes forward, raises his battle axe and lands a devastating blow on the glowing rat, splitting it completely in half. The pulsating glow dies out and nothing more than two parts of a dead rat remains.

Dahl jabs his spear at the rats and manages to pierce one in the heart, killing it.

Albin stands in the back of the room and decides not to fire any arrows at the risk of hitting a friend. Instead, he puts away his short bow, pulls his dagger from his belt and takes up position with Lisglen and Memphisto, ready to defend himself.

Finally, Holger mows his sword at the remainder of the mischief and hits two rats, killing both.

Please declare your actions for the next combat round...

Combat mechanics:
  • Melee
    • Finnur: short sword… 1d20 + 1 = 18 => HIT for 1d6 - 1 = 2 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 1
    • Van: battle axe… 1d20 + 2 = 19 => HIT for 1d6 + 2 = 7 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 3
    • Dahl: spear… 1d20 + 2 = 12 => HIT for 1d6 + 1 = 6 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 4
    • Holger: longsword… 1d20 + 2 = 14 => HIT for 1d6 + 1 = 5 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 2
    • Holger: longsword… 1d20 + 2 = 22 => HIT for 1d6 + 1 = 5 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 5


Code: Select all

Friends                                 Foes

#  Name               HP  Status        #  Monster    Dmg.  Status
--------------------------------        --------------------------
1  Dahl Kolla        7/7                1  Giant rat     2
2  Memphisto         6/6                2  Giant rat     5  DEAD
3  Lisglen the Sage  6/6                3  Giant rat     7  DEAD
4  Van Illundra      7/7                4  Giant rat     6  DEAD
5  Holger            7/7                5  Giant rat     5  DEAD
6  Albin             7/7                6  Giant rat
7  Finnur            7/7

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by RhinoDino1973 »

Van grunts and attacks one of the remaining rats.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by jcftao »

Memphisto will attack any rat that moves towards him.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by Magremore »

Dahl pivots and thrusts his spear at one of the remaining rats.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by kwll »

Lisglen stays in a defense stance, and tries not to get in the middle.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Abandoned Lab

Post by Wouter »

The wounded rat jumps at Finnur, spreading its claws and opening its mouth to sink its giant, sharp front teeth into wherever he can. His bite barely misses Finnur's right front arm, ripping a hole in his sleeve. Finnur manages to strike the rat with the flat of his blade, and it rolls over into the nearest corner.

The other giant rat quickly moves over to Van, who easily dodges its attack and subsequently swings his battle axe over his head, killing the rat with a single strike.

Dahl thrusts his spear at the rat cowering in the corner, but due to its uncontrolled squirming and wriggling his attack misses.

Holger moves over to Finnur and Dahl and lashes out with his long sword at the bleeding rat, ending its suffering.

At the west door, the other giant rats can be heard clawing and scratching at the heavy wood for another minute or so, but after a while they give up and apparently leave.
Combat mechanics:
[*]Friends... 1d6 = 2
[*]Foes... 1d6 = 3[/list]
[*]Giant rat #1: bite… 1d20 = 10 => MISS
[*]Giant rat #6: bite… 1d20 = 1 => MISS[/list]
[*]Finnur: short sword… 1d20 = 12 => HIT for 1d6 - 2 = 1 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 1
[*]Van: battle axe… 1d20 + 2 = 19 => HIT for 1d6 + 2 = 6 damage on Giant rat # 1d6 = 6
[*]Dahl: spear… 1d20 + 2 = 10 => MISS
[*]Holger: longsword… 1d20 + 2 = 19 => HIT for 1d6 + 1 = 7 damage on Giant rat # 1[/list][/list]

Friends Foes

# Name HP Status # Monster Dmg. Status
-------------------------------- ----------------------------
1 Dahl Kolla 7/7 1 Giant rat 9 DEAD
2 Memphisto 6/6 2 Giant rat 5 DEAD
3 Lisglen the Sage 6/6 3 Giant rat 7 DEAD
4 Van Illundra 7/7 4 Giant rat 6 DEAD
5 Holger 7/7 5 Giant rat 5 DEAD
6 Albin 7/7 6 Giant rat 6 DEAD
7 Finnur 7/7
