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Post by connivingsumo »


Gorm is the god of war, storms, and justice. Followers of Gorm are of a matriarch, so most often male Fighters of Lawful alignment. Followers typically wear golden masks of the face of Gorm, a long-haired, bearded man with a stern gaze. Blue tunics are their common garb. It is rumored many of them bear tattoos of a small, blue lightning bolt. Gorm is worshiped on the fourth day (Wednesday) of each week, and consider lightning storms as holy.

Usamigaras is the god of healing, messengers, and thieves. They are mostly Neutral Magic-Users, and wear silver masks of the face of Usamigaras, the "smiling child." It is hard to determine their 'colors' as scores and scores of them wear so many different, multi-colored robes. Many of them have small silver lines in the shape of a five-pointed star on the palm of the right hand. They've been observed to be friendly toward Clerics, Thieves, Elves, and Magic-Users, but seem to look down upon Fighters, Dwarves, and Halflings. Their worship schedule is on certain days marked by the heavenly stars and planets, a mysterious astronomical calendar.

Madarua is the goddess of birth, death, and the changing seasons. The Maidens of Madarua are of a patriarch, so most often are female Fighters of Neutral alignment. These maidens wear bronze masks of Madarua, a beautiful woman. Their tunics tend to be green. Typically unexposed, their left wrists consistently reveal a sickle-shaped scar. Their holiest day is the beginning of each season.

??? is there some other mysterious god? Have they spoken to you? How? When? Etc.

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Re: Setting

Post by connivingsumo »

History: The Fall of Cynidicea

Centuries ago, Cynidicea was the capital of a rich and fertile kingdom. Its people reclaimed much land from the desert, especially during the reign of King Alexander - the last and greatest king of Cynidicea. Upon King Alexander's death, a huge pyramid was raised in his honor. This pyramid was the largest and most important building in the city.

The story goes...
Cynidicea's fall began on the day that workers, digging under the great pyramid, chanced upon the lair of a strange monster they called Zargon. It was reported to be roughly humanoid in shape, though larger than most humans. In place of arms and legs it had twelve tentacles, and its head was that of a giant lizard with a large black horn in the middle of its forehead.

This monster killed most of the workers and then began hunting prey at night through the streets of Cynidicea. The city guard was unable to kill the creature. At last, the city's rulers began sending criminals from the jails into the pyramid for Zargon to feed on.

The story is...

In time, a strange cult arose that worshipped the monster as a god. The cult viewed the monster's victims as religious sacrifices. The worship of the ancient gods of Cynidicea-- Gorm, Usamigaras, and Madarua-- were forsaken in favor of the worship of the monster Zargon. History is unclear, but it sounds like most of the citizens ended up worshiping this creature.

Rumors say the 'Zargonites' began to look for strange pleasures. They sought oblivion in rare wines and bizarre drugs. Workers no longer repaired the irrigation ditches. Rich land turned to desert. The army lost its discipline. People outside the city rebelled, or moved away as chaos spread outward from Cynidicea.

At this point, History becomes more reliable accounting for the barbarian horde that stormed over the walls and destroyed the city. The only people of Cynidicea who survived its destruction were those who had fled underground to the vast catacombs underneath the city. There, led by the Priests of Zargon, the Cynidiceans tried to rebuild the city.

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