Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »

badams30 wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:21 pm
The blond woman comes out and motions toward the empty tables and says "Sit where you like! What can I get you all?"
Noticing the chubby fella's glances, Xyla responds loudly, not intending to be rude, but she has been out to sea, after all... "Just off the boat and no work yet. So how about an Ale, and what kind of meat do you have - what is the cost?... And no fish!" Her face grimaces at the thought of eating another fish.

Two-Handed Sword Adventurer
+1 Initiative
+ HP: 10
+ AC: 4
+ To Hit: +4/+4 (w/Weapon Mastery- TwoHanded Sword).
+ Bolts = 20
Light Crossbow Range & "To Hit" Modifiers: S:60'(+2)|M:120'(+1)|L:180'(-1)
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
When possible, Xyla will always try to retrieve previously fired crossbow bolts/quarrels.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

Delth sits with his companions, warily eyeing the men in leather armor.

"Ah well, I have recently, er... come into some coin, so drinks are on me!" Delth says to the others quietly.

Then, to the woman - "My name is Delth, what is your name? Fine place you have here. I'll have an ale and a bowl of your best stew and a loaf of bread. What do you suppose their problem is?" he asks, pointing at the men in armor.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by tumblingdice »

jcftao wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:46 am
Brother Quisby checks the meager possessions that he has brough ashore.

"Remy, my good man, I will share in your partaking of a draught or two! But we'll split it, no? I'll say the benediction and you buy the drinks!"

Quisby laughs out loud, just a little too long, then blows his nose and waits expectantly for Remy to agree to these terms.
Well, I've never known a rich priest. At least, not an honest one, Remy replies. Very well. But unless you're looking to grant me an eternity's worth of indulgences, don't go ordering the king's private reserve on me. Deal?

Remy takes in the surroundings of the Drunken Dolphin. He'll size up the fisherman, and see if any would be up for arm wrestling, a good brawl or maybe a game of cards. He'll smile at the kind lady. My lady, a pint of ale, and whatever the our reverend brother here wants, if it please you..

The voyageur looks at the kind lady waiting on them. In a low voice, he says to Brother Quisby. Say, Father, it looks like there could be sin in my future. Is it possible to make my confession ahead of time?

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

The blond woman smiles pleasantly at you all. And to Delth and Xyla's questions: "I'm Muriel. Nice to meet you Delth and friends." She chuckles at Xyla's request of NO FISH. "Well, you're in luck. No fish. We do have the most fantastic meat pies though. They should do a fine job at filling you up after that dreadful boat food." She winks at Delth and says "We've also got a fresh batch of Sweetwater Ale. Best ale in the land, brewed by the halflings in Sweetwater. We've also got the house ale, it's fine, but the Sweetwater is top shelf. I can bring you a pie and large tankard for 2 silver each."

To Delth's question of who the armored men are she smiles and says "Oh, that well-fed fellow is Constable Bergen. With the passing of the Mayor last month, he's the law and acting mayor for Deepwater. He's a nice man - and he loves meat pies."

As you weigh your options for food and ale, the man identified as Constable Bergen approaches your table. He bows politely and says "Madame. Gentlemen. Welcome to Deepwater. I recognize you are freshly ashore and probably tired, but may I intrude on your time for a moment?" He looks at Xyla and says "If I heard you correctly, you are looking for some work, is that so? I assume you are adventurers, by the look of you. If that's the case, I might have something you could help me with." He pauses and says "Muriel, bring these fine folks some pies and ale. I've got this." He presses some coins into her hand and smiles at her. She quickly pockets the coin and says "Well, meat pies and Sweetwater for everyone. Just a moment, please." And she strides off toward the bar and kitchen.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by tumblingdice »

merias wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:00 pm
Delth sits with his companions, warily eyeing the men in leather armor.

"Ah well, I have recently, er... come into some coin, so drinks are on me!" Delth says to the others quietly.
Remy smiles, then turns to Brother Quisby. Brother, I think it would be rude to refuse this fellow's hospitality, n'est-ce pas?

He takes a long draft of whatever's put in front of him. But don't worry, he adds, putting his coins back in his purse, I'll still hold you to your end of the bargain. Wouldn't want your superiors to think you were slacking on your duties. Blessing the common folk. Forgiving sins. Preaching the good word. Just looking out for you, you know.

Remy goes back to admiring the decor of the tavern.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by tumblingdice »

Remy offers a handshake to the constable. Well met, sir. We've been here not an hour, and we've already gotten two offers for free food and drinks. I was just telling Zyla here that we should have headed north months ago. What kind of help do you need?

Remy realizes that he interrupted Zyla from answering the good constable herself. Embarrassed, he looks around for a distraction. Easy on the libations, Brother! You might say something we'll all regret.

Sorry, guys. Remy is a bit full of himself, among other things.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by connivingsumo »

badams30 wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:22 pm
"[...] but the Sweetwater is top shelf. I can bring you a pie and large tankard for 2 silver each."
"Ha! I must still have water in mah ears. I thought you just said "Seawater Ale!" But that SWEETwater Ale sounds mighty fine!"
badams30 wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:22 pm
"If I heard you correctly, you are looking for some work, is that so? I assume you are adventurers, by the look of you. If that's the case, I might have something you could help me with." He pauses and says "Muriel, bring these fine folks some pies and ale. I've got this." He presses some coins into her hand and smiles at her. She quickly pockets the coin and says "Well, meat pies and Sweetwater for everyone. Just a moment, please." And she strides off toward the bar and kitchen.
Xyla bows to the Constable. "Thank you for the meal and ale. I'm famished! So, how can I help you with your situation?"
tumblingdice wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:30 pm
Sorry, guys. Remy is a bit full of himself, among other things.
:lol: :lol:

Two-Handed Sword Adventurer
+1 Initiative
+ HP: 10
+ AC: 4
+ To Hit: +4/+4 (w/Weapon Mastery- TwoHanded Sword).
+ Bolts = 20
Light Crossbow Range & "To Hit" Modifiers: S:60'(+2)|M:120'(+1)|L:180'(-1)
Target priority: imminent danger (self or companion), then the target most injured.
When possible, Xyla will always try to retrieve previously fired crossbow bolts/quarrels.

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by jcftao »

Brother Quisby laughs and pats Remy on the back, "The only indulgences given today, appear to be our kind benefactor! You'll need to do your sinning ahead of time, my friend. As much as I enjoy food and drink, I'll not wish to lose Pelor's favor. Just be kind to women and children, give alms to the poor, and drink your beer. That's one way of keeping in Pelor's good graces, no?"

Quisby turns his attention to the serving girl and smiles. He shows two fingers, points to himself and nods his head, "It's been a long voyage, my child, and my belly is as empty as last night's keg!"

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by badams30 »

To constable waits till everyone has some food and drink in front of them before he starts talking. Your host Muriel brings out steaming meat pies and overfull tankards of some of the best ale you've ever had. Everyone is momentarily quiet as you fill your bellies with some good food. The constable grins and says "Excellent. Eat your fill. If you want more, just ask."

He continues "Now then, as you can see, our little town here exists because of the port. In case you didn't know, the Deepsea ain't so deep around the coast. It's pretty shallow, and has lots of reefs and obstructions that make it quite tricky to get in and out of here. That's why you'll only see smaller draft boats around here. If anything larger than a sloop or schooner comes in here, it has to drop anchor offshore and have cargo ferried to it. So most of the lumber and all the goods from the East side of the Reaches goes through here. We get goods and riches via caravan as well, they come in from the other towns and villages, and they get warehoused and eventually loaded up on a boat to who knows where."

"The last several caravans from Fair Bluff, the next village to the west, have reported being accosted by bandits while at rest about one or two days away from here, depending on how you travel. It's a bit odd, you'd think they'd be a bit sneaky about it, but almost every caravan through has encountered these roadside ruffians. There are several areas along the Dukes Road where you can pull off the track and camp for the night, and this seems to be happening at the same campsite every time." He describes the location (southern part of hex 14,12, adjacent the woods, next to the road) "It happens the same way every time, as the caravan settles in for dinner, the crooks sneak in to pilfer from the unattended wagons. The first couple times no one caught on till they got here and noticed some goods missing. Then the third time an alert watchman saw someone helping themselves to some trade goods, but he couldn't catch them. It kept happening, nothing of real consequence has been stolen, but about 10 days ago, one of the caravan guards was found with his throat slit, and a few sacks of the Duke's coin was missing." He thumps his fist angrily on the table and says "It'll be a cold day before I'll let someone get murdered on their way here and no one answers for it. My garrison is stretched thin, I've only got a dozen men here at the moment, the rest are between Fair Bluff and the fort. I can't spare anyone, and there's another caravan due here in three days. That leaves you, uh I mean me, only a day to get someone on their way to sort this out."

He sighs and says "You're a capable looking lot, but there aren't many of you. There's another fella staying here that I'v'e approached and he was eager to help, but he said he needed a some folks to travel with on account that he's not too handy with a sword. He can join you. I'm afraid that's all the manpower I've been able to muster. I want these people brought to justice. But at the very least, I don't want any more bloodshed, unless it's these crooks. I'd prefer that they're captured and returned to us for questioning and whatnot. But if they won't come peacefully, do what you must. Either way, we want them OR their remains as evidence."

He pauses for a long drink from his tankard and then says "With this damned fort being built, they've taken a bunch of my men AND horses. I don't have enough horses for all of you, but I can spare two horses and a wagon, that should help you get there in good time. I may be able to get you a few supplies - nothing fancy, but some rope, rations, torches, that sort of thing, if you need it. Oh, I almost forgot - I'll pay you 25 gold each if you go, meet the caravan and encounter nothing, returning with the caravan. I'll pay you 50 gold each if you run into these thugs, plus 25 gold for each body you bring back. And if you should be able to capture these fiends, I'll pay you each 100 gold, and 50 gold for each prisoner. The horse and wagon need to be returned to me as good as I gave them to you, you can keep the supplies, and anything you find, with the exception of any coin or property that is clearly that of the Duke. If you recover the missing bags of coin, we'll reward you accordingly." He exhales loudly and says "That was a lot to take in. Sorry. So what do you think? We'd be indebted to you all if you could help us out."

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Re: Chapter 1: Arrival at Deepwater

Post by merias »

The Constable has Delth's attention at the mention of the reward.

"Well, I can only speak for myself, but I am ready and willing to help this fine town that has already provided me with so much..."

"What say you?" Delth asks, looking at his three companions.

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