Background, Campaign Notes:

A White Box FMAG Sandbox
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Background, Campaign Notes:

Post by badams30 »


This campaign is a small sandbox. The sandox area is the wilderness area of a small, established kingdom. The PCs are new to the area, recently arriving and heading north based on some rumors of adventure and potential riches. Much of this area has evidence of an old, long lost civilization. Monsters aren't common, and when they rear their heads, it is a sensational development. Adventurers are rare, and as such they are objects of curiosity and awe, and when they do something benevolent for the general populace, they are usually accorded a semi-celebrity status. The realm is in a period of prosperity and general peace, and the citizens are blissfully unaware of anything going out outside their local borders.

You have recently arrived at the city of Hollivers Gap after a trek northward from the capitol and coast. You've all received the same general guidance that while things are peaceful, there is opportunity for adventure in the frontier.

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Re: Background, Campaign Notes:

Post by badams30 »

Core Pantheon:

Good & Lawful Deities:
Avandra - Goddess of Change, Luck and Travel. Patron of Halflings. (3 parallel wavy lines)
Tyr - God of Law & Justice (War hammer w/ scales atop it)
Moradin - God of Family, Community and Creation (as in smithing). Patron of Dwarves (Anvil with flame on top)
Pelor - God of Sun, Agriculture and Time. (Radient sun)

Unaligned Deities:
Corellon - God of Beauty, Art, Magic and the Fey (Silver star on a blue field)
Erathis - Goddess of Civilization, Inventions and Law. (Blue gear with star inside it)
Kord - God of Storms, Battle and Strength. (Cloud with lightning)
Melora - Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and the Sea (Spiral wave crest)

Evil Deities:
Asmodeus - God of Tyranny and Domination. Lord of Devils. (Red pentagram)
Bane - God of tyranny. (Black gauntleted fist)
Torog - God of the Underdark. Patron of Jailors and Torturers (3 clawed hands emanating from a black void)
Vecna - God of the Undead and Necromancy. Lord of Secrets (eye in the palm of a withered hand)
Zehir - God of Darkness and Poison. Favoured Deity of the Yuan-Ti and Patron of Assassins (Serpent staff)

If you don't see a deity here that interests you, make up and one and fire it at me!

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