To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by merias »

Magremore wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:51 pm
Bel'xor agrees with Schmidt about the probable nature of the chest. Bel'xor (and Wennic) will begin conducting a search of the rest of the room, particularly the area (floor and walls) between the chest and the altar.
You don't notice anything unusual about the floor in that area. A closer look at the altar reveals it is of black marble, 8 feet across and 5 feet high, with stone steps giving access to a large bowl on the top surface. The top surface is silver rune-carved and the large bowl on top is stained with a dark substance, perhaps blood. There is a curved dagger next to the bowl.

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by JimboJimbo »

Guthry moves carefully toward the altar, tap-tap-tapping the ground with his staff.

"There's coin on the corpse too. It doesn't appear to be an active one," he calls over to Phelim.

At the altar, he inspects the knife (without touching it if his Wisdom will allow, picking it up if he's too incautious to think of the consequences) and attempts to read the runic script etched into the shrine's surface.

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by merias »

JimboJimbo wrote:
Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:36 am
At the altar, he inspects the knife (without touching it if his Wisdom will allow, picking it up if he's too incautious to think of the consequences) and attempts to read the runic script etched into the shrine's surface.
Decisions are your own (unless magically or otherwise compelled), so you can decide whether or not to pick up the dagger based on how you want to roleplay your PC :).

Although he cannot read them, he would recognize the runes as the language of chaos. He feels uneasy just standing near the writing, like his hair is standing on end.

You all would know that alignment languages are spoken by clerics as part of ritual, but not generally known by others.

The dagger has an untarnished silver blade and an amber handle. The bowl and surface atop the altar is stained with a dark substance, perhaps dried blood. Now that you are closer, you can see remnants of a rotted tapestry behind the altar, on the floor (there is room for you to walk behind the altar should you choose to).


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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by rredmond »

Trying to see if the greenish light makes him feel worse, the longer he stays, or the further he goes into, the room, Schmidt moves up to the altar to give it a look. I'm guessing I can't read chaotic :) but taking a peek anyway.
Holy Schmidt He swears by his pretty floral bonnet...
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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by Magremore »

Phelim seems like a standup guy and all, but he is a thief, ;-) so Bel'xor and Wennic will head over to the pile of bones to fish out those glittering bits that Guthry spotted so they can be added to the party loot. B&W will be careful not to make any contact with the chest or the overflowing gold from that.

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by JimboJimbo »

Guthry curiosity gets the better of him. He picks up the ritual dagger for a closer inspection. He looks at the bowl, back to the blade, shrugs his shoulders and sticks the dagger in his belt for safe-keeping. He walks around to the tapestry (incautiously, he's too busy investigating) and inspects the wall hanging, trying to spot any images in the fabric.

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by Attronarch »

Phelim snaps out of his stupor and agrees to investigate the innocuously looking chest.

He approaches it carefully, and then prods it with the blunt edge his spear.

If nothing happens, he will take a deep sniff.

Should nothing alarm him, he will rub his eyes, just to be sure he really sees a pile of coins!

If they are still there, he will poke them with spear and try moving them around, like he would swirl gruel with spoon.

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by merias »

Trying to see if the greenish light makes him feel worse, the longer he stays, or the further he goes into, the room, Schmidt moves up to the altar to give it a look. I'm guessing I can't read chaotic :) but taking a peek anyway.
As Schmidt moves closer to the altar, he definitely feels more uneasy than before. He glances at the runes and screams. Guthry, who is nearby, notices a look of abject fear on Shmidt's face. Schmidt turns and runs east and north towards the door (towards Bel'xor and Wennic), gripping his flail tightly. [PM sent].
Phelim seems like a standup guy and all, but he is a thief, ;-) so Bel'xor and Wennic will head over to the pile of bones to fish out those glittering bits that Guthry spotted so they can be added to the party loot. B&W will be careful not to make any contact with the chest or the overflowing gold from that.
Disturbing the bones makes the smell even worse, but B&W manage to scavenge a handful of silver and gold coins (24sp, 16gp), as well as a jewelled necklace.
Guthry curiosity gets the better of him. He picks up the ritual dagger for a closer inspection. He looks at the bowl, back to the blade, shrugs his shoulders and sticks the dagger in his belt for safe-keeping. He walks around to the tapestry (incautiously, he's too busy investigating) and inspects the wall hanging, trying to spot any images in the fabric.
Guthry examines the dagger [PM sent]. The bits of tapestry are of dark colors and too far gone to piece together a coherent scene. However, Guthry notices that where the floor meets the wall behind the altar is a small handle with one end attached to the wall. It looks like it might be rotated or pulled out - you are not sure which.
Phelim snaps out of his stupor and agrees to investigate the innocuously looking chest.
He approaches it carefully, and then prods it with the blunt edge his spear.
Phelim approaches the chest, blunt end of his spear taking the lead. When he gets close he notices his spear meets air - the chest is an illusion! At the same time, he hears a loud "click" and the floor gives way under him! He hits the floor 10' below, noting a sharp pain in his left ankle. To make matters worse, across from him a human-sized skeleton rises, a rusted dagger in its bony hand.

The ankle is just flavor for the 1hp of damage, it won't have any lasting effects



Phelim is wounded and facing a skeleton at the bottom of a 10' pit.
Schmidt is fleeing the room in terror.

Code: Select all

|Name      |HP        |
|Wennic    |3/3       |
|Bel'xor   |7/9       |
|Phelim    |3/4       |
|Guthry    |5/5       |
|Schmidt   |5/6       |
Schmidt d20-2 save vs. magic = 9 FAIL, drops weapon 1-2 in 6: d6 = 5 so no, he keeps his weapon as he flees the room (d6 = 5, so he flees to the east, towards the bone pile).

Phelim notes that he is approaching carefully, so we'll give him a 2 in 6 chance to notice something is amiss with the floor (d6 = 4), so no, he does not notice anything.
Does Phelim trigger the pit trap (standard 1-2 in 6 chance)? d6 = 1 YES.
10' pit: 1d6 = 1 dmg

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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by rredmond »

Schmidt: [cold sweat mixes with exertion sweat] :shock:
Holy Schmidt He swears by his pretty floral bonnet...
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Re: To the Ravenwood - Delve #1

Post by Attronarch »

How far is the skeleton from Phelim? If he is far enough Phelim will take a shot. Otherwise he will spear it.

"Schmidt! Schmidt! Shine your Holy Light down this accursed hole! Schmiiiiiiiidt!!!"
