Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by jcftao »

Otis stares deeply into the large mirror and sees a faint glow, almost as if a lone firefly were hovering about his periphery.

The glow increases and the light draws near. It is not a firefly, but a woman. She is dressed in flowing white silk. Her hair is long and black. It is a stark contrast to her alabaster skin. She approaches carring an oil lamp which casts a warm yellow glow.

"I sensed your presence, O' Viewer. I shall admit I perchance thought it be the queen. I cannot lie and say that I am relieved it is not."

"By what name are you called, Sir Knight?"

"My name is καθρέφτης is hard to pronounce so you may call me Katherine. Look into my face and I shall reveal what you ask...but be warned, the reflection which you see is not illusion nor is the naked truth. Ask no question of me that you are not prepare to see the truth."

Otis sees a beautiful young woman and he feels a sadness in her.

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by badams30 »

Otis - Fighter

Otis is mesmerized by the mirror and the beauty of the woman in it. He says quietly "I'm Otis, Otis of Guyre. It's nice to meet you Katherine. You don't like the queen? She's my best friend. She says that, but she laughs at me. My friends and I are in trouble. We're not from here. Can you tell me how I can get us home or what I can do to help us?"
(if he can ask more than one question of her, he'll ask:)
What are you? Why are you sad? And why are you in this mirror? Can I get you out of here? How?
Why don't you like the queen?

THat's all Otis can think of at the moment, but his mind is racing.

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by jcftao »

"Sir Otis of Guyre, I am your humble servant."

"Sir Otis, I shall only tell you the truth. Queen Titania is not your friend. She has put you under a dark spell which makes you think so.

If you tell me no lies, I will help you...

You must leave here at once with your friends. Each night you remain in this realm, a little part of your memory will disapear.

I have lost favor with the queen. She is no longer interested in the truth and has stopped asking my counsel.

Regardless of liking the queen or not, I must answer any question she puts forth. She has put me in this dark room and left me here alone. This is why I am most sad. My life has no purpose. Wouldst that you take me with you, I shall be useful once again. It may spell my doom, for though my knowledge is vast, my form is brittle.

Before you decide, Sir Knight, I shall release you from your enchantment," Katherine waves her hand towards Otis and he feels the fog lift from his brain. The queen's spell has ended.


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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by badams30 »

Otis - Fighter

Freed from the Queen's spell, Otis feels invigorated... and ANGRY. But he points at the mirror and says "Thank you, I feel better now. And I promise you that I'll take you from this nasty place to somewhere you can be happy. I never leave my friends, and you're my friend now." Otis paces about for a minute and says sadly "I'm not a very smart man, my friends are so much smarter than me, they'd know the right answer here."

Otis collects himself and says "Miss Katherine, can you tell me where my friends are at right now? And do you know just how we can get home? Is the path in this castle? And how many people would we have to fight in this place?"

Otis mumbles "Everybody thinks I'm stupid... maybe if that mean ol' Queen thinks I'm still under her mean ol' spell... I might be able to fool em..."

QUESTION: How big is this mirror? About how heavy?

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by jcftao »

Katherine's eyes light up at the thought of leaving the keep, "Not everyone thinks you are stupid, Sir Knight. Intelligence is fine, but you have the strength of loyalty. Whomever is fortunate to be called your friend, will have a gift far greater than any king or queen could bestow."

"Your friends are near, seek one high and one low, but avoid the Queen at all costs. You cannot fool her with pretense."

"The Queen will not be happy to hear you have spoken with me. She is powerful and will jealously guard her possessions."

Otis looks at the mirror. It is approximately 3' x 6' and heavy for one person, but Otis is quite strong, so it will be unwieldy but he could carry it.


Current Status of the PCs
Erwin hp 5/8
Bengar hp 2/7
Fungo hp 5/9 (twice beaten...about 50/50 subdual and real damage)
Attercop hp 6/13
Moonglimmer hp 5/7
Otis hp 11/11 No longer charmed!
Bizenghast hp 7/7
Susanna hp 7/7

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by badams30 »

Otis - Fighter

Suddenly Otis feels a surge of confidence. He says to Katherine "I promise I'll get you out of here. Let me go get Erwin and Fungo, then I'll come back and get you before we leave here. I promise. Can you tell me how to get to Fungo? And is there a way out of this big ol' place that we can sneak out of without being seen?"

OOC: Otis will make way to Erwin, the plan is to see if he's just with his guard. If it's just the guard, Otis will walk in like he has a question or something, then he'll close the door and attack the guard, calling for Erwin as he does. Hoping the commotion of the party will cover any errant noise.

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by tumblingdice »

Bengar, not sure what to say, nods in agreement at Guyot's reply to Bizenghast.

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by jcftao »

Katherine tells Otis the secrets of the Keep, "There are many guards within the Keep, Sir Knight. Many more than even you can fight. To leave the Keep you may exit through the main entrance in the great hall, the northwest tower connected to the kitchen, or through a secret door under the stairs that lead to the King and Queen's private chambers. I used to hang on wall in the Queen's study until she grew tired of me."

"There are always many guards and people in the great hall and the northwest tower always has a watch set of a half dozen guards or so. The hallway to the King's chambers is guarded by two guards at all times. Under the stairs is a small doorway that leads to the courtyard. There is a tower nearby that has an outside door which is hidden. The King keeps the tower door locked and the key on his person."

"Another way out of the Keep is to climb down from a window in the tall tower, but that has its own dangers. Guards may see a climber and shoot them with crossbows."

"Your friend, the hobbit, is in the dungeon underneath the tall tower. He may not be guarded well, but guarded no doubt."

"It looks quite hopeless, Sir Knight. How can you rescue your friends and carry me with you?", Katherine looks crestfallen.

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by mythictom »

jcftao wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 5:54 am
Moonglimmer is overwhelmed by the singing and dancing. The song they sing doesn't seem familiar to her, but the experience makes her long for her tribe's song. She tries hard to remember even just a hint of it but cannot. When she first touched the standing stone, she had a brief moment of clarity. Now it is as if it were just a dream.
At this realiation, Moonglimmer spins off from the dancing throng, stopping, still, as she tries to remember.

Off to the side, the elf spies her friends, so she wanders over with a frown.

"I am glad you found us, Susanna," she will say to the warrior.

"I think we need to find a way to get the others before we all stray."

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Re: Chapter 6 ~ The Party's Over

Post by badams30 »

Otis - Fighter

Otis nods as he absorbs all the info about the place and possible escape points. He smiles at Katherine and says "Don't you worry - I ain't gonna leave you, you have my word. If you get stuck here, I'll be stuck here with you, that's a promise. I'm going to leave and go get my friend Erwin, then I'll get you and MIster Fungo, and we'll get out of here. Don't worry, my friends are really smart and when we work together, you can't stop us."

Question: so I'm assuming we have to go UP to Erwin's room, then DOWN to Fungo? If that's the case, Otis will head to Erwin's room (as described before, the intent is to engage the guard by surprise, call to Erwin and hopefully defeat the guard with no commotion raised.) Then head to Fungo's location to free him. If the mirror is on the way to Fungo, we'll grab it, or we'll wait till we have Fungo - maybe he can pick the lock on the tower exit. At any rate, we need to get out unseen and with our new fragile friend....

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