The Blowing Sands [1]

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The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by connivingsumo »

Days ago your group of adventurers joined a desert caravan. Halfway across the desert a terrible sandstorm struck separating your party from the rest of the caravan. When the storm died down, you found you were alone. The caravan was nowhere in sight. The desert was unrecognizable as the dunes had been blown into new patterns. Breathtaking, Leviathan sized sand dunes surround you where the day before it was virtually flat. You're lost.

You headed east the same way the caravan was headed before the storm. Days passed. Your mounts died and you soon drank the last of your water. The end of the desert was no where in sight. The second day after your water ran out, you stumbled upon a number of stone blocks sticking out of a sand dune. Investigation showed that the sand covered the remains of a tall stone wall, and on the other side of the stone wall was a ruined city.

The stone blocks of the city had toppled and cracked with the passing of time. Sand had covered most of the buildings. The stones that remained uncovered had been scoured smooth by the blowing sands. In the center of the city towered a step-pyramid. It had five step-like tiers, each 20' high. The bottom-most tier was almost completely covered with sand. On top of the highest tier were three 30' tall statues.

The statue on the left was of a strong, bearded man holding a balance in one hand and a lightning bolt in the other. The middle statue was of a winged child with two snakes twined about its body. The child held a wand in one hand and a handful of coins in the other. The statue on the right was of a beautiful woman. In her hands she held a sheaf of wheat and a sword.

On the south side of the pyramid a ramp with stairs led from the ground to the top of the highest tier. A quick search of the ruins revealed no source of food or water, so you decided to climb the pyramid. In the side of the ramp, level with the floor of the top tier, you found a secret door...

Marching Order & Actions?

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by greyarea »

Kung Fu Jim will search the secret door for traps. If he finds some he will attempt to disarm, otherwise he will open the door.

He likes to take point.

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by badams30 »

Badobus McKnuckles - Grizzled Dwarf Fighter

Badobus growls under his breath as he trudges through the sand toward the stonework. Seeing Jim heading toward the door he shouts "Watch out! Be careful, won't you? I'm thirsty, tired and and not wantin' to be carrying your injured arse about this place. Heck, I might eat ya as opposed to cartin' you around." He sighs loudly and mumbles to no one in particular as he climbs the steps to catch up with Jim "no matter anyway... we're all gonna die out here. Should have listened to my fellas and stayed put, but oh no, why would I do that? How DID I get into this mess anyway... damn sand.... son of a b$&%^....."

OOC: He climbs to catch up with Jim and keeps a watchful eye as the monk does his thing. As for marching order, he is fine bringing up the rear if needed. Although he does have infra vision, which might be useful in scouting...

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by tumblingdice »

Grarsh - (incomplete) half-orc cleric

Grarsh--who is happy to be behind Kung Fu Jim, in front of Tenebrous, and as far away from Badobus as humanly (half-humanly?) possible--rolls his eyes at the dwarf's grumbling. If we ever get out of this mess alive, he growls to Badobus, remind me to kill you. Panting from exhaustion and thirst, he watches Kung Fu Jim with detachment.

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by connivingsumo »

Jim approaches the secret door. He keenly observes that though it is well hidden, it is slightly ajar. Upon further inspection he does identify what looks to be a trap!

However, this trap has already been sprung!! Wisely, KFJ stands aside and slowly pushes the door open a bit wider. Laying on the floor in a pool of blood is a familiar shape, but there's an arrow through his neck sticking out both sides, and to the right another arrow broken on the floor. The Monk quickly deduces this must've been the trap.

The shape on the floor is humanoid. Upon further inspection you recognize him as Rabbo, one of your travelling companions from the caravan. You notice piled upon, sprawled out on the floor, and tucked under the corpse several supplies that belonged to the caravan; furthermore, you see items that belonged to other travelers! Perhaps Rabbo got what he deserved?

Beyond the fresh corpse, you see a passage that is roughly 10' wide, and continues approximately 20' before turning to the Left.


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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by greyarea »

Jim says, As Teacher say: “Man who steal from friends pain in neck.”

KFJ checks the body for traps. If it is clear he will help the others loot the body and hopefully get something to drink. He tries to determine how long he’s been dead as well.

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by badams30 »

Badobus - Dwarf FIghter

Badobus carefully makes his way to the body. He snorts upon seeing who it is. "FFFFFFT! That'll learn him. Scoundrel. Didn't like the looks of him anyway. Does he have any water? I'm parched. And hungry. Don't tell me he ain't got nothin, he's as worthless in death as he was in life."
Badobus is silent for a moment and then shakes his head at the situation. "Well, like I said. We're fixin' to die. And unless we can squeeze water from this here rock, we're STILL gonna die."

He grumbles and mumbles, walking about 5 feet ahead down the hall where he pauses to listen...

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by connivingsumo »

The body is searched for traps and there are none; for the trap, all that is found is the pressure plate this poor fool stepped on, which seemed to shoot an arrow from both the left and right walls upon entry.

All of the water flasks he took, or stole, are piled on top of him. Additionally there are dozens of other items from the caravan. The body is cold and stiff. Based on the rigor mortis, he could be dead from a few hours ago to several days ago; however, the blood is still wet/not dried up.

I'll list the exact count of the supplies found in a new LOOT thread. I also won't go too far forward without hearing from Steve & John.

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by greyarea »

Jim drinks deeply from one of the flasks after handing other flasks to his companions.

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Re: The Blowing Sands [1]

Post by badams30 »

Badobus - Dwarf Fighter

Badobus quietly makes his way back to the others and takes a flask, quickly removing the cap and taking a long drink, enough to fill his mouth with water. He pauses, savoring the water, and momentarily wondering if it's poisoned, then he shrugs and swallows it with a long sigh of relief. He starts to lift the flask to take another drink, but pauses and mumbles "That wouldn't do no good to drink all this now, would it. Harummmph." He offers the flask to anyone else who wants one, and if no takers, he stuffs it in his pack.

He says quietly, "well, at least we're out of the sun now. What is this place, anyway?" Using his dwarven sense for stonework, he'll spend a few moments checking for any secret doors or abnormalities about the room.

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