The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Valdus' White Box FMAG Game
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The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by Valdus »

Vermin & Pests in Riverbend


Everything about living in a village and being a farmer is about vermin and pests. Mice eat grain-stores. Rabbits eat fruits and vegetables. Bugs eat the leaves right off the stalks. Goblins and wolves, orcs and bugbears slip away with the villagers.

Those last ones are really hard to get rid of.

The village of Riverbend was once a paradise of products- fruits, vegetables, grains and livestock (and just about everythign you can make with them- from meat pies to loaves of break) all fed the large city of Rilun to the Southeast. It stood at the gates of a vast agricultural machinery.

Something the two-legged vermin and pests have recently discovered.

Being farmers or villagers turned adventurers is no easy task and it is a constant theme of discussion at the gatherings around the Old Point Tavern and Mutton Shoppe.

It seems the ale has gotten to many, and thus many now want to go and stomp out the vermin and pests vomiting out of a cavern which the majority now call a 'lair'

Your PC's find themselves at the Old Point as couragous voices begin to plan a cleaning out of the nearby Goblin Lair. Being filled with the wonderful native ale, ya'll may also be one of those voices. What would the conversation, what would the actions of these villagers turned adventurers be like?

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Re: Vermin & Pests in Riverbend

Post by JimboJimbo »

Ray Sun A young halfling, hair cropped close to his scalp and large feet shaved clean, scampers onto a table. Thick amber mead sloshes from the over-sized mug clutched in his hand. He takes a pull on the flagon, drags an arm across his face to clean his lips, then delviers a loud belch.

"Like my old grand pappy Yawinnen Sun, may the warm soil comfort his bones, used to say; the only thing that stinks worse than human kids is a goblin, so let's get out there and drive these vermin from our borders!"

he takes another pull of his flagon, over-balances and topples to the floor in a mewling heap.

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Re: Vermin & Pests in Riverbend

Post by Valdus »

The halfling rolls into the crowd; hitting a few customers and splashing several tables with ale, mutton juice and other unidentifiable liquids. The crowd rolls in laughter, and moreso, enthusiasm.

"Kill the goblins like rats!" an old lady suddenly screams from the back of the Shoppe, spitting a bit of tobacco onto the floor.

The tankards are thrown up and flown across the room. It is a scene of both enthusiasm and anger. Somewhere in the back of the common-room someone raises a pitchfork- a mutton chop impaled on it.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by jcftao »

Cider Dorfen looks into his mug and wonders how courageous this lot will be when the ale wears off?

He pats his coin purse and sighs. Perhaps he should wait until the day after these commoners make an assault on the goblin-kin lair?
The goblin bounty will go through the roof after these turnip brained villagers figure out it ain't so easy fighting goblins when you're armed with pitchforks!

Cider keeps an eye on the locals and is wondering about that halfling fellow who raised his voice with them. Shaved his feet, has he? Must be going through some kind o' phase, he guesses. Probably a good story there, but Cider will let the tavern settle down before asking the halfling.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by badams30 »

Howard the Farmer

Howard slowly nurses his ale as he watches the spectacle unfold. He chuckles at the boisterous halfling and cringes a bit at the increasing level of chaos within the establishment. I can't tackle these creatures myself, but a few of us together... now that's something else... While I don't like em' goblins ain't done nothin' to me, but where there's gobs there be treasure. This could turn my fortunes around. Hmmm...

He waits till things cool down a bit, and he surveys the scene to see how many patrons have stepped up to go find goblins. He'll join any group that forms.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by JimboJimbo »

Ray Sun

Drunk as a lord the shaved halfling leaps to his feet. He snatches a mutton chop from a fellow reveller's plate. He bites deep, tearing off a chunk and chewing it down before tossing it at the already be-steaked pitchfork.

"Cousin," he slurs, shaking his flagon at another halfling in the bar, "are we not a stalwart and sturdy folk? Is it not our duty to live up long-passed heroes such as my grandpappy Yawninen Sun? Come cousin, buckle your sword, pack your lunch, and head with me into a land of goblins and treasure!"

Ray Sun empties his over-sized mug in one long pull, issues a belch that rattles the rafters then pitches face-first to the tavern floor.

"at day break," he appends before issuing glorious snores.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by badams30 »

Howard the Farmer

Howard watches the drunken halfling approach the other halfling, he briefly wonders if they're related. He overhears their exchange and sees his chance, rising from the table and slowly approaching the two halflings.

"I beg your pardon, fellers. I couldn't help but hear you talking about going after them goblins everyone's been talking about. Well, I'm pretty handy with an axe, and I'd be up for helping you sort this out, if you're looking for another person to join youse. My name's Howard, by the way. They all call me Howard the Farmer, on account that I'm a farmer." He chuckles a bit at his poor attempt at humor...

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by JimboJimbo »

Ray Sun turns to face the new-comer, cranes his neck to meet the human's gaze.

"Yes," he says, wiping dribble and beer from his chin, "you'll do nicely. I'm Ray, Ray Sun, grand son of Yewinnen. It'll be a pleasure to spend blood and gold at your side."

Ray gives a deep bow, almost falling to his face.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by Valdus »

A strange thing happens at The Old Point and Mutton Shoppe. The conversations between three become the focal point of drowsy observation. The slack-jawed drunks watching from the tables, eaten mutton and utterly entertained by those three. The Farmer, and the two halflings.

"Brave and humble."
"Humble and Brave."
"Good that they will save us all."
"I wonder if they will find my wife."
"I heard there is treasure there..."

"Treasure!" one horse voice says from behind a mound of tankards and mutton bones. "I can almost smell it from here I can, if they be treasure they be C'ang."

A most stout dwarf, with firey mane and armored like a war-horse, steps from behind the table. He speaks from braided and oiled mustache and beard. "I will join ye in this run of the lair- Name's C'ang of Derr'Thorn and this here is my axe."

As if a very sentient companion of war, the dwarf introduces the Axe, a gorgeous gleaming, braided and twisted, thing stacked with runes. it seems to draw light to it.

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Re: The Old Point Tavern & Mutton Shoppe

Post by JimboJimbo »

Ray Sun salutes the dwarf, forgetting he still holds a tankard in his hand.

"A quartet! Four heroic souls! The number of toes on old Yawinen's left foot! This is truly a great omen!"

Ray bows low again, bracing his tankard against wooden puncheons to avoid another fall.

"It is an honour, mighty son of the mountain's heart. I am Ray Sun. This is Howard the farmer, a man of mighty humour and mightier hams. My cousin is ... well .. obviously a touch shy and yet to introduce himself, but a fine man-of-arms none the less!"

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